After missing for 48 hours, Denise Huskins is found safe in Huntington Beach: Part 5
Huskins was dropped off within walking distance of her mothers house. Despite repeating the same story her boyfriend told, Huskins said it became obvious she needed a defense attorney.
Full Episode:
#ABCNews #ABC2020 #Documentary
This guy is creepy, and he does not care about her,she should kick him and his ex
At the beginning of this, they said they were looking for his ex? They never touched on how muller knew them. Also he knew the guys name. They never circled back to how he was connected to them. How did they know the house.
Imagine if it had gotten that poor girl killed? God have mercy on those jokers if it was my wife!
Where is part 6?
If they made this up they are sick.
Nancy grace is in the running for: worst human being in existence.
Please oh please, if you're going to post these things in "parts" post ALL the parts! There's no part 6.
where is part 6 ?did they take it down!
Soo are you not going to finish uploading the rest?
Traumatic dissociation. Looks like calm, cool, even disinterested, but it’s a defense mechanism the mind uses to save itself from further trauma. Fucking cops are idiots. Anyone who thinks they can predict how someone will react to trauma, or list the “typical†responses to trauma is full of it. Body language may be suggestive, but it may not. Language, vocal tone and timbre, eye contact, and any other “predictable†responses or indicators are not predictable, not certain, and often not present. That Denise had the fortitude to answer their questions at all is testament to her courage and determination, not evidence of her guilt. It’s extraordinary how many people believe they can spot a liar, know what trauma looks like, understands the psychology of both victims and perpetrators, in fact have an opinion about just about everything when the vast majority are working with a truck load of spurious, preconceived notions, wives’ tales, myths and conspiracy theories but don’t actually have an education beyond high school. If that’s you, please stop sharing your uneducated opinions. Nobody wants them and they’re inflaming an already rampant collective stupidity that the rest of us will be decades trying to fix.
Cops. These guys make Mark Furhman look like a choirboy.
We're treating this as a kidnap/ransom. Could have fooled us!
Is there a part 6
The full episode is not available for people outside USA. It's actually very long.
part 6
I got it!! It was detective mustard In the study with a crow bar!!
I've lived on those streets. Glad she is ok.
I feel like theres an entire video missing… how it all end?.. wtf?
I there a part 6? I can’t find it.
Is there a part 6? I can’t find it.
I hate the abc website. I've tried going there to watch the full episode and every time it's a buffering nightmare. I get 203.5 Mbps download, 6.03 Mbps upload, and still have to wait 5-10 minutes to be able to even watch about 1&1/2 minutes of the episode before it buffers again. Can stream Netflix, YouTube, Twitch, Hulu, and Disney+ just fine. But this site? A big ole nope. Cleared browser data, tried watching on different browsers, various vpn locations, turned vpn off, and tried different devices to watch on. <.<
Part 6?
Why wouldn't they wouldn't talk to the cops and give them information? But I guess in the beginning its real hard
That damn detective Mustard was something else. Reminds me of clue
Yep! another gone girl 😂
no way – kidnapper drops her off within walking distance of her house on the same street and she is shocked? The chances of this happening are nil. No freaken way this happened.
Detective Mustard has denied saying a LOT of things.
So what happened