Teens’ hospitalization possibly linked to vaping – Car Mod Pros Portal

Eight teenagers in Wisconsin were hospitalized with severe lung damage and doctors believe the damage could be from vaping. READ MORE: https://gma.abc/32SF0Rw

#ABCNews #News #Vaping #LungDamage


By carmodpros


43 thoughts on “Teens’ hospitalization possibly linked to vaping”
  1. Where’s the part where these bitch ass kids admit to vaping black market thc carts? Don’t hear anything about that do we? If they wanna ban vaping I suppose they can ban cigarettes too right?

  2. Just throwing this out there, I vaped a lot for 2 1/2 years, anywhere between 3-12 mg juices, I even made my own using nicotine and only vegetable glycerin. Vaping 20 watts, nothing crazy. 3-4 months ago I started getting dizzy spells and just generally uneasy feelings, and it worried me slightly. So I made a doctors appointment, and got a blood test. I had high Bilirubin levels and high b12, which are signs of liver damage. What could that be from? I googled it and turns out nicotine in the vapor/liquid form is processed through the liver. Apparently nicotine if ingested over time can cause liver damage, or fatty livers. So as an experiment I stopped nothing else except vaping for 3 weeks, then got another blood test and my results were back to normal. The ONLY thing I did different was give us vaping. Vaping may be safer for the lungs than smoking, but it bypasses that and goes deeper into your body. (The liver). I expect to get thumbs down but I was sick and have blood tests before and after to prove some effects. All I’m saying is vaping isn’t safe either, but prob better than cigarettes

  3. im vaping after years of smoking and it's knocking loose small clusters of dark particulates in my lungs (about the size of alveoli). i drink lots of water and inhale steam in the shower for a few minutes a day. it seems to be working. i think they may have been given some bad stuff. i also believe our military industrial complex is so out of control, things like producing and introducing covert target elimination mechanisms, are actual industries. private industries that can "loose" samples/products, that make it into the hands of criminals and bad actors.

  4. I'm not a doctor, but I am starting to have a theory on vaping. For start, keep yourself hydrated and don't vape in extreme cold weather. That is a no no. Now my theory is that you have to have been a smoker first. Lungs that is caked up with tar may have some protection from the negative effects of vaping compared to clean pink lungs. I'm 39 and have been vaping for over 13 years off and on and haven't been affected like these reports. I started with NJoy to ECO pens to tank mods to JUUL. Vaping is a complex subject to study. I mean, You have to study healthy and unhealthy lungs. With JUUL, my blood pressure is down to an average of 110/65 compared tank mods and cigarettes, 145/80. Before they start doing the tobacco industry a favor, they need to do real studies, not banning them because of teen incidents. Teens 13 up to 18 is not a reason to do so. How is a teen under 18 getting their hands on them anyway? Its not marketing. Its for sale targeted to adults.

  5. If you did deeper… Almost every single news place left out the most important part… The kids were supposedly buying THC off the black market and smoking that with the vape. So new stations decided to just blame it all on the Vaping

  6. Also failed to include that they bought the pods off the internet or the street, they didn't include their setup they used, and also didn't include that some of those "black market" pods aren't certified, they can contain anything you can think of. Remember back when people were doing spice in place of weed? Still happens just not as hard as it once was.

  7. Thank goodness i’m not a teen…seems like all these vaping “problems” only happen to teens

  8. vaping is probably messing up their lungs because it's a wet sticky smoke

    which probably prevents their lungs from releasing new oxygen collectors

    how can your lungs release em when they're all wet and sticky

    smoking cigarettes is like a dry sticky

    it's not enough sticky to prevent your lungs from releasing new oxygen collectors

  9. Comment section

    100% a bunch of triggered nicotine addicts saying they added something to the “pods”

    0% literally anything else

  10. Holy propaganda. "won't say what they were vaping". This has NOTHING to do with e-cigs. Stop taking money from big tobacco.
    Do a real story on the dangers of street level THC oil extractions. Why? coz vaping solvents actually causes immediate lung damage.

