Schools in Washington County, Tennessee, are reporting 50 confirmed Covid-19 cases among students and teachers just a week after schools reopened. NBC News’ Dasha Burns explains how mask mandates are impacting schools reopening and how parents are reacting to the spike in cases. 

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#Tennessee #Covid #Coronavirus


By carmodpros


48 thoughts on “Tennessee School District Sees Jump In Covid Cases”
  1. Moved to Nashville in 2018 from NYC, best decision I’ve ever made. If you don’t like it stay in your liberal paradise NYC, SF, DC.

  2. This all because there are parents against wearing masks who prefer to let their kids get sick just to prove a point, said point being part a conspiratory theory.

  3. I taught all of last year in a completely masked school. We had far less cases than I anticipated. Now that we are completely unmasked (2% mask rate or less), we have already surpassed last years cases ten fold in a mere three weeks. Good job, parents (slow clap)…I went all of last year teaching in-person without getting sick. This year, I tested positive in the first week back.

  4. I just don’t understand why send the children back to school why not continue to online schooling until all children are completely vaccinated and adults?? Who in the world made that decision to take our children back to school 😡😡😡😡😡

  5. I hate this we have no Governor to help us here in Tennessee he cares of nothing but his voters. Kicker in Knoxville we have a washed out reality star doing the same thing and he has been doing nothing since last year ..Mandate our Mask in School kids dont complain the parents do over political views nothing more or less ….School sports are wide open jammed in football games like sardines no mask .RIDICULOUS IN TENNESSEE AN NO WE SHOULD NOT HAVE TO NOT SEND OUR KIDS TO SCHOOL OVER OTHER ADULTS. NEGLECTFUL CHOICES LETS LEAVE THEM AT HOME BET PARENTS WOULD MAKE THEM MASK. THEY DONT WANT TO HAVE TO SIT HOME AND BBYSIT THEIR OWN KIDS .MANDATE MASK THEY WILL HAVE NO CHOICE WE DONT WANT OUR KIDS TO GET SICK OVER STUPITY OF SELFFISH ADULTS

  6. What happened to Southern Hospitality? That should include taking the vaccine to help save your neighbors, or offering to drive them to the vaccine clinic.

    It seems like southerners are leaning toward in-hospitality.

  7. Solution:
    Anti maskers move to States w no mask mandates.
    Pro maskers move to States w mask mandates.

    Everyone live happily ever after as it works itself out.🤞

  8. People talking about why send you kid to school to get sick do yall know some schools dont have the virtual learning choice and if you dont send your child to school you go to jail

  9. That poor child is more than likely immunocompromised due to his mother blindly sticking to a waccination schedule because the evidence is in, NONwaccinated children are FAR MORE HEALTHIER!!

  10. We developed a hybrid schedule that included small cohorts rotating through school a couple days a week in person combined with remote learning… and then went back to a losing plan…why did we do that?

  11. Wow, no masks, no distancing, they really want to see kids & educators get covid. Over 50 covid cases (students& teachers ) is considered an outbreak, schools here in Canada would be shut down. Happy our country is watching yours to know what NOT to do.

  12. Nurse and Dr's are making 🤑💰💵💵💵💵💵💵💵

  13. The stupidest people on the planet are doing a favour to everyone else, let them thin the herd of the weakest animals among them. If they haven’t figured it out by now we don’t want them among us.

  14. Divide the classrooms in schools. Put the children who wear masks, and where possible vaccinated kids and staff, in separate classrooms from the insane morons who are not taking this virus seriously.

  15. Cowboys WORE FACE COVERINGS- called BANDANAS ….

    Here is a bit of YOUR HISTORY AMERICA 🇺🇸

    Clay Reynolds university of Texas 1971 wrote … on use of bandanas – including as face coverings

    A neckerchief has a dual origin. In part, they were worn as a substitute for a necktie, or cravat, the fashion for which had evolved in the nineteenth century as fashions changed. The were developed in the eighteenth century and were not used as handkerchiefs, which had entirely different functions in society and also sometimes in work.

