Families and school officials in Southlake, Texas developed diversity and inclusion programs after a racist video went viral. The plan was halted after pushback from parents. NBC News’ Antonia Hylton talks to community members about the ongoing controversy.
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#RacistVideo #Southlake #NBCNews

Texas Town In Spotlight After Parents Push Back Against Diversity Plan | NBC Nightly News


By carmodpros


45 thoughts on “Texas Town In Spotlight After Parents Push Back Against Diversity Plan | NBC Nightly News”
  1. How many people have you met that was a slave? How many people have you met that knew someone that was a slave? NOONE it happened over 100 years ago! Racism is alive always will be but why is it taught in our schools when it's taught at home! Keep it out of schools and then the real racist families will shine their true colors and we can slowly get rid of them! If you tell a kid that white people treated black people bad its automatically going to make some kids look at other races differently kids don't have the critical thinking and problem solving skills to understand that and not hold grudges! If it's taught in school limit it to college when we are adults and can handle things like that better! Media brainwashes our kids enough why let them be brainwashed in school

  2. This woman's delusional. Talk about privilege. Think of all the kids growing up in neighborhoods and schools with actual violence, murders, etc and she leaving because some ignorant kid used a nasty word? Seriously? We really that weak?
    Atleaast she put money where mouth is and is leaving. I'm sure she will just move to another all white town and school district instead of helping fix from within and staying w own people.

  3. “Diversity and inclusion training”, which means anti-white propaganda

  4. What do expect, Build your own black enclave…… schools and businesses. Racism is the essential selfishness of survival… Its some truth to what Malcom x taught as well as Dr. King.

  5. Aww the faux-outrage pearl clutching didn't work this time. Eric Ransom seems aptly named: trying to extract concessions based on his appearance.

  6. The video was kids singing along with a rap song. They pushed back against CRT, which is racist. The media lying again, surprise, surprise.

  7. KKK loves to put in their plain clothing and pretend they’re offended when they’re accused of racism.

    Racism is rampant in that town

  8. Of course white don't think their town isn't racist, because it's not white people being discriminated against, being called horrible names! It's people of color who are suffering and going through discrimination 🙄 what a bunch of morons! I don't understand why someone's skin color is a problem? I'm tired of all this BS! 😪

  9. This communities complicity with white supremacy "status quo" is disgusting. Your children will quickly reject you, trust me! I rejected mine due to their racist, bias, ignorant beliefs and they never saw it coming. Neither will you.

  10. I hear the n word constantly. It isn't white kids saying it though. I'll try and find a video or two so I can make whole towns get some programs started to show why it isn't cool for ANYONE to say

  11. Critical race theory is racism under a new disguise, it divides and punishes people based on skincolor and is by this fact exclusivly spread, practiced and enaced by racists.
    I am glad Parents in Southlake looked past the labels that racists tried to hide it in and actually looked into the theory and have seen what it truly is and voted it out.

  12. Trying to implement critical race theory which is a racist ideology practiced by racists under the banner of "Diversity and anti racism" is truly disgusting and i am glad the people looked past the lable it hides in and looked directly at what it teaches and found out what it truly is.

  13. Black people use the "n" all the time. They have no problem with it. Why are people so upset what one white kid does? Black people don't treat us Asians with open arms. They can be racist to us. No one ever asks us Asians about the racism we experience from Blacks or Hispanics. It is there!!! Black kids can be very racist. I work in a high school and see it regularly. Yet, if Blacks act racist, it isn't consider racism.

    The "Diversity and Inclusion" Training is another word for Neo Marxist Critical Race Theory.
    NBC is guilty of so much disinformation about Southlake.

    These people don't want their kids taught this destructive Critical Race Theory. NBC forgets to say that CRT wrecks every community that allows it to metastasize.
    I am not far Right, I'm an independent.

    This sick 'theory' comes from adapting Marx's failed Class Analysis to race, class and gender. It falsely divides America into 2 classes: Racist oppressed and the virtuous oppressed. It justifies treating all White people as hopeless racists.

    CRT leads to reverse racism, which it doesn't consider racism. You can say all sorts of gross over generalizations about White people, but never use those words on any other racial group.

    The entire purpose of CRT is to destroy American society. Looking at universities, they are doing a successful job.

    I'm done with NBC. They are pathetic. This is not journalism. This is inexcusable.

  14. Racial slur is definitely more than just an white issue. We hear over and over whites being called racial names by blacks with no consequences. But when is the black/African American culture going to take responsibility for its own actions. Their use of the insulting word in comedy, music and just in general, only fuels the justification for other races to use it as well, weather racially or not. If no respect is given for their own culture, what makes them think other cultures will show respect.

  15. “Diversity and inclusion” trainings are absolutely ridiculous. Just let people mix and be people. Don’t propagandize them.

  16. So if you hire someone based on race it being diverse, if you exclude someone based on race its racism. If you hire a black person just because their black and the asian who didn't get hired because they weren't black isn't that racist

  17. If you want to live in Southlake you were welcome to town. You will need a great deal of money to purchase real estate, pay high taxes and not to mention the cost of water. The culture there is one of excellence and achievement which is reflected in the school system in terms of academics and athletics. If you want to make Southlake more diverse simply relocated to town.

  18. A “diversity” program mandated by government won’t stop people(kids or adults) from saying racist things

  19. I’m a Muslim and I feel racism everyday at work and in my surroundings. It’s there for sure. And getting a good job, forget about it

  20. the man in power watch this Украина опубликовала сенсационную информацию о Biden there are english subtitles the president is corrupt

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