Taylor Swift fires back

Taylor Swift fires back

British pop icon Damon Albarn is under fire after saying that Swift doesnt write her own songs. The singer, and many in the music industry, have the proof otherwise.


50 thoughts on “Taylor Swift fires back

  1. Who TF is Damon? Lmao, he better stop playing with T-Swift 😡

  2. Who cares. In country music ( which she isn’t ) there are many who don’t write their own music

  3. More clickbate… They only mentioned blur not Gorillaz. They mentioned the Oasis feud but didn't mention their collaboration on his last album. He gave credit where credit was due. TF is too big to fail. His new album is fantastic, but it's not meant to be a huge selling pop album. It's like comparing apples and oranges. It's just the machine feeding the machine.

  4. Who cares…why does he care? Crazy jealous old man. Blur is a one hit wonder. “Woohoo” isn’t really considered genius writing.

  5. I love the Gorillaz music they genuine take you to a different place, it's not bland boring and repetitive like taylor's music which she abuses her relationships and creates drama only for clout and to be honest he does have a point, other musicians have came out like Aretha Franklin and said she's really not a good singer or has grand talent. She's practically just "style" if that no substance, she's just used as a puppet🤡. And it's true that just because you have co-writing credit doesn't mean you essentially came up with the song just because you added a few words or whatever. He has a point and I have to agree on it and please stop telling outspoken opinionated men that they are "misogynistic" or whatever because doing that and trying to taint his factual and knowledgeable opinion like that is manogynistic. You wouldn't do that to an outspoken woman so don't do that to him.

  6. I love the Gorillaz music they genuine take you to a different place, it's not bland boring and repetitive like taylor's music and to be honest he does have a point, other musicians have came out like Aretha Franklin and said she's really not a good singer or has grand talent. She's practically just "style" if that no substance, she's just used as a puppet🤡. And it's true that just because you have co-writing credit doesn't mean you essentially came up with the song just because you added a few words or whatever. He has a point and I have to agree on it and please stop telling outspoken opinionated men that they are "misogynistic" or whatever because doing that and trying to taint his factual and knowledgeable opinion like that is manogynistic. You wouldn't do that to an outspoken woman so don't do that to him.

  7. Taylor ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  8. She didn’t write a whole album all by herself at 18 just to continue being discredited

  9. He's not wrong, check the writing credits, she did not solely write all of her songs and as a composer/songwriter there is a difference! She's still awesome and in no way am I trying to make her look bad, he should have worded it differently.

  10. Yes because this is news worthy 🙄

  11. With just a little research on AZ Lyrics. I see she wrote "Love Story". But her name isn't mentioned as a songwriter on more recent songs like "Lover", "King of my Heart" and "End Game". I saved my screenshots. I am just a layman. But it's verifiable via AZ Lyrics. If AZ lyrics is correct. People make mistakes in a non-malicious way. So it remains to be seen. But clearly interesting. IMO it's not such a shut and close case. Given the information. But still you might be surprised. Over time. Taylor Swift will come out the winner. Because she might not be the free musical artist that the media claims her to be.

  12. 💀she writes her songs about the guys she abused emotionally and flips it on the guy like she’s not the problem.

  13. Gush! he literally using Taylor for fame i don't even know him where on earth does he came from? Can someone tell me? 😂

  14. 😂🤣😂 That was funny……I heard you don't write your own stories 🔥🔥🔥✔️


  16. Well tomorrow, for some unknown reason, I think I may get compelled to go and buy their product. That's British Irony for you Americans!🤔

  17. I think she writes her own songs: they are all so immature and stupid as her fans🤣

  18. Damon has made amazing music through Gorillaz and I appreciate him for that, but man he didn’t need to say that about Taylor. That was low. Good for her for being able to stand out for herself.

  19. Uh oh, cats out of the bag . It’s ok. There’s a lot of that going around. Lots of people don’t write their own songs.

    I don’t think it’s right that Taylor lost the rights to the RED album either.

  20. Damon was sorely mistaken and has rightfully apologized, but for some to discredit the man as though he’s some kind of Mickey Mouse musician is equally bizarre. He’s an extremely prolific artist with some really good stuff out there. I just hope he learns to be more measured with his critiques next time.

  21. Can I just give a HUGE shout out to all the other people who helped Swift build her career? Seeing that no one else has fought their corner:

    Hillary Lindsey – songwriting

    Liz Rose – songwriting

    Christopher Rowe – production, vocal engineering

    Mike Meadows – acoustic guitar, twelve-string guitar, background vocals, Hammond B3, mandolin

    Derek Garten – engineering

    John Hanes – engineering

    Lowell Reynolds – engineering, recording

    David Payne – recording

    Caitlin Evanson – background vocals

    Paul Sidoti – background vocals, electric guitar

    Amos Heller – bass

    Matt Billingslea – drums

    Max Bernstein – electric guitar

    John Yudkin – fiddle

    Randy Merrill – mastering

    Serben Ghenea – mixing

  22. Literally every song He's written has a co- writer. And some of the songs he sings he hasn't written at all. He doesn't know what he's talking about. He's just looking to be relevant again. Probably needs money 😂

  23. Never heard of him or blur. Don't you shade Taylor buddy. She has more talent in her little finger then you do in your entire body buddy. As I mentioned never heard of you nor do I want to buddy.

    I love Taylor, I love her music. She is my favorite singer and musician of all time and the best entertainer ever.

    Thank you to all those who defended Taylor from this nobody. Thank you Aaron Dessner, Jack Antonoff and Katy Perry to name a few.

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