The latest 2018 midterm election news.
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If you dont want your jobs then let them through. Youre a fucking moron if you think letting all them yhrough is a good idea. Citizens dont even have jobs how tf we goibg to give immigrants jobs.
I want to give hugs and/or handshakes to all the people trying to enter legally. I don't mind immigrants at all, so long as they get in the correct way. Half of my core family is immigrants and they entered legally many years ago. They have been productive, tax-paying citizens ever since. I have a good friend who is a legal immigrant and he also wishes that others would enter legally.
Get OUT AND VOTE! Bring people with you, your friends, family, neighbors. Leave no Republican behind!
Look what hate-speeching millions of Trump fans as; "racist-Hitlers" did:
R.I.P. to MILLIONS of TrumpHaters we no longer see in the streets
-race riots
-daily statue removals
-nation-wide ANTIFA riots
-school walkoutsÂÂÂÂ
-Black Lives Matter marches
-campus anti-free speech riots
-Occupy disruptionsÂÂÂÂ
-anti-Trump road blockadesÂÂÂÂ
-MeToo marches
-political correctness
-Kathy Griffin
-Mygan Kelly
-CNN viewers
-NFL fans
-Roseanne #2
Peace and unity at last!!!!!!!!!!!
The demonrats are shaking in their boots, with more black Americans and Latinos turning republican they’re not so sure of taking the house now. The fake news isn’t telling America the truth, they’re nothing but propaganda artists for the demonrats.
Why the Fck relate voting to migration? Desperate!!!!
Walls work! Build the wall! Support the men and women protecting America.
Cut the crap this is only one area of the workforce that simply just doesn't pay out a lot for the workers and I'm sure this is exactly the way the way the owners of the company would like to keep it especially being able to "feed the country" which means someone is getting a helluva profit at the expense of not paying the workers their TRUE WORTH,so cut the violin sad story here!!!
VOTE RED , Democrates is out of control'
Many of the caravan people left their women/men, children, elderly, fragile, and their small business. Sadly they don't care about the negative consequences they're willing to die, nothing to be proud of; their flag is their pride and joy, even when they become citizens of this country, and they sworn and pledged alliance to the USA flag. Congressmen and people in general should read about immigrants and borderlines in the bible.
ABC: "Orange Man Bad!!!" "Welcome Immigrants!!!" "Orange Man Bad!!!" "Welcome Immigrants!!!" "Orange Man Bad!!!" "Welcome Immigrants!!!" "Orange Man Bad!!!" "Welcome Immigrants!!!" "Orange Man Bad!!!" "Welcome Immigrants!!!" "Orange Man Bad!!!" "Welcome Immigrants!!!""Orange Man Bad!!!" "Welcome Immigrants!!!""Orange Man Bad!!!" "Welcome Immigrants!!!"
Wow! They might arrive in time to attempt to illegally vote too! We DON'T play that either.
Vote blue.
Flamethrowers work great against invaders.
Due in before Election Day is 50k foreign troops invading the US southern border. These are trained and untrained troops all prepared to be violent. Follow the money; who's paying them to walk the distance? Who is paying for their food, their lodging? Where are they getting the promises from and the money from to make the trip? This is an invasion, not sanctuary. If they can't fix there own country, they'll not be able to contribute to the United States!
We need to be compassion. I don't care how much it costs.
"There's no threat to Nation security"
Fuck off with that shit. 40000 third world people want to just walk into our country and they don't see a problem with that??? No. Fuck off. If they are truly desperate, they'd fix their own country. Not try to destroy ours
It's just pure hatred for Latinos (so STOP voting for them). The overwhelming majority work hard trying to make a living and send money back home. If that was a lie, then why did this Administration recently change the laws surrounding banking and sending money internationally? If you don't want to do the work, then why do you care who does? Especially if they are not committing crimes. Yes, target those who do AGRESSIVELY…..just like we do Scandinavians.
