The Breakdown: Pfizer CEO reacts after COVID vaccine receives full FDA approval – Car Mod Pros Portal

Plus, President Joe Biden urges the private sector to step up vaccine requirements and Afghan refugees arrive in the U.S.


By carmodpros


48 thoughts on “The Breakdown: Pfizer CEO reacts after COVID vaccine receives full FDA approval”
  1. How do you sleep at night…..stop the lies….it’s still only for emergency use…read the bottle…..the CEO doesn’t take the shot himself and he won’t….do u know why????? I do!

    – SERIOUSLY, WTF !!???
    – WAKE THE FUQQ UP PEOPLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. CEO is happy because He's seeing dollar signs. I care about testing(this is a new technology only 2 years old) not approval by a coruptable FDA. People go from working in the FDA to the drug companies. That should be illegal! What is the approval process? This is a way to force the flu shot yearly for all adults. Since some of the past flu shots were Corona viruses. We need to go against this with everything in our being.

  4. Revelation 21:8
    But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.”

  5. First you get the metals injected in your body to fight the covid. Then you do it again, to make sure it worked. Then 5 months later you do it again because they found out it didn't work. Next you start the Pfizer approved chemotherapy to combat the cancer you got from taking the shots. Then when you are done with the chemotherapy you get the vaccines again and rinse and repeat. I love living in a free country.

  6. YouTube, this video is in violation of your policy regarding Medical Misinformation. By allowing this video to remain up you are exposing yourself and your members to possible litigation. Should anyone use this as medical advice and take the vaccine, suffer severe adverse reaction, you will be legally responsible. One call to Pfizer Customer Service number clearly indicates that the vaccine has not been approved.

  7. It’s approved but still “…we don’t know…”

  8. sick fkers!!! they have a new variant predicted for every month from now on through all of 2022 ! Some idiots will succumb to a vaccine every fkn month ! Wake up and don't take the DEATH JAB.

  9. I didn't get to watch it all but I was reading some of the comments did anybody noticed if he got the vaccine yet? Being the CEO he never got the vaccine and he said on news that he would get it once it was approved but he would give it to his family first. That to me says a lot if the CEO isn't willing to get his own shot. So question is did he get it?

  10. Why won't YouTube let me post anything about the PFIZER customer support number? Hiding something? Call it, option 1, then whatever option it offers, LISTEN. Eight hundred – eight seven nine – three four seven seven.

  11. GOVERNMENT AND CORPORATE CORRUPTION AT ITS WORST!! It has historically taken between 7 and 13 years to get a vaccine green-lighted by the FDA. They
    actually expect us to believe they fully tested this in just 8 months. That how STUPID they think we are. We have absolutely no idea what the long-term
    side-effects may be from these (so called) vaccines……which obviously DO NOT WORK!! But hey, BIG PHARMA, the most well-lobbied special interest in
    Washington needs to make more money, so YOUR HEALTH BE DAMNED!! The FDA has thrown away any credibility it may have had.

  12. People please pay very close attention to this video!!! Especially when the ceo of Pfizer ends his conversation, Look very close at his neck area!! Somebody PLEASE tell me what is that???

  13. BAIT & SWITCH!!!

    "Comirnaty" is FDA approved.
    "Comirnaty" is not manufactured.

    "Pfizer/BioNTech" is EUA only. Pfizer/BioNTech is available.

    The FDA approval of the Biologics License Application (BLA) is actually in regards to the Comirnaty vaccine that is “substantially similar, but not necessarily identical,” and has yet to be manufactured.

    "It’s [Comirnaty] absolutely not available. So, the little trick that they’ve done here is, they have issued two separate letters for two separate vaccines. The Pfizer vaccine which is what is currently available, is still under emergency use authorization.” – Dr. Robert Malone

    The FDA deceptively sent out two letters regarding the separate jabs, confusing the public and aiding in the fake-news media’s manipulation.

    The Pfizer letter explains how, rather than granting full approval to both, they are extending the EUA so Pfizer’s vaccine can be supplied when there is ‘limited or no supply’ of the Comirnaty vaccine.

    From the Pfizer Letter:
    On August 23, 2021, having concluded that revising this EUA is appropriate to protect the public health or safety under section 564(g)(2) of the Act, FDA is reissuing the August 12, 2021 letter of authorization in its entirety with revisions incorporated to clarify that the EUA will remain in place for the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for the previously-authorized indication and uses, and to authorize use of COMIRNATY (COVID-19 Vaccine, mRNA) under this EUA for certain uses that are not included in the approved BLA.

    Comirnaty (BioNTech) is an almost identical product to the Pfizer vaccine, but differs in legality. Since the Comirnaty was given full FDA approval it assumes legal responsibilities that may arise, this differs from the Pfizer vaccine which is still listed under EUA providing them with legal immunity.

    So why not just get the FDA approved Comirnaty jab?

