Teen Fortnite champion victim of swatting l ABC News

Teen Fortnite champion victim of swatting l ABC News

Kyle Bugha Giersdorf, 16, who recently won a $3 million prize, was in the middle of a Fortnite livestreaming session when he was targeted.

#ABCNews #Fortnite #Swatting #Bugha #BughaGetsSwatted


47 thoughts on “Teen Fortnite champion victim of swatting l ABC News

  1. I’m sad I would not do that when I’m in would cup

  2. Who was the person who gave the “tip”

  3. Sick people should know that he can be a pro in the game but he can’t be a pro against police

  4. imagine if he was playing cs which he does sometimes and the game just go “bomb has been planted”

  5. That's some crazy messed up shit. That's no prank like people say. It really is attempted murder cuz the cops go in thinking there's a chance of THEM dying if they're not quick draw Mcgraw. SWAT team members have been killed numerous times on real raids. They're not in a good mood when they're on call that's for sure.

  6. The person who did this should be sent to life in gulag! 😂

  7. I can’t believe they said “Best gamer in the world” FORTNITE ISNT EVEN THAT GOOD!

  8. Why am I not surprised…. Well when the media releases the first and last name as well as the city/state of where the person is from as good as their intentions may be they unknowingly endanger the life and personal well being of that individual… Whatever happened to privacy and anonymity? If the person chooses to release those details then they should have that right but if not then just respect their wishes…. It all comes down to common sense

  9. People doing this deserve prison time…
    Police these days are constantly on edge…
    Swatting isn't funny…
    Being harassed by police for immature little pricks is getting out of hand…

  10. Not only the possibility you could end up getting shot or something but don't you think these police have better stuff to do than fuck around with this childish bullshit when the could be out "swatting" a crack house they ALREADY KNOW ABOUT but just don't have the "probable cause" to do anything about

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