‘Sway’ podcast host Kara Swisher discusses Twitter, Facebook banning Trump | ABC News

‘Sway’ podcast host Kara Swisher discusses Twitter, Facebook banning Trump | ABC News

On “This Week” Kara Swisher discusses the bans of President Donald Trump’s social media accounts.

#ABCNews #ThisWeek #Sway #KaraSwisher #Twitter #Facebook #SocialMedia #Ban #Trump


21 thoughts on “‘Sway’ podcast host Kara Swisher discusses Twitter, Facebook banning Trump | ABC News

  1. YAY!!! Thank y'all for shutting us ALL down!!!!

    TRUMP has his OWN platform!

    Satan ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS chases his own tail!

    BILLIONS will leave a "business" that is demonic!

    Jesus is the VICTORY….and TRUMP and HIS beautiful Godly family is the instrument God is using!
    Trump has his own platform.
    Twitter, facebook satan are DEAD!!!!

  2. So don’t complain when people don’t want to bake cakes for people. These msm people are lying monsters.

  3. Twitter's moral hypocrisy and ethical double standards are really disgusting. They support child pornography but ban the President!
    Watch this video —
    It's time that everybody banned the platforms of these bullying tech giants.

  4. Excuse me: violating what? your narrative is that what you mean! The Capitol riot is nothing comparing to what BLM has been done for months across the country and none of you opened your big mouths to condemn any of the events. AND, YES, THEY ONLY SHUT DOWN TRUMP NOT MADURO OR AOC TALKING ABOUT 'LISTS'. How convenient!!

  5. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.

  6. We should follow the example of China's progressive government and send political trouble makers to re-education camps. We could also learn much from how they protect their citizens from insurgent thinking by restricting inaccuracies on the internet. I mean look at thier social achievements, they don't have homelessness, gangs, drug syndicates, or hunger. Freedom of speech is highly overrated … our democratic government officials are better qualified to protect us from those Americans who don't think correctly.

  7. they can NOT DO WHAT EVER THEY WANT. facebook me retiree borders a monopoly . And we know what happens to monopoly’s

  8. TRUMP should SHUT DOWN these Big TECH companies for TREASON AGAINST THE HIGHEST OFFICE IN THE NATION! All of them. They ALL BROKE THE LAW! Our Constituonal law has been assaulted and we DONT want it this way in America! SHUT THEM DOWN Mr. President!!! God bless America!

  9. TRUMP should SHUT DOWN these Big TECH companies for TREASON AGAINST THE HIGHEST OFFICE IN THE NATION! All of them. They ALL BROKE THE LAW! Our Constituonal law has been assaulted and we DONT want it this way in America! SHUT THEM DOWN Mr. President!!! God bless America!

  10. No big deal, if people don't like what a private company does, in a free market they can just find an alternative like" Parler". Thanks Kara Swisher for spelling it out, you are a great american.

  11. Kara Swisher : "these are private businesses, they can do whatever they want". Tell that to the baker in Colorado lady, he would love to hear it! After all , isn't a cake just a" platform" to convey a message. If it weren't for double standards, they would have NO standards.

  12. LOL! 😝 at liberal bias Facebook and 🐥Twitter !$51 $BILLION$ LOST by Facebook and Twitter combined in market cap after their decision to ban a sitting president of the USA 🇺🇸 from their platforms. After the social media expulsion of President Trump users have been flocking to alternative social media sites. It’s time to take the protection of section 230 away from “big tech”companies like Facebook, Twitter, Google to name a few who have way too much power and are way to bias to conservatives posters. Now go do your dam jobs Pelosi, Schumer instead of wasting time and taxpayers $money$ on your ridiculous impeachment nonsense. You two look like out of touch elderly buffoons!

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