Texas Love Triangle | 20/20 PART 3 – Car Mod Pros Portal

David Temple’s story doesn’t add up for investigators of wife’s murder

Police are suspicious of David Temple’s story that his home had been burglarized and someone killed his wife. For example, they said drawers had been opened but their contents hadn’t been disturbed.

WATCH THE FULL EPISODE OF 20/20: https://bit.ly/33b0Uz3

#ABCNews #ABC2020 #Documentary #TrueCrime #LoveTriangle


By carmodpros


41 thoughts on “Texas Love Triangle | 20/20 PART 3”
  1. I've just watched to the part where the watch and rings were still there and nothing was really touched. How do they know she didn't wake up catch the person inside the house the person didn't have a chance to go through drawers. Maybe she got pushed into tv or something. Common sense would tell u after you kill someone you probably should get rid of anything linking to the crime.. right? So why after killing her would anybody steal stuff from the home. If they got caught trying to sell/pawn the stuff or the police found the items stolen with them they'd be directly linked to the crime. Especially a higher chance of being caught if you were somebody close to the family or recently in the home. Police would look at you as a possible suspect. Just a thought.

  2. I am a really good liar but once I turned over my house for an insurance claim I was caught in a lie and fell on the first hurdle, thankfully the cops let me amend my story and then I pulled it off wit the intention of never making a foolish claim as I don't want to push my luck,

  3. And the way they just read the statement he didn’t sound like he didn’t know which park he was at it sound like he started to go to one park he went and got a drink so they went to another park that might’ve been closer to the stores… Maybe it’s just that all the details are not being laid out but we will see in the next episode

  4. What was he gonna touch? She had a 12 gage to the back of the head… From experience I can tell you if someone gets shot in the head, you can tell you cant do cpr..When my neighbor shot himself in the head his sister was trying to give him CPR but since he blew the side of his head off and his brains shloshed out the side of his head and his jaw was blown away. And that was with a .40 cal..a double barrel shot gun would cause more damage…Not saying he’s not guilty but that point is dumb about not trying to do cpr

  5. The son was sick but he took him to the park… The glass on the door theory made sense… the untouched pulled drawers… jewelry not being taken… he has no blood on him… 😒😒😒

  6. She didn’t know if it was someone targeting coaches wives… lol, really?? 🤦🏻‍♀️

  7. Knowing myself, I would ran if I saw someone dead and no way I would touch dead person even loved one esp if they dead and there is blood everywhere.
    I would definely be found guilty for that

  8. He wasn't distraught he killed her himself.Why interview him in a substation without camera's?Why not a police station?You don't take your sick child to a park while he's sick and he doesn't know which park beacuse there wasn't a park at all he killed her coold blooded and premaditated.

  9. I go to parks all the time I cant name a single one of them because I dont pay attention to their names for a few reasons one I dont pay attention just know where it is at two considering the fact That ice had numerous head injuries (relates consodering the fact that stands out like a destroyed piston and piston ring, HES A FUCKING FORNER FOOTBALL PLAYER. HES SUBSTAINED HOW MANY FUCKING HEAD INJIRIES?????) and reason four If you know at least the directions and area said psrks are in what is the issue with nit knowing the fucking name of a motherfucking serious park. I know THOUSANDS of people some of these people i know are either 1 total 100% blood sweat and tears committed hippies who love live by the hippie life living nature some of them are nature lovers joggers runners etc they too as well do not know the fucking names of these parks that theyve been goimg to since they were babies with their families and just like them their own parents too dont know the name of said parks. So why point out that he doesnt know the parks name. This fucking case is absolutely plain as day just exactly like the while Brooke Skylar Richardson's case with the investigators accusing her of killing her baby. Turned out which I knew she was but they [ Prosecutors ] could prove that she did bc she didn't. She was found NOT GUILTY!!!! Same with this guy. Hes not guilty. They evidence doesnt show that. He has a right right solid aliby.

  10. Oh hun, no one was "targeting the coaches wives" …. try not to make it about you 🙄🙄

  11. Why would you bring your kid to the park, she picked him up early from school because he did not feel well and he brings him to the park!!!! I say he is guilty.

  12. the boy probably thinks his dad hadnt done it because his dads defenders are giving him the evidence that his dad hadnt done it. and at the time he had to be to young to link time gaps togther and stuff. kids are easy to brainwash to.

  13. As a mom when my kids were babies & the school called because they are running a fever & are sick, you don’t go pick them up & go to 4 or 5 stores & to the park! Good try though David!

  14. I agree when he said “people respond differently”. I’m 20 and if I see someone I love lying there murdered, I would be so scared that I couldnt touch the deceased body and would immediately call my neighbours.

  15. Son is too sick to be at day care, but not too sick to e traveling ot the park and Home Depot and pick up a drink at another spot.
    David had plenty of blood on him from running over tothe wife he loved because normal spouses would do just that no matter what.
    Dog would not let cops in but let "stranger' in to murder pregnant wife and "rob" house-oh wait the dog would not let the murderer out with the loot;therefore the "murderer" had to return everything and leave peacefully.
    And now if anyone is interested, I have some 1976 fresh organic rain water that will keep you hydrated.

  16. Not even police can get in. Obviously no stranger came into the home.. I hope with all power there is that the coward of the Husband is paying every single day of his life.!

  17. He had a girlfriend, in time he married her. But would he murder his wife & unborn child (two weeks from delivery) being a cheating dog (Sorry my pets, to compare you to a murdering animal) does not a murderer make. But I'm from Texas & have had 3 members in my family murdered, within a year. I am ALL for the death penalty. I would give drunk drivers the D.P., if I could. But did Temple do it ??

  18. What I dont understand is why her son is acting like he dgaf that his mother was killed ?? I can bet he was Even kept from her family . Heather knew he did this for her . Weirdo bitch married him . – Crystal

  19. I wouldn't want to move her either, if she'd been shot in the face with a 12 gauge. You would be able to tell from the nasty mess that had once been the back of her head. It does nasty damage to a human being's skull.

  20. Dave should taken all jewels and throw in ocean. What an idiot 🤦🏿‍♂️

  21. I wouldn't get blood on me either. A shotgun blast to the head you can tell there's nothing you can do. You might as well give CPR to a skeleton.

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