Supreme Court strikes down restrictive abortion law in Louisiana – Car Mod Pros Portal

In a 5 to 4 vote, the court said the law would place an undue burden on women seeking an abortion.


By carmodpros


22 thoughts on “Supreme Court strikes down restrictive abortion law in Louisiana”
  1. How about keeping your legs closed if your not ready to have a family! Ya, it's a personal decision, that you can't take back and you will live with the guilt, the rest of your life! When is Bader going to kick the bucket?

  2. So these judges don’t care if a woman dies from a botched abortion – got it. What’s next, not require the person to be a doctor ? Oh that’s right NY already has that law, allowing people who are not doctors to perform abortions, which is a surgical procedure. . Funny there is no medical procedure allowed to be performed by people who are not doctor on men.

  3. It is amazing to me how so many people are completely unable to have a respectful and mature conversation about abortion. Insulting each other isn't going to help anything.

  4. Abortion is wrong. The world needs Jesus. Needs to remember God's laws. The God in heaven. Brothers & sisters stop being whores. If people stop whoring around the world.

  5. I don’t believe abortion should be legal, I have to accept that its law . If its Law to allow a woman to kill her unborn baby, while I don’t like it, it’s on their heads. On them to deal with conscience. But why should I , as a taxpayer have to pay for this self inflicted genocide. Other than abortions, Planned parenthood doesn’t do anything more that your local Obgyn or clinic can support. Its pro life or pro death. Opposite of life is death . Call it what it is.

  6. This is not about women's health care. This is about a degenerate class of whores who want their vaginas to feel good, at the expense of the innocent lives people in the womb, when they mess up so they can continue making their vaginas feel good without consequences. DISGUSTING.

    "WhAt aBoUt rApE?!" You mean the less than 1% of abortions that happen because of rape? Factually speaking 99% of abortions are simply just a woman trying to duck consequences of her actions by committing murder on a person. And just because a child is conceived in a rape, does NOT MEAN that he/she is less human!

  7. Without abortions the earth would overpopulate. They could limit women to 1 or 2 children at some point but that would spark outrage. Cant make everyone happy


    Dear Supreme Court Judges,

    All human life is sacred. The Constitution says we have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but not at the expense of another person’s right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. You say abortion is legal and women can choose, even at the expense of an unborn child’s right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Do you have the right to go up to someone and shoot them in the face? No, that would be murder. So even though we have psychology professors claiming that life begins the moment that life has an environment, when a sperm fertilizes an egg, you still deny the scientific fact that a fetus is sacred life.

    Supreme Court Judges, will you be the ones performing the abortions? Why don’t you secularist and atheist voters all perform the abortions yourself, that way when you are holding a dead, unborn child in your hands you can realize that you are murderers?

    The Canadian Supreme Court Judges recently declared that bestiality is legal, as long as there is no penetration of the animal because that would be “animal cruelty.” Yet to murder a premature baby that was innocent, is not considered cruelty. So you Supreme Court Judges with your foolish logic give more human rights to animals! You give more rights to sick perverts than innocent babies. You judges prove you yourselves are the sick perverts! You are sick, perverted murderers, and you are supposed to protect the lives of our children? Yet you protect dogs more than you protect our children! You protect trees more than our babies. It is easier to get an abortion than to cut down trees. So you give trees more human rights than unborn children! You are sick people with sick thinking. Check yourself into the psych ward immediately you Supreme Court Judges! Your judgment has created a socially acceptable genocide. What makes you Supreme Court Judges any different than Jihadists? Murderers are murderers, period.

    God gave us this country as a blessing, yet you turn it into a curse for future generations. God says to be fruitful and multiply and that Satan wants to steal kill and destroy. So you want to steal unborn children’s rights away and give them to dogs, trees, and perverts while killing and destroying our children. Therefore, all you atheist and secularist judges and voters are satanic. Your logic and thinking equals that of Satan. Your wisdom goes against Almighty God. You have turned this country from One nation under God into one nation under the devil. Get out of office you satanic murderers! Get out of office you Supreme Court Perverts with your sick minds infecting a once, healthy nation Under God! Get out of office you Satanic Criminals!

  9. The left is so hypocritical. Postmodernism declares that everything is a social construct. Gender especially. Yet the same people are begging for “women’s rights”. If gender is a social construct then shouldn’t men have a say as well in the matter? Everything about the left makes no sense. We will allow the killing of babies for “women’s rights” yet we also declare that women is a social construct that isn’t even real. What? These people have no compass or foundation for truth and reason. Don’t you realize the abortion argument is the same one used for slavery. “It’s my body so I should be able to choose.” “It’s my property so I can do whatever I want with it.” The Democratic party has not changed.

  10. What is sad about this is that some of the same people who are celebrating this were just protesting for black lives or claiming how they believe that all lives matter.

  11. My opinion: #Doctors #performing #abortions #must #have #privileges at #local #hospitals; #otherwise, #lives #will #be #lost. #SCOTUS : A #precedent #here: #Partial #Birth #Abortion #Ban #Act. Please pass it on, #ACLJ, #JaySekulow, and seated Justices' own previous rulings on said Act. — #JennyWestberg, #PortlandOregon. Thanks and may God bless the Court in rightly pursuing the Framers' original intent: #Life, then #Liberty, and only then, #PursuitOfHappiness.

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