‘That’s rigging the game’: Stacey Abrams on voter I.D. laws

‘That’s rigging the game’: Stacey Abrams on voter I.D. laws

Georgia’s Stacey Abrams discusses her new initiative to combat voter suppression with Linsey Davis on “This Week.”


22 thoughts on “‘That’s rigging the game’: Stacey Abrams on voter I.D. laws

  1. So they dont care to find a way to fix people supposedly have no access or understanding of how to get ids..all they want are voters. They dont care without ids they cant also get jobs, social services, housing, bank accounts, cars, fly commercially, get into clubs, buy alcohol, go to college… yeah right..they dang well know why they dont want ids when voting and so do we.

  2. I am 100% for voter ID.

    If your poor and you have any of these things you already have an Id to get to vote.

    1) drivers license
    2) Medicaid
    3) Welfare
    4) EBT cards
    5) medicare disability
    6) Medicare
    7) AARP
    8) public housing
    9) on disability
    10) assisted living
    11) food stamps
    12) utility bills
    13) social security
    14) cable
    15) buy alcohol
    16) prescription drugs
    17) doctors visit
    18) passport
    19) buy CBD
    20) medical transportation
    21) credit card
    21) debit card
    22) checking or savings ac
    23) File police report
    24) gun purchase
    25) enter any court house
    26) get out of jail
    27) R rated movies, games
    28) file your taxes
    29) child credits
    30) Hospital admissions
    31) nursing home
    32) home healthcare
    33) car tags registration
    34) car insurance
    35) air plane tickets
    36) bus tickets
    37) tobacco
    38) warranties
    39) register to vote

    40) FOS card
    for anyone who's a con artist, illegal, felon or just a democrat .

  3. Uh, you lost girl, about time to concede. No problems with her not conceding her BIG loss=pure media BIAS👇

  4. Alcohol sales in 2019 alone went up 30%. Since a photo ID is required to purchase alcohol this statistic proves that people have IDs, and you are a liar.

  5. All this from a woman who questioned the integrity of elections when she lost the gubernatorial race in Georgia and she still hasn't conceded. They questioned it when Trump won…they questioned it when she lost so why wouldnt they be happy more safety nets are in place to further guarantee a fair election?

  6. First: the Biden administration allowed thousands of immigrants to illegally cross the border.
    Then: they start pushing this whole no identification to vote.
    Why: because all those immigrants will vote democrat

  7. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  8. Liberals think Black people are stupid, that they can't figure out internet, or even have access to it. They think you are unaware of what a DMV is or how to find it. They think you can't afford computers or smartphones.

    But we know that's not true. Everybody can do these things. Again, they are just using you for their own gain. While calling us the ignorant racists you should hate.

  9. What the Democrats are saying. Black people are not smart enough to get an ID black people don't have smartphones.
    I am a black man my job is to check IDs at a door if you don't have one you can't get in this is at a black Club. Ninety-eight percent of all the black people have IDs. In one week check 1500 IDs. You need an ID to get into the nightclub but you don't need ID to vote that is stupid

  10. In all the money the government feels compelled to throw around these days, I imagine that (if they really cared about election integrity) they could find a few bucks to pay the cost for those without an ID to obtain one. The argument against IDs is that poor people can't afford it. Well, if those poor people receive government assistance of any form, they need an ID. If they want to cash a check or have a bank account or get cable TV or get a cell phone or borrow a book from a public library, they need an ID. Of those states requiring identification, many accept other forms – utility bills, for example. So, for one constitutional right (2nd Amendment), dems want proof of ID, a mental health check, and limits on the shape of a gun. But to exercise another right, any controls are too much. What in the world is so scary about having voters demonstrate that they are citizens and that they are who they claim to be?

  11. A Chinese whistleblower has come forward claiming that over 5 million ballots were printed in communist China that were mailed and used in the 2020 United States elections.

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