Imani Bell, an 11th grader at Elite Scholars Academy in Clayton County, Georgia, was reportedly running uphill on Tuesday when she suddenly collapsed.
#ABCNews #BasketballPlayer #ExtremeHeat #Georgia
Imani Bell, an 11th grader at Elite Scholars Academy in Clayton County, Georgia, was reportedly running uphill on Tuesday when she suddenly collapsed.
#ABCNews #BasketballPlayer #ExtremeHeat #Georgia
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she would NEVER survive my practise
That’s my cousin
Why didn’t she just stop we all have limits and we all know when to stop guck what your coach say
I literally had a 2 mile race when it felt like 104
And that is American
In my view this rises to the level of manslaughter. Iami Bell told her coach she wasn't feeling well and asked to stop and the coach refused to let her stop. I'm sure Iami's death was not peaceful and that she went through horrible pain leading up to her death. In my view this coach is responsible. The coach acted in a reckless and negligent way, which is why I think it is grounds for criminal prosecution for inv. manslaughter.
Lol females 😂 a male could never 🤷ðŸÂ½â€ÂÂÂÂ♂ï¸ÂÂÂÂ
She in my school distric but we mot in same school only same distric
Where I live, at this time of the year it averages 110 degrees Fahrenheit in the afternoon. I go to soccer practice each day out in the sun(school soccer team and city soccer team). Sometimes even games, my last class of the day is PE so as soon as I get out of PE I walk home(sweating already from workout) in black shirt and jeans(dress code).
As if it isn’t bad enough I use my bike almost everyday and go to the park. Either way… I do most of this by choice so I don’t complain about it. Yet sometimes I feel like not doing any of this but I do it cause I like doing it. And well I’m kind of used to the heat from doing this almost everyday since 5 years old.
Every body use this video to shame and guit your coach
My PE teacher could of killed me
I remember in middle school my school didn't let kids do pe outside if it was over 90 degree. We went inside the gym to do fun activities or literally just chilled with AC on. On the bad days if the teacher was having a bad day or the students were misbehaving we would have to do suicide runs inside the gym but that was it. And I loved having pe as my last period. You physically get everything off your chest after a good workout or run and switch your clothes and head home haha
i would rather get a lecture by the coach than risk tha tshit lmao
This seems fake. If they lost their Child, why would they have the urge to get on the news?? They don't even look that sad.
Dumbass coach.
I'm from Ohio but I've lived in Texas for five years. Native Texans are super weird about extreme heat. Many of them will dine outside when the heat index is upward of 110. They'll say it's "chilly" when it's 82 out. They'll wear long sleeved shirts, jeans and boots during heat index warnings. They'll bring their dogs on prolonged outings in such heat and don't seem concerned about their rapid panting and exhaustion.
I'm so saddened by this tragedy but I am not even slightly surprised. People in Texas walk their dogs on blistering pavement, don't dress or prepare for the heat, they just spend hours outside in this kind of heat with little children and animals with no regard to safety.
I've witnessed tiny children crying and begging to sit inside because they're so hot and they're ignored.
Her brother name is Noah
Um I know people might not believe me but that’s my friends sister
That was actually my friends sisters friend something like that
The soccer team at our school was running bleachers in 120 degree weather my dance coach though wouldn’t let us run bleachers until it cooled down
This is just satan getting his people ready for the warmth
I walk home everyday with my little brother in the Arizona heat, its always in the 110s or mostly the 120s
The reporters were so insensitive to the young lady who lost her life, didn't send any condolences or anything…could you imagine if this was a white kid?? Fuck them
I wish my teacher would do that, I would've flat out quit knowing my teacher does that.
She didn't deserve to leave that early becuse of some dumb a** coach. I hope the coah gets what they deserve. R.I.P…ðŸ˜â€ÂÂÂ😦
Hell they can run inside of the gym when it's hot.
There is no way that these kids should be out there in that type of heat.
The school should be held accountable. POINT BLANK PERIOD.
Dam that didn’t coach this is so sad how even did this happen if the heat is 106 you shud not be practicing there
I literally did the same thing last week at 112 index O_O
Parents talk to your children and their coaches and tell them when it's extremely hot outside do not allow my child to practice. Put it in writing!
Why is ANYBODY mowing their lawn when it’s that hot jesus
The coach should not of even let the kid outside in the first place
Our school literally just had a girl pass out because of heat exhaustion and we still practice outside. And this is gym class. So you either work out or get an f. And even if you don’t participate you still have to walk out in the sun with no shade.
Them coaches don't give a fuck