Texas mayor on dangers of Hurricane Laura – Car Mod Pros Portal

Mayor of Port Arthur Texas, Thurman Bill Bartie discusses the uncertainty his city faces as Hurricane Laura passes.


By carmodpros


23 thoughts on “Texas mayor on dangers of Hurricane Laura”
  1. Why don't you just move to another state and not have to live like this anymore and now you people who live there are always in trouble and it costs the American people to save your stupid fools who live in this situation and it's getting old.there is so much better places to live in America why don't you just find one and be safe and happy for the rest of your life

  2. #Trump2020 and save this Country from the far left and Creepy Joe Biden. 🇺🇸👍👍👍

  3. ABC: "Mayor Thurman Bill Bartie. Mayor, thank you so much for joining us this morning. Tell us a little bit about what you've seen in your city."

    Mayor Thurman Bill Bartie:
    "Ok, well we have not had an opportunity to get out from where we are, from our command base to assess the damage. But, uh, we have been on generator power since about 1:30, since the time this morning. So you know the lights were out, were blown out, and we lost power here. So, I know that one thing for sure, and uh, we cannot get out on the highway with trees, and things of this nature. For 150 miles per hour winds, you know I think power rolls are consistent with what passed around here. But at the present, the winds are high, but not as high as 100 miles per hour. There is sprinkling type rain, and I thank God, I think we probably fared a lot better than those who probably kept inside. I think I'd say that now without having even left from where we are, without leaving here, looking out, at what's going on."

    ABC: "Mayor. what are your biggest sources of concern at this point?"

    Mayor Bartie: "Well, the biggest concern we have now is what damage have we actually suffered, and being sure that those who stayed, we had no loss of life, or any imminent cause of radical emergencies to individuals hopefully, to those who did remain are ok. But we won't know that for a few hours, until we're cleared to leave this particular place from where we are, you know, and get out and move around."

    ABC: "How challenging is it when a storm like this hits in the middle of the night?"

    Mayor Bartie: "Beg your pardon? You are breaking up."

    ABC: "I was wondering, how much harder it becomes when a storm like this hits in the middle of the night?"

    Mayor Bartie: "Yeah, well that, the fear factor, you know because it's nighttime, it's dark, you lose light, it handles everyone with grave concerns if you're left out in it. It's very problematic, but we're good. You know, it could have been a lot worse. And what we can see now, that we probably made it through pretty good.

    ABC: "All right, well Mayor, we're glad to hear that from you. We know there are a lot of other parts of Texas and Louisiana that can't say that. So glad to hear that. What are you hoping to see when the sun does rise?"

    Mayor Bartie: "Well we hope that there's minimal damage, pray to God, it's minimal, and you know, the cleanup will be minimal, and the citizens will be able to return a lot sooner, you know, and maybe even anticipate. So we hoping and praying for it."

    ABC: "All right, well we are there with you. Mayor Thurman Bill Bartie from Port Arthur, Texas. Thank you for your time this morning sir."

    Mayro Bartie: "Thank you. All right. Bye bye."

    ABC: "Stay safe."

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    John 6:27– “Do not work for the food which perishes, but for the food which endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give to you, . . .”

    1 Corinthians 3:9- For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, God’s building.

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