Supreme Court to take up Texas abortion law, refuses to block it – Car Mod Pros Portal

ABC News’ legal contributor Kate Shaw unpacks the Supreme Court’s decision to expedite its review of the controversial Texas abortion law and the future of Roe v. Wade.

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By carmodpros


22 thoughts on “Supreme Court to take up Texas abortion law, refuses to block it”
  1. We humbly pray for Moral clarity for Life! For each Person! As. Each person, will answer to God for every idle word that is spoken! It will be our own words that we will be justified or condemned, On judgement day! Matthew 12:36,37; 🙏So be it, Amen!🙏

  2. Sick so in Texas women who have been raped or are victim of family rape they are denied an abortion. And have to go ahead with the pregnancy . This is sick . Plus people may be fine
    No one is thinking of the women rights here ,

  3. I'm not even religious but thought shalt not kill always made sense to me. Maybe slutty boys and girls should start using birth control that costs pennies instead of aborting a life.

  4. I will sleep like a 7 week baby in Texas… Safe from the demonic party 🛏️🛏️🛏️.

  5. Conservative judges will support the Texas law. For conservative people its ok to not get vaccinated and spread a deadly disease, but not ok for a women to have control over there bodies and get an abortion. I am disappointed with republicans saying they support individual freedom, unless it's something they don't like. So what happens, two crackheads get together and make a baby, who then goes into the welfare/foster home system, which costs taxpayer money. Then Republicans will complain about welfare costs, yet they are the ones who got people into welfare. Besides hypocritical, republicans are short sighted.

  6. if this holds up then gun rights are next using the same platform – state by state can start dismantling gun rights — give up your guns or move – states can just mandate it then gun owners have to give up the guns or move – many states will implement a mandate just like with the vaccine – then just play it out and see if the supreme court will review it or not

  7. With all the chaos in the world I can genuinely say to people who abort babies we could have World Peace by now but the people who could have ushered it in never got to see daylight


    50.000.000 MILLION BABIES ARE ABORTED EACH YEAR!!(worldwide)
    125.000 a day

    they have no voice – no choice
    Also when aborted the baby is chopped up in pieces and sold for a freakin profit … Disgusting practice by planned parenthood

  9. Abortions are provided free in Isreal as is healthcare. Women can apply for a no cost abortion through the nations healthcare system for reasons ranging from an emotional or mental threat caused by the pregnancy or for not being married to the
    baby’s father. The law was just recently changed and now no medical reason for the abortion is required.
    “There is emotional and physical drama to pregnancy. I don’t believe
    someone would get pregnant just because her abortion could be financed.”

  10. If they can preserve abortion rights, they need to legalize assisted suicide. We should each have the right to live or not live without legal impact. It's a corrupt system.

  11. If you had a abortion. Look in the mirror what you see is the face of the murderer. Long past time that liberals pulled her head out of their rectal cavity and face up to the fact they've been murdering. Forget all the b***** about it not being alive. If it wasn't alive it wouldn't be developing into a human being morons. Your murderers. Even more disgusting than murderers who shoot up school children. Murder of the worst possible type. You're killing the most innocent thing there is an unborn child.

  12. "Thus says the Lord:

    The earth cries out in the morning, and the people mourn at eventide; from dusk until the dawn, the bodies are piled up in heaps! The whole world loves violence, and over all this murder barely a tear is shed; the voice of weeping and lamentation is rarely heard above a whisper. And the cries of every unborn child is muffled by the sound of their mother’s dying womb, as her heart becomes stone… The light of her eyes darkening; her life, forfeit.
    Mankind is covered in wickedness! The breadth of the whole earth is filled with every kind of evil! Every tree is dry and bears bitter fruit! For the heart of man is black, the void within him deep, a widening chasm filled with deep darkness, sheer cliffs on every side!… Every branch withers, no more will leaves appear, dry and dead branches ready to be broken off and cast into the fire.

    The heart of The Lord your God is very heavy. The heart of The Lord is enraged, and is very heavy. The sorrow of The Lord is deep and infinite.

    My people, let it be known to you, I take no pleasure at all in what I must do, in what must be done – NO PLEASURE AT ALL! Says The Lord. As My hand draws back, blood pours down! As I strike the earth in My anger, My tears run down! As famine spreads forth across the land, My heart is rent inside Me over the hardness of men’s hearts! As My face fills with the heat of My fury, My eyes are set ablaze with fire over that which I see! My tears run down, My blood pours down. As My own servants turn from Me and run, as My own beloved, whom I have called sons and daughters, turn and fight against Me, as My own body betrays Me, My blood pours down, My tears run down.

    As the nations come together and bind
    My hands and My feet, My tears run down…
    As they bruise Me and spit in My eyes,
    While mocking Me, My tears run down…
    As they pierce My side, My blood and
    Tears run down together!…
    As My own people drive in the nails still,
    I am risen up from My place with My arms
    Spread apart, waiting to receive them!
    My blood runs down, the tears run down…

    Hard generation! Sleeping children! Even My own fall asleep, unable to watch with Me for one hour; their hearts hardened, unwilling to weep with Me in this last hour. Do you not understand My sorrows, little flock? They refuse to be healed! Therefore, I must destroy them!…
    My blood runs down, and they refuse it! My tears fall like rain upon the nations, yet they will not lift their head, nor do they hold out their tongue to drink it! Where have all My children gone?! They choose death! THEY CHOOSE DEATH! And at the last day, they shall surely receive it; they shall taste of it to the fullest! Therefore do My tears run down; therefore do the rivers run like death through the waste places.
    Beloved, they heap up death, only to throw themselves upon the heap! Lo, they have made their covenant with death, and with the grave they are in agreement! They burn candles and make sacrifices to other gods; yea, they bow down to them! Behold, they shall be slaughtered and burned together!… The whole field is diseased, every leaf is blighted and withers, every stalk is rotten even to the roots! It must be purged and burned with fire! Therefore do My tears run down; therefore does My sorrow continue on, forever. The wound is incurable! Therefore My love will weep, and My heart will wail, forever.
    Have you not read My words, little flock? Are your ears yet dull of hearing? Yet My words shall not return void. For the beasts of the earth languish, and the creatures of flight fail to soar, for they know what is coming. Lo, I have nourished and brought forth young children to weep in your places, for you were unwilling.
    And still the mighty stand proud, and the feeble follow close behind in their example, refusing to bow down, covering themselves in pretense while wearing many disguises, until the face they behold in the mirror has become unrecognizable to them.

    My blood runs down, yet I do not know them!
    My tears run down, yet My own people remain
    Unclean, hiding always in their deceitful houses!…
    From the least to the greatest, I tell you,
    They have surely hated Me!…
    Therefore I am come down to take My spoil,
    To purge and to slaughter! Blood and fire!
    Rivers of blood and pillars of smoke!…
    This world is condemned,
    And The Father has declared its end!…
    I AM COME DOWN![1]…
    Says The Lord."

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