Eric Rasmusen, a business professor at Indiana University, shared an article on Twitter arguing women may be destroying academia and quoted the article, geniuses are overwhelmingly male.
#ABCNews #IndianaUniversity #Bloomington #EricRasmusen #Tenure
You idiots, why do you use this racist prick’s story to detract by talking about Jeffrey Epstein? Yea we get ABC’s coverup. But obviously you’re strategy is not working.
I don't believe that is true because you can only cram so much brain into the head of a penis.
I hope no one registers for his classes. See who's offended then!
ahhhhh the classic "offended" argument…taking absolutely no responsibility and avoiding the subject
He seems proud.
I wish there were more professors like him
all the weirdo racists defending him like lol ok boomer
Lol that’s what he gets
Somebody need to be that nigga ass
so put him in a position of non-student contact. People rationalizing ER words to agree with him are the cause of this countries woes. the fascination you have for wrongdoing, corruption and criminals is amazing…
Let me guess, he's just mentally ill Right?💉💊😂
What a moron.
was this "Cherry picking" or an actual story in length? hmmmmm… like to hear more. Let's ask Epstein… oh wait… never mind.
Everyone gets so offended my goodness, get a back bone and read the article lol like some people want to be offended just because without a proper rebuttal. Oh well, it’s life!
It's an opinion, we used to have them before people got offended by everything
Fuck you abc
There’s nothing misrepresented about what he said he thinks he is superior because he is white. 100% it is because he thinks he is higher above because he is white and a man, and straight. Let me tell you something and I hope he’s reading this. You are below lower class, you are one of the reasons America is so hated. You are a disappointment, a disgrace, and a piece of shit for thinking that women shouldn’t be allowed in the workplace & it also sounds like you’re threatened by women in general. Are you threatened that gay men are smarter than you? You have every right to feel what you feel about certain beliefs, but this has shown a lot about the person you really are. Pretty pathetic I mean you’re just a horrible teacher, nothing really special about you
There’s nothing misrepresented about what he said he thinks he is superior because he is white. 100% it is because he thinks he is higher above because he is white and a man, and straight. Let me tell you something and I hope he’s reading this. You are below lower class, you are one of the reasons America is so hated. You are a disappointment, a disgrace, and a piece of shit for thinking that women shouldn’t be allowed in the workplace & it also sounds like you’re threatened by women in general. Are you threatened that gay men are smarter than you? You have every right to feel what you feel about certain beliefs, but this has shown a lot about the person you really are. Pretty pathetic I mean you’re just a horrible teacher, nothing really special about you
Fire him!!! He's obviously a bigot with outdated views. I have no doubt the students will make sure he's gone.
People have to remember that the 1st Amendment is one of our most valuable rights, and ALL AMERICANS are protected. It doesn't say that we have freedom of speech until we offend someone, it says that we have freedom of speech. You don't have to like a person or what that person says, but you have to let them say it. If you don't want to hear it, just walk away. If your one of his students, then you can go and see about changing classes, or, and here's a radical idea, grow a pair and do what the professor wants by debating him on why you disagree with what he says.
People who are offended by stuff like this are just weak. Grow up ya snowflake.