The battle over masking in schools

The battle over masking in schools

U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona talks about an investigation into five states on whether mask mandate bans constitute civil rights violations for students.


26 thoughts on “The battle over masking in schools

  1. More fake news fear mongering BS.🤬
    ☠ The media IS the virus ☠

  2. fauci : "do you see infected people and mountains of corpses of those who died from "covid"?!"
    biden : "no"
    fauci : "and i don't see but they "are" "
    reporter : "dr. fauci, and why are you and biden all the democrats without masks when the cameras are off?!"
    fauci : "no-no-no! no questions!"

  3. These "mandates" are not LAWFUL, don't be easily bullied. They can never and will never enforce vaccines and if businesses refuse you service then that is discrimination. This is all just a ploy to get you to WILLINGLY vaccinate for whatever the reason. If you want to WILLINGLY inject your body with unknown substances then that's YOUR choice but others have the right to not vaccinate as well. Our rights are like muscles, use them or lose them. If you're scared of the air/going outside, being around the unvaccinated, etc, then YOU stay home, YOU shop online, YOU order pickup or delivery, etc, NOT the other way around.

  4. Go American. Discuss your individual rights and ignore the group benefit. Covid wont start work until your discussion is over. Take your time. How you guys end up like this? Pathetic country


    It's one year since New Zealand's last Covid death. US Covid deaths 656,393 and New Zealand 26.

    "China records zero cases of the Delta variant in a world-first." Australian Sky TV.

    New Zealand is hoping to come 2nd. NZ currently under national lock down with 612 testing positive.

  6. It’s just a fucking piece of fabric there’s nothing to bitch about 😂🙄

  7. Its already been proven legally, several times, that the government CANNOT mandate masks…there’s this pesky thing called the constitution.
    So why should schools?

  8. When my school right here in the good ole USA had an outbreak of Tuberculosis I only wish they responded quickly and made the kids mask up. Yes I did get TB and guess what, they still don’t know the long term consequences but these fools acting like they “know” this disease. Wise up, mask, and stop acting like you know it all!

  9. DeathSantis and other Republican governors are more concerned about appealing to their Trumpist antivaxxer/antimasker base than they are about protecting the health of innocent children who can't vote.

  10. Put M&Ms in your mask and eat like a horse 🤣

  11. Civil and political rights are a class of rights that protect individuals' freedom from infringement by governments, social organizations, and private individuals. If anything forcing people to wear masks violates civil rights and individual freedom. People can still wear them if they choose too. It’s their right!

  12. Shout out to George Floyd on fifteen months of sobriety. It took some tough love but he did it. Say his name liberals🖕!

  13. lmao… aren't parents in charge of their own kids? don't parents get to make decisions for their kids? anyone who needs governments to tell them how to live, does not understand our constitution and what it means to be american… and should probably move to mexico or canada

    citizens here are free to choose to live their lives, as long as no laws are broken. stop complicating it.

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