Taliban claims capture of more crucial Afghan cities l GMA – Car Mod Pros Portal

The U.S. is sending an estimated 3,000 troops back to Afghanistan to help aid an emergency evacuation of staff from the U.S. embassy in Kabul as the Taliban’s grip on the country tightens.

Afghanistan updates: Taliban takes control of Kandahar:

#ABCNews #Taliban #Aghanistan #Kandahar #Biden #Kabul


By carmodpros


42 thoughts on “Taliban claims capture of more crucial Afghan cities l GMA”
  1. មូលហេតុអ្វីបានamericanដកទ័ពចេញ

  2. Now we all know once again USA 🇺🇸 rules the world 🌎 😂

  3. USA needs to take care of it's own first: the homeless, the poor, the sick then worry about other countries. I agree with Joe Biden, bring our Troops home.

  4. "The Taliban is not the North Vietnamese army, they're not remotely comparable in terms of capability." -Biden
    Someone sounds like they have egg on their face. 😂 Moron.

  5. haha so now don't count USA for help they get what they want and leave for you to die disgusting and have the audacity to say if china attacks you have our back? you are delusional

  6. Biden : “ America is back "
    Yes Joe , the 9/11 America is back !
    These suckers got international airports , jets , choppers , American guns & weapon systems …the list continues

  7. Congratulations 👏 and goodbye to education.democracy.girls born to man comfort.no school or opinion viva Stone Age shariaa law captivity of women goodbye normality.shiaa run to Iran.Amir rules now

  8. Thank you biden, that is what happens when you cheat , was it worth it, it is not over yet. You Biden supporters will beg for President Trump to come back

  9. Wait what about the heart and minds we won over ? What a joke we spent 2 Trillion USD in taxpayer money countless American and Afghan lives, 20 years and the Taliban are now controlling more territory than they did after 911 what exactly was the point of going there in the first place. We could’ve just done absolutely nothing after 9/11 and done less damage to our country and their country. The only thing that happened was $2 trillion moved into the hands of defense contractors etc.

  10. If anybody has been taking note so far this is all a big set up our own United States government knew this was going to happen they allowed it to happen, just so they can have a reason to go over there send our troops to raise tax dollars and have something to fight over that's all they do I don't understand the Democrats anymore. Our country is so corrupt it's not the same one I remembered.

  11. Who gives a crap we have no business over there anyways United States of America needs to worry about their own people and stop fighting other people's Wars for them they can't stand us anyways all they want to do is plot terrorist attacks against the United States but then when things go south they want us to help them I know what why don't you help the people in this country first before you start trying to embezzle money once again.

  12. Biden deserved to received an AWARD as the “Most COWARD President ever in the history of the Unites States 🇺🇸 of America. He also deserves to be called as the “Most ANNOYING and the most distrustful President ever in the USA 🇺🇸 in making a commitment in terms of an alliance pact”. Indeed, majority of President around the globe have realized that Biden and his administration are NOT serious on respecting their promises to protect a country as one of their allies. Now Japan 🇯🇵 is already in doubts right now when China will attacked them after what happened to Afghanistan. How about Philippines 🇵🇭, they have this 1954 Defense Treaty Pact to protect each other against those expansionism countries like China and just made a promises to them to protect their country JUST TO RENEW the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) between America and Philippines in order to gain advantage in the South China Sea. Certainly, their President is having a doubt right now or they may cancelled its agreement extension since Biden is the WORST and Most COWARD President ever in the history of mankind. Meanwhile, Taiwan 🇹🇼 is already in big doubts about USA 🇺🇸 commitments to protect them against China invasion. How about South Korea 🇰🇷 government? Our country need to become strong and make a good deal with North Korea 🇰🇵 and start to enriched URANIUM and PLUTONIUM to defend ourselves from our unpredictable neighbors but above all, maybe come South and North will come to terms like reunification plan that America does not want too because they want to control the DMZ. Well, at least people around the world now already knows that America is not TRUTHFULLY FAITHFUL to their commitment from their allies especially seeing the reality of Afghanistan tragedy where America clearly abandoned and just let people die.

  13. Why is the rest of world letting this happen this dangerous regime back in power UK & US soldiers who went there to drive the Taliban out and the soliders who died for nothing now if the rest of the world let's this happen now then their regime will terrorise the world again the Taliban need to be wiped out!!

  14. Let Afghanistan Burn…20 years…money-training-weapons…300K soldiers…if they won't bleed for their own nation like they want to keep it then let the Taliban rule it…stop making the USA your escape goat…if they want freedom it's time to earn it like they mean it.

  15. Thank you, once again Reprobate Liberals. Just shows how they feel about our lost Soldiers. They don't give a F**K. Just hard to tell if they are all Incompetent or just Plane Evil.

  16. Let's just get the hell out of their country. Leave them alone. After 20 years of deaths and $$$Trillions ! This is so asinine! “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.” Anyone who thinks we should be in any other countries backyard and telling them what to do is Soulless and Braindead.

  17. Whay Usa whay so many people dai when you go on in afgsnistan ,and so many more people dai now when you live afgsnistan. 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲

  18. After the Afghan army got their critical race theory and transgender acceptance training they turned their weapons over to the Taliban!

  19. U.s is the cause of terrorisom. The secret powers plan wars across the world and the puppet presidents spread their armies. Big mother fucker,the U.S.

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