ABC telling yet more lies. We're on to you guys, with this heavy editing of migrant footage, in order to play down the involvement of left wing NGOs, and the true composition of the vast majority of this caravan.
Sad that the new wants you to be a sheep in accepting these people and turn your cheek and pretend that there is no danger and that everyone is coming with good attentions…. don't be sheeps
Here's my opinion on immigration. We have it too good here. The country is one giant Wal Mart shopping mall. I've driven trucks all over this country on and off for 19 years. Trump gets in and the world thinks we're having a Black Friday sale. Look at the goddamn lines to get in. Its THAT SIMPLE.
"de donde eres". Reporter doesnt even know how to speak politely in spanish.
Notice how ABC News didn't show all the Latinos and other minority voters in line at the Trump rally. Yeah, they don't show the diversity amongst the Republicans attending the event. #latinosfortrump #maga
Where do they think they are going??? some kind of promised land. THE US IS DYING, shriveling up and dying…. US will be just like the country they are running from real soon… Thanks to all these illegal people INVADING our country for far too long is why were are were we are. THIS IS WHY WE CANT HAVE NICE THINGS!!!
Of course, the open society foundation creates another invasion, build that wall now.
Put puff the magic dragon on border lay down few rounds problem solved
if only half of the countries population back at their mother country stood up and got rid of the idiots that are ruling it and ruining it !!! they wouldnt have had to leave !!!!
LINDA NEEDS TO HIRE AMERICANS. …how about that. Remember back in the 50’s when it was like that already? Yeah. I want to see what that was like. Im tired of competing with José for jobs in the country I was born.
democrats importing new voters
People shouldn’t judge illegals there are requirements to get papers u need skills and money which some people don’t have thats why they go to the United States
I crack up at the media, they try sooo hard to push their liberal agenda (although they swear up and down they are impartial) and when they try to cram their BS down the average citizen's throat, it backfires terribly (case and point, the last presidential election). They just don't get it, and like many of the "elite" they assume the people "below them" will just believe whatever bullshit they attempt to sell (that they call "journalism"). They are pathetic.
So many people from …. want to moving to America. Right? Why are you not live in your country? Go back where you belong.
When a country gets invated, they don't build a wall, they send the military to stop the invadors.
The troops military should wait until they start to pass the boarder and hit everyone who comes illegally with sleeping gas. Once asleep, we round them up and ship them back to Honduras. Hopefully they won't be so keen to do the whole journey again so soon.
Build the Wall, this a problem that Democrats created, they want to let in all illegals, it's nonstop.
Ummm they're not asylum seekers. Mexico isn't war torn.
Republicans all the way baby!!! These Migrants are waving flags from Countries that oppress them. Walk your dumb ass back . That pisses me off. Get in line apply legally. Stop having kids If yuh can't afford them.
Fucking scum bag President. He's supposedly draining some swamp yet he's rallying his uneducated moronic base to vote for Ted Cruz…. LMAO. How dumb are you people? This is a joke. I feel bad for people that are dumb enough to actually fall under Trump's spell. #embarrasedamerican.
fuck you guys hate your channel
It would be great if hurricane Willa would smash right into these invaders and wipe them out.
Jewish Bolshevic Cultural Marxism
Vote red for the first time
That is not a wall! It is just a fence separate between countries.Caravan will bring down the fence in minutes!
Illegal = illegal. No grey area.
Either we need to arrest them or use extreme action!!!🇺🇸😡🖕
These immigrant caravans cannot successfully enter the U.S. Anyone that has seen what immigration has done to Europe will think the same thing. If the U.S. government could get off their ass and process legal immigration faster ( and everything else since the gov't is slow), illegal immigration wouldn't be as big of a issue.
7000 stolen SSNs coming soon
Hope YOURS isn't one of them
Fuck these liberal liars of ABC FAKE NEWS
Why don't you leftist marxist leave the U.S. if you love Communism so much?
FAKE ASS NEWS go to hell