Testing a ‘shark suit’ that lets divers get up close without case l Nightline

Testing a ‘shark suit’ that lets divers get up close without case l Nightline

Jeremiah Sullivan, the man who created the “shark suit” 40 years ago, tests his latest version with real sharks on the National Geographic Show “Man vs. Shark.”


#Nightline #ABCNews #Sharks #ManVsShark #NatGeo #SharkSuit


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36 thoughts on “Testing a ‘shark suit’ that lets divers get up close without case l Nightline

  1. I’d imagine at some point yeah your flesh is protected but your bones are still gonna snap if the shark is really bout it.. lol

    Gr8 shark-feature.I've alwayz bn fascin8ted w diving.Kudos 2 MrJS 4 bn sch a dedic8ted adventurer & MsDM 4 a gr8 ntervu:I especially njoyd her uw trek @ d aquarium.From a fan n
    B'dos:cont'd Happiness,
    Health & Success!

  3. I can already imagine some shark attack victim at a hospital talking about “I stayed as still as possible and he still ripped my leg off”.

  4. I have four children who hate bees, whenever we go to the park and one stings them they try to kill them all. It's like sharks , when one attacks we go into a frenzy and try to kill them. I remind my children, you can't go into a bees territory and get mad if it stings you. You can't go into the ocean and get mad when a shark attacks. They are all apart of the ecosystem and valuable, without one our whole system is thrown off

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