Keith Kinnunen, who witnesses said wore a fake beard and dark coat during the shooting, had been arrested for assault in Oklahoma but a court ruled him incompetent to stand trial on charges.
#Church #DeadlyShooting #DomesticTerrorism #Criminal #KeithKinnunen #Assault #Oklahoma #ABCNews #WorldNewsTonight
No motive, he was just a madman
Ruled mentally incompetent to stand trial, but yet on the street killing church going people that helped him. Our Criminal lack of justice system has failed us again. The courts slap these criminals on the wrist so that they can Go out and kill people. Convicted felon with a gun? Imagine that.
Blane Regan every single time someone who is mentally ill does a crime in society blame him every single time here is why:
The Mental Health Systems Act of 1980 (MHSA) was United States legislation signed by President Jimmy Carter which provided grants to community mental health centers. In 1981 President Ronald Reagan and the U.S. Congress repealed most of the law.
People who are mentally ill and dangerous to society do not belong in public they must be taken care of behind closed doors
How and where did he get a gun? Was he another "good guy with a gun"?
Incompetent to stand trial? Fine. But if he is a clear and apparent isn't there some way he can be contained so as to not bring harm to others?
😎😳ðŸ™ÂÂÂðŸÂ¾….. .
He was looking for handouts….
confirmed Democrat
Hero paid security guard
Joe Biden is really upset that the gunman wasn't allowed to shoot all 242 church-goers. What right did those church-goers have to try to protect themselves! Take away their guns. Thanks Joe
Insane asylums need to be reopened, this guy should not have been let out on the streets after they found he was crazy.
This is tragic, rest in peace.
Guns save lives…and yes bad guys seem to always find a way to get a gun, meaning the good guys should always have them…
It's not a mystery if you just told us why he did it and exactly what I said and they also promise people green cards wives and houses. Is this what church money should be spent on? Absolutely not. Have they been doing this since I was a child, absolutely. As I have stated on MULTIPLE occasions – STOP PLAYING GOD, IT WILL ONLY GET YOU KILLED. IT'S A FACT, NOT A THREAT.
Pure EVILNESS!!! My condolences to the family of the ones who loss their livesðŸ™ÂÂÂðŸÂ¾
Anyone know where I can see the uncensored video since the news feels like they get to decide what I'm allowed to see?
If he was black he would be in jail for murder
Texas and Florida have had how many shootings this past year? Proof something more needs to be done
this anchor wears too much make up 🤦ðŸÂ»â€ÂÂÂ♀ï¸ÂÂÂ
American politicians want this. This is the NRA’s fucking dreamland.
Still trying to figure out a motive?????????? You said it like 4 fucking times "they wouldn't give him money" that was the motive
May they rest in piece 🙁
Ah yes the typical case of being too deranged to face trial and be locked up or emitted into an insane asylum. The benefits of being a pale looney in America.
The church said they knew this guy had major problems and angry with them and they were on the lookout for him. So when they saw him come in in the obvious disguise and Overcoat why did they not stop him before he even got in the church? Why did they let him come on in and sit through the service without saying anything? And why did this white shooter go up to the only black man in the church say something to him and then shoot him? Sounds like a hate crime. And sounds like a set up from the fundamental church,, NRA and trump. Sends a message to have more guns.
The first victim he shot was pulling his own firearm from the position in small of his back …..I hate to say it, but he should’ve been caring it and at a more ready quicker access position, so he could’ve drawn quicker, might would would’ve saved his life and the second victims life. Just my personal opinion. Tragic for those two victims.
Good guy with a gun!
Anti gun supporters. Why do you care? This kinda crap litterally happens in the same three states. Nevada Texas and florida.
So there is a Dead Eye