    Well first of all, it’s not available. Like mentioned above, the product has not been manufactured, and now with Pfizer being granted the extended EUA, they will still be using the Pfizer jab in place of the nonexistent Comirnaty shot.

    See the bait and switch there? This is all just a front to get you to take unapproved Pfizer shot, while shielding the company from legal responsibility.

    “It’s called Comirnaty… and its not yet available, they haven’t started manufacturing it or labeling it, and that’s the one that the liability waiver will no longer apply to. So the one that’s actually licensed is not yet available, and when it does become available it will no longer have the liability shield is the Pfizer product and that’s what is currently available – and its still under emergency use authorization.” – Dr. Malone added.

    If you are thinking of waiting for a fully approved Covid vaccine, don’t hold your breath…

    Why would Big Pharma spend the money to manufacture and distribute another vaccine, that could easily get them into legal trouble, when they can keep jabbing you with Pfizer shot that is legally protected? (Especially when the bootlicking media deceives the public by propagating it as being FDA approved.)

    “That [Emergency use authorization] will keep Pfizer indemnified because that’s something that Pfizer has been seeking in all of their worldwide contracts with other governments – is full indemnification. They will not sell you vaccine, unless you waive liability if you are a government head of state.”

    If you need another reason to hold off on the jab, look no further. According to the the COMIRNATY letter, multiple clinical studies that need to be conducted for full approval won’t be completed for up to five years. The FDA also acknowledges the increased risks of adverse reactions such as Myocarditis, requiring a 5 year follow up report from the company.

    YT censorship will not allow posted link, but go to Dr. Robert Malone MD site & download his analysis of the two FDA letters.


    EudraVigilence – European Database akin to VAERS

    Dr. Robert Malone…

    Dr. Peter McCullough…

    Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi…

    Dr. Charles Hoffe…

    Coercing people to take part in a medical experiment is an explicit violation of the NUREMBERG CODE.

    Pfizer CEO remains unvaccinated.

  14. If Prizer themselves predict that the virus has become resistant to their vaccine then what's the point of taking their shot, FDA or not, especially as it was produced for the Alpha/Beta, NOT for the current virus….

  15. Maybe they renamed the vaccine "Cominarty" because it's hard to pronounce. Maybe it's a test to find out more about how easily the general population is confused by obsfucation.

  16. Why you didn’t share that Pfizer is still under emergency use only with liability, and the approved Comintry vaccine is BioNtech with waves liability and not even in production yet????

  17. Pfuck Pfizer and the criminal FDA‼ Pfuck Fauci the liar commie.

  18. The Alphabet soup Organizations have approved a lot of helpful things over the years that they have deemed safe.
    Asbestos, and DDT, Monsanto's Agent Orange, also known as round up. Mercury, what vaccine could be complete without mercury, formaldehyde. is another safe ingredient. ask any dead man, and they will tell you that it makes your entire body feel as stiff as a Viagra. Fluoride brightens your teeth, never mind the fact that the USA has More tooth decay than 3rd world countries. and the fact that it causes cancer better than any thing else. if you're an American, then be proud, because we lead the world in cancer. These Vaccines for Covid are so safe and effective, They have to threaten people to get it. for a virus so deadly, that you have to be tested to know if you even have it. Every Virus in the History of viruses were always found in blood tests. Why is Covid any different? Don't Ask. You're not allowed to. If The Vaccines Kill people, then It's a really good thing, because There's a homeless crisis right now, and not to forget, a huge debt ceiling that wouldn't have to be paid back. a lot of social security money would sure help a lot with that. so do your part, and if you die, die proud. because your death will help all those in charge that just can't balance a budget. To all you trump Supporters, No Election Fraud. Trump Stepped Down. He was scared to do what he left Biden to do, After he set Up Big Pharma to help lower that nasty Co2 problem that we have. I read it somewhere not to be a cancer upon the earth. so just die a proud citizen. That's very important, because the Bible says, Pride always goes before a great fall. If you just Take the Vaccine, your body won't have to fight off viruses no more, your body won't ever be able to either, but that's okay, because there's plenty of booster shots on the way. just take one every three months and you're most likely going to be fine, unless your neighbor kills you with their perfect health….

  19. Good Luck with that. The speed is disturbing. Makes me even more suspicious. Don't trust them as far as I can throw them.
    Let's see. Vaccine rolled out in 8 months. Full approval in double quick time. Oh well let's go get em?
    Really? Dude if that's how you think it's gonna go. XXX

  20. If you can't sue than its not a cure…..meaning it can mess you up too🙄 but nobody want to talk about that one either

  21. Nope …. i said if the fda approved it on Biden's timeline, i can not trust it. The FDA said it could not be approved before 2 years if they follow proper regulations …. Biden said it would be approved by the end of August.

    2 +2 =4 is science
    2 +2 =5 is science fiction

    I trust the former, never the latter.

  22. Imagine a virus so deadly you have to take a test to know if you have it…

    And then Imagine a "vaccine" so desired, you have to be persuaded, threatened, fired, bribed and stalked to take it

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