Suspected Russian hack a ‘moment of reckoning’: Microsoft president – Car Mod Pros Portal

Microsoft President Brad Smith calls the recent hack on U.S. agencies “extraordinarily sophisticated and extremely broad,” and wants more action to hold foreign actors accountable.

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By carmodpros


29 thoughts on “Suspected Russian hack a ‘moment of reckoning’: Microsoft president”
  1. Microsoft the name you can trust 😆💩

  2. Did the Russians have to tell us that we'd been hacked before we could recognize it? Wasn't it really the East-Timorese that performed this hack? Or was it New Zeland?

  3. So these hackers hacked all the top agencies, even the NSA, and have supposedly been meddling around networks since February. Yet voting machines can't be hacked per last months news according to all the "experts" …. gtfo. And it's probably China, not Russia

  4. Hate capitalism, but need that source code?, fun fact, modern communist socialist regimes are greedy pigs also. Dictators still want lavish lifestyles, but build there fortunes on the backs of the people.

  5. The USA's intelligence and law enforcement structures have continually failed since the 90's. The FBI, CIA, NSA, Cyber Command, should all be gutted and start fresh. We continually allow foreign countries to infiltrate US systems with very little ramifications.

  6. I bought my first house while I was in my 30s because I was intact with hackbypark on IG for there software now I can count3 house. 2 cars and unlimited funds hack

  7. Retaliation x three is our only real path at this point. It's time Putin realizes what kind of hurt we can put on him and that his cover by Trump is gone with the wind…Just sayin'

  8. Actually, based on the recent Russian cyberattack, it's becoming apparent that Putin is punishing the 80 million people who rose up and gave His MAGAjesty Oink Lardsquirts the boot in November – sending a clear message to the outgoing Lameduck a'l'Orange that we've reached the end of the era of during which he and his cult could simply refer to anything they're not comfortable with as "FAKE." Vlad can no longer count on having a Manchildurian Candidate in the Oval Office to do his bidding. This would explain why the Orange Bloatus continues to solicit donations from his CroMAGAtard base of stooges, racists and rubes. He's realized that Putin and the Russian Mafia aren't going to bail him out of the multiple indictments coming his way from the Attorney General's Office of the Southern District of New York – as they did when he was a two bit real estate bunco artist in the 80s and 90s and needed cash to cover his many swindles. In other international news, the Chinese have apparently given Trump an honorary Chinese nickname in response to him calling the Coronavirus "Kung Flu." Reportedly, many of them are now referring to him as "Phat Dum Wang." If  his father hadn't been a blackhearted slumlord and his grandfather a pimp,  Benito Cheeto would probably be a retired used car salesman and registered sex offender in Queens, NY whose hobbies are participating in competitive eating contests and Off Track Betting on dog races in Florida (and of course yelling at people to get off his lawn).

  9. The most obvious that this Russian hacking would be is to plant evidence or something to that effect that would discredit the recent elections because, as Trump claims, there was massive fraud.

  10. This is not the first time for such a cyber attack using emails to cause a virus to spread and shut down companies. Wannacry ransomware occurred in 2017. Unfortunately, this time, Trump's ignorance of security measures, distracted Homelands ability to focus on our country. But, his eagerness to immediately claim that Russia has no involvement, is suspicious. Why is he ALWAYS so quick to defend a foreign country with a known track record of attacking American democracy?

  11. Well that's the problem right there you're running the virus prone inferior windows operating system

    "It's a UNIX System , I know this" !

  12. You know it’s crazy what these powerful white men in America can get away with in this country made a mistake what mistake you may ask well was breached 6 months ago I repeat 6 months ago they had been doing this and no one caught that and his privilege lets him just talk say a few words about how they should go about fixing the problem and it’s all good and no one will say anything just go on like it’s normal not to be held accountable at all for anything well I’m not surprised it’s nothing new this is America.This is America the best country in the world why are we always so behind playing catch-up

  13. Thousands of agents are working on US soil in IT field who came on H1B and can implant malware in software supply chain making not only US but the whole world vulnerable unsafe

  14. It’s shame only Fire eye caught the attack in thousands of multi billion dollar organizations, fire eye is a very small company

  15. If you are reading this, stay strong, healthy, safe, and don't lose hope. We will overcome 2020's adversities soon with kindness, resilience and resistance. During these dark times there is always hope in the middle of the fear. There are good news: God promises to be with you because he loves you. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life" John 3:16. I just want to let everyone know that Jesus loves you with a passion more than you can imagine. He gave his life so you can be free. In these uncertain times, cast all your burdens on Jesus; for he cares for you. If you've got pain
    He's a pain taker
    If you feel lost
    He's a way maker
    If you need freedom or saving
    He's a prison-shaking Savior
    If you've got chains
    He's a chain breaker.
    Its never too late in this life to put your trust in him.
    Don't let your heart be troubled in these times.
    I wish you the best day.

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