  11. ABC this is not a vaping epidemic, there are people making these fake cartridges for wax pens and cutting them with toxic shit to sell more of them for a profit. I’ve seen it first hand. I’ve vaped out an entire garage with a room full of people vaping as well and nobody else got the same effects. The kids lied, it isn’t a Juul, it isn’t a regular vape, they are counterfeit marijuana concentrate cartridges.

  12. Wtf, this hospital should release the circumstances as to what they were smoking and what got them sick exactly. If these kids are all from the same town, then their local plug is tampering with their vape juices and putting something possibly very dangerous in them. This needs to be looked into

  13. One of GMA's main sponsors is Pfizer the makers of Chantix. They also take money from Merck, Eli Lily, & Amgen. So as you listen to this so called news story just remember that Good Morning America is fully in the pockets of big pharma & have already been bought & paid for.

  14. Kids are drinking bleach these days. Keep that in mind. I've vaped for at least the last four years. My vape is a 30w Istick Eleaf and has been the vape I've used for at least the last two years. I try for a as close to a cigarette in amount of vape produced and throaty hit. But no matter which device I've tried, my lungs feel better, I breathe better, and unless these idiots are just vaping the equivalent to a pack of cigarettes in every single hit off of their vape, or the contents of their vapes were unusual(they tried vaping liquid hand soap maybe? it wouldn't surprise me), I DON'T UNDERSTAND THIS AT ALL. When I smoked, I woke up chest hurting and coughing with tightness in my lungs. It was harder to breathe and I didn't even want a cigarette until at least the first couple of hours after I wake up. No doubt neither of these products are a completely safe as we're naturally not meant for ingesting nicotine into our lungs. But if you're going to try to stop vape companies, you simply must stop tobacco and alcohol(We've seen how that's worked out before.) FACT: You won't disregard my safety and cause harm to me by forcing me to switch back from what I feel is a healthier alternative to smoking cigarettes, I will make sure of it. My father died of smoking. I'll fight back. You'll get hurt. Back off this anti-vape BS.

  15. The problem is kids not being able to get vapes. They can buy them on eBay, and get Chinese juice for $4. Both are super bad because of the metals that are allowed in vapes in China as well as the juice. There have been cases of the putting lead and other gross chemicals in milk so imagine what they do to vape juice. Vaping has very little health effects that we know of if the right and safe products are used. It has helped so many people get off smoking and back to living a healthy life. Even just the smell difference of smoking ca vaping is so major. The one's at fault here are the parents. Find out if your kid vapes and if he does then find solutions, and deal with it. These kids are doing this because they are depressed, anxious, nervous and scared. High school is a scary place nowadays.

  16. When I see people vaping, I automatically think, lemmings. When I see people smoking I think, idiot. Voluntarily trashing your organs. Good job. Not to mention you smell awful. Everything you own smells awful. Why would you want to do that? Even my dad who smokes outside, still causes all of this things to have that odor. His poor dogs even smell like it and they don’t go outside and smoke with him. He carries it on his person and they snuggle him. I hate it. Love hugging my dad but I hate the smell. People who smoke in their car with the window down think it keeps their car from smelling. News flash, it doesn’t.

  17. This should never have been a story… 8 people from ONE area went to hospital – they give no info on the brand or what they were even vaping… 🙄🤔… and then she throws out another statistic: 37% of 12th graders reported vaping, presumably all sick in hospital with a lung condition??

    Cigarettes ARE NOT safer than vaping, and plenty of teens are smoking cigarettes. Do a story on that.

  18. This is how dumb people are someone told me that vaping was worse than cigarettes 🙃 BOI!!!!

  19. I'm from Wisconsin and can give a better outlook on this. There's been THC cartridges that have been found to have lead and other toxic materials in them. They're called "Fake Carts" a lot of people have had things happen to them because of this. It's been getting worse. This title is misleading. It's not the vaping.. it is the tainted cartridges being sold on the streets.

  20. Sorry folks, prohibition was an experiment that failed. “Those who fail to learn from history…” etc. The next civil war won’t be between the N v S or R v D, it’ll be between Clean v Tweeker.

    Vegas odds on the Tweeks every time! They have the will. You who haven’t been there have no idea.

    Money cannot win over determination. “Is that all you got? Ha Ha, how you like me now?” – My apologies to POD

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