The Affair l 20/20 l PART 1

The Affair l 20/20 l PART 1


Husband at center of love triangle murder-suicide describes meeting his wife

Mark and Jennair Gerardot were teens when they met, and young adults when they married in 1993. Together they would move to different states and navigate the ups and downs of marriage.

Man involved in 2018 love triangle murder-suicide case says ‘I wish I could take it back’

#ABCNews #ABC2020 #Documentary #TrueCrime #TheAffair


23 thoughts on “The Affair l 20/20 l PART 1

  1. Bad karma: Nothing is for free. Karma debt has to be paid. I wonder if ppl would still do bad things if every bad they did had a clear price tag on it. Think, ponder, evolve and expand your mind.🤔

  2. “Jennair”?
    Who names their kid after an oven?
    Probably has a brother named Maytag

  3. This is why i don’t trust men most are extremely selfish.

  4. She was a control freak and she always had to have the last word in any argument. And she was "intense". She wanted to control him and just be with him all the time. She suffocated him. Yuk ! Gawd no wonder he had an affair.

  5. What a horrid, self-centred, narcissistic excuse of a ‘man’ he is. He should not be given any airtime whatsoever.

  6. Mark doesn't seem like he's telling the truth when he talks about the murders. What I would believe more likely happened … Jennair killed Meridith so she could have Mark back but it backfired and Mark killed Jennair. His comments and his demeanor when he talks about what happened and EXACTLY what he said back then sounds rehearsed. I don't buy it. I think he was involved.

  7. Sad that Gennair ended her and and another woman's life for this POS- she was a beautiful and vibrant woman- I would have easily dated her if given the opp before her breakdown

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