Terrifying video show desperate avalanche rescue

Terrifying video show desperate avalanche rescue

A woman and her friend were buried in the snow in Switzerland before witnesses jumped in, using shovels, to save them.


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34 thoughts on “Terrifying video show desperate avalanche rescue

  1. I had a dream that I dead in a avalanche when I was s kid, It was scary to the point I remember it 20 years later.., I couldn't move, couldn't see, I didn't even know which way I was facing. Then I started gasping for air until I realised there was no point fighting it so I just started to let go and accepted my fate. As I did I had the strangest sensation of a weight being lifted from me, it was like I was part of some universal spiritual process in which I was starting to see the bigger picture, I felt my brain dying in segments like I was a machine shutting down. . ego, fears, ideology and in turn a warm glow of joy/love was replacing them and radiating out of my body. it seemed that all the good and bad in the world didn't really matter, almost if it was all just constructs of this world, everything started seeming insignificant and right as it felt I was about to totally shut down and become one with everything while having total understanding. . I woke up in my bed, crying like a lil bitch lol

  2. Thank you guys. I want to say this special ❤️😍

  3. The old saying " if you dont want to get bit by the shark, dont go in the ocean" comes to mind people dont think if the consequences. That being said, I'm about to drive to work one of the most dangerous activities an American can do and I have no choice.

  4. 16 people… Why risk your life😎😍
    so sweet though that she's trapped and still calling for her friend

  5. … January and February are the worst months for avalanches….

    These bitches under an avalanche in February. Lucky to be alive… Fucking idiots.
    Stay home !!!!!!! God damn.

  6. Why you don't go to Wuhan and help poor people but you go to the fucking ice for your happy time and now you call for help? What the hell on earth the Rich people are thinking?

  7. 😓😓😓😓

  8. Been in one…100 mph…snapping big pine trees like toothpicks…Utah, West monitor…1997♥🎄♥
    Lucky, lucky!

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