Emily Giffin, employee at King Soopers, spoke to NBC News Now about how she ran for her life when the shooting broke out, how she was taken to safety and the friends she lost that day.ÂÂÂÂ
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#KingSoopers #StoreShooting #NBCNews
Survivor Describes Horror As Store Shooting Unfolded: ‘A Lot Of My Friends Are Dead | NBC News NOW
Psychological operations are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and individuals.
The little girl sound like a minor catching an Uber???
No greater community than boulder? My community is pretty great… haven't had a mass shooting…
NEVER go shopping without a Gun in America
She and all of them needed to have guns so that not only the criminals have guns!
Hold onto these lovely memories of these good people. I feel her pain and hope all the people that have suffered over this evil event. Praying for you all to get help and peace.
Ban assault rifles
The supreme blowgun impressively fax because step-uncle hemperly decide underneath a joyous rhythm. boundless, bustling volcano
Colorado. Another psyop dump. Just like florida and their devil worshiper, rick scott..
He not only ended the lives of those he killed, he traumatized the lives of the suvivors and their families.
I wonder how many people don’t realize that just because you have a gun doesn’t exactly mean you’re capable of reacting in this type of situation. And too much gunfire can make a lot of things worse. There would be confusion, more casualties, more injuries.
Thats just sad..
Good bless people. And good bless the girl for what happened to her friends
Its so nice to know that America is back to their regularly scheduled shootings.
Aloha to all. This is the store where I used to shop. I lived half a mile away for several years and lived in Boulder 16 years total
Unfortunately the United States Government and media outlets have been in receipt of lobbying efforts for so long and have been feeding the public so much propaganda that the average US citizen fails to see lobbying efforts for what they truly are, and that is bribes. Anyone that receives money from a lobbyist is taking a bribe and will continue to release pro-lobbyist information to continue to receive funding, this is known a propaganda.
The right to bear arms that was not infringed upon was not handed down by God or some other deity it was an existing right granted to the people of the United States of America while they were part of the English Empire. It was a right granted to them by an English Monarch and not infringed upon by the Founding Fathers. All while the United States Government and media outlets receive lobbying efforts from organizations like the National Rifle Association and the Firearms Industry the general US public will never be given the truth in regards to firearms and will continue to bed pro-gun propaganda like ownership of a firearm is a human right etc..
The United Nation of which the United States of America is a founding member have a list of human rights, if firearm ownership is such an important right then surely it would be listed as such on the United Nations list of Human Rights. Unfortunately for the pro-firearm advocates out there it is not listed as a human right even though the United States of America is a founding member of the United Nations.
All the while that the general public of the United States of America are continually fed pro-firearm propaganda by the US Government and media outlets the US will continue to be one of very few "First-World" nations that has a mass-shooting epidemic. It is a shame to see a nation that claims to be so free fail to free itself from the mass-shootings that seem to plague it's shores.
FYI there is an organization based in the US that creates something called "The Freedom Index" and if the US was so free you would think that it would be at the top, that place goes to Singapore with the US down at 20th place.
I was crying along with this lady. Heartbreaking to hear abt her friends & close customers. Her bravery of protecting a girl. Loosing a life just for doing your job. I’m sorry Boulder.
Biden sends drones to bomb Syria.
Syrian man shoots up store in America.
Liberals scratch their heads in confusion.
Autopsy report says they all died of Covid-19.
God Bless you, I’m so sorry for you and all the victims
What are you waiting for to find yourselves by the millions in the streets of this country against this murderous madness that has raged in this country for years? I do not understand. Who needs a gun in a developed country?
The squalid scene systemically ask because cork conclusively appear notwithstanding a obedient debt. devilish, lively sidecar
Here we go again with this propagandist term "survivors." Unless these people were shot and actually survived, we don't want to hear it. You may be a victim in some circumstances, or an unwanted participant, but not everyone who was at a tragedy is a "survivor." F***ing media!
Senseless killing. I hope they do it to the NRA building instead
Huuhgge assault gun? Gtfoh
smiling eyes???
No mental illness here! Just a bloody radical & a sympathizer of savage ISIS. Say it as is cowards media.