    The function of the cravat was practical, though; it kept the neck warm and, in more formal attire, concealed the buttons that held the collar onto the shirt—generally two, one in front and one in back, depending on the fashion of a particular period. Knotting cravats was elaborate and often difficult to do, but they were more or less required, and all classes of people wore them.

    The herdsman’s neckerchief had more elaborate functions and less elaborate knotting procedures. Often made of gingham or some other brightly colored material, they were larger than a formal cravat and generally were square as opposed to being longer and more narrow in structure, depending on the fashion in formal attire at the moment. Working herders, or cowboys as they later would come to be called, did not generally wear collars on their shirts, and soft-collared shirts didn’t come into fashion until late in the nineteenth century. Shirts often buttoned down the front or pulled over the head and had crew collars, or they might have buttoned up to the throat. (Today’s baseball uniform is a close approximation of that kind of shirt.) The neckerchief was designed to fit around the neck. In hot weather, they could be folded in a broader fashion and worn either around the back of the neck to ward off sunburn, or they might be pulled across the face and knotted behind the head if a herder was working in a dusty area.

    They had other functions, as well. They could be dampened and worn as a cooling device around the throat or on the back of the neck; as most were made of bright colors—red was highly favored—they could be used as a flag; they could be loosened and waved in front of a charging or out of control animal as a distraction; and, of course, they could be used to bind wounds or staunch bleeding or as a wash cloth for cleaning or a towel for drying off. They could also double as handkerchiefs, at least in a pinch. Neckerchiefs of the period tended to be quite large, somewhere around 24″ square or larger, and how they were folded would depend on how they were to be used.

    Western herdsmen did not wear bandannas or neckerchiefs as a fashionable display, as a rule. If they “dressed up,” they would more likely don a cravat or a necktie, with a collar, waistcoat and frock coat, all worn over a blousey cotton or wool shirt that was worn over a full set of long underwear. Long underwear was worn year-round. If one was prosperous enough, he might have more than one pair—cotton for summer, wool for winter—but he rarely removed them, even to bathe. If he was lucky enough to get a bath, he most likely immersed himself while wearing them, thereby combining a laundering chore with a personal bath. Apart from reducing chafing, long underwear had the added advantage of providing a layer of fabric to retain warmth, or they would hold moisture from perspiration and provide a cooling effect in summer.

    Livestock herdsmen were not exclusive in their use of the bandanna or kerchief. Railroad workers also adopted them and wore them in much the same way and for many of the same reasons, and no trainsman would have thought of going to work without one. Loggers used them, as did other laborers and workmen in various occupations. The provision of a kerchief in one’s pocket was as essential as a good pocket watch or pocket knife; they just didn’t leave home with out them.

    You didn’t ask, but a word might be said about socks, which were highly prized on the frontier. Again cotton was preferred for summer; wool for winter. But they wore out quickly and needed darning and mending constantly. They had no elastic properties and were held up by garters that were worn high on the shin. When they finally denigrated from wear and tear, the herdsman would have to do without until he came to a haberdasher or dry-goods store with enough money in his pocket to replenish his supply. One of the most valued items a frontiersman or soldier could receive in the mail “from back home” was a pair of socks.

  16. Eventually the media will stop reporting on covid, just as soon as something bigger comes I don't know, a war or something…

  17. Thanks for reporting the truth… it's not the amusement parks, sporting events, or concerts with 10's of thousands of people on top of each other. Its these super spreader elementary schools killing everyone

  18. This was inevitable with kids in classrooms all day not wearing masks or maintaining social distance while we have a new variant causing cases to explode. I just hope that no children die, and if they do, that the parents sue the GOP and not the districts.

  19. When I start seeing deceased or incapacitated humans lying on the ground in public spaces on a weekly or daily basis, I'll then know all the hype was founded. Until then, i continue to dismiss the covid-19 racketeers' and despots' ultra-lucrative fear mongering. Big oil?? More like; big pharma….big cdc…..big fauci….big tyranny, big election steal……

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