Tensions between US, Iran: Where things stand now | Nightline

Tensions between US, Iran: Where things stand now | Nightline

Trump and his top aides defended the drone killing of Iranian Gen. Soleimani, insisting that he was planning an attack on U.S. service members and diplomats.


ALSO AVAILABLE ON HULU: https://hulu.tv/2wSmSrZ

#Nightline #Iran #QassemSoleimani #Trump #Airstrikes #Missiles


32 thoughts on “Tensions between US, Iran: Where things stand now | Nightline


  2. I’m not Iranian. But trump is full of lie. Omg 🤦🏻‍♂️ embarrassing USA you tyrant!

  3. 📲*00212679620248* *whatapps*📲
    الــيــكـــم رقــم الــدكــتــور👨‍⚕️ الــخــبــيــر الــلــي سـاعـدنـــي فــي عــلاج مــشــكــلــتــي😄 لــقــصــر الــقــضــيــب
    نــقــص الإنــتــصــاب✅ الــقــذف الــســريــع ✅ الــضــعــف الــجــنــســي ☑الـمـنـتـجـات مـتـوفـرة فــقــط بـالـسـعـوديـة🇸🇦 وقـطـر🇶🇦 والإمــارات🇦🇪 والــعــراق🇮🇶 ولـبـنـان🇱🇧 والأردن🇯🇴 والــكــويــت🇰🇼 والـبـحـريـن🇧🇭 وسـلـطـنـة عـمـان🇴🇲
    ســـارع واطــلــبــها📲*00212679620248* *Whatapps*📲الدفع عند الاستلام🤝

  4. We should send our airplanes to bomb Tehran. In 24 hours they will all surrender then we should convert them to Christianity and liberate their enslave women

  5. Any country that supports Islamic terrorist’ should be dealt with

  6. Fuck man!!! We're going to war.😔

  7. Why did Trump send the missiles in the first place ,this is a disappointment letting other people suffer bcuz of his idiotic decision and poor leadership skills .I wonder how could someone be this evil he is worst than Hitler

  8. 📲*00212.649.57.16.36* *whatapps*📲
    أقــدم لــكـــم رقــم الــدكــتــور👨‍⚕️ الإخــتــصــاصــي الــلــي وصـف لــي الـعـلاج الـفـعـال لــقــصــر الــقــضــيــب نــقــص الإنــتــصــاب✅ الــقــذف الــســريــع ✅ الــضــعــف الــجــنــســي ☑الــمــنــتــجــات مـتـوفـرة فـقـط بــالــســعــوديــة🇸🇦 وقـطـر🇶🇦 والامـارات🇦🇪 والـعـراق🇮🇶 ولــبــنــان🇱🇧 والأردن🇯🇴 والـكـويـت🇰🇼 والــبــحــريــن🇧🇭 وسـلـطـنـة عـمـان🇴🇲
    لا تــتــردد فــي طــلــبــهــا📲*00212.649.57.16.36* *Whatapps*📲الـدفـع عـنـد الاسـتــلام🤝

  9. Why does ABC give the Iranian officials a sympathetic spin?
    That criminal has organized proxy wars that have murdered hundreds of Americans…
    That regime is criminal .
    Idk if its politically motivated by Trump, but he shouldve been taken out 20 yrs ago

  10. we american deserve peace now please lets us live with dignity whole world are hating us
    no doubt we are super power in a world but we need some attention in our home also how about the veterans begging all over newyork city we need first give them everything they deserve then think about others
    war is a business not for common people but politicians

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