Supreme Court Considering New Case Involving High School Cheerleaders Free Speech | NBC News NOW

Supreme Court Considering New Case Involving High School Cheerleaders Free Speech | NBC News NOW

A high school cheerleader took to social media to express her dismay when not making the varsity team and her school penalized her for her conduct. Now, the Supreme Court is taking on whether that violated a students freedom of speech outside the classroom. NBC News Legal Analyst Danny Cevallos dives into the importance of this case.
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Supreme Court Considering New Case Involving High School Cheerleaders Free Speech | NBC News NOW


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25 thoughts on “Supreme Court Considering New Case Involving High School Cheerleaders Free Speech | NBC News NOW

  1. Glad she won. So what if the coaches didn't like what she said using cuss words, which isn't surprising with young people today. I hope the school or what ever school she is attending aren't stupid enough to retaliate against her. Next thing they would have been demanding all the students pass words to all their social media accounts.

  2. The Supreme Court said no that the school can’t.
    If it’s bullying another student? That’s a different story.

    If we can praise a school than we can criticize it. School clearly over stepped it’s bounds legally and their being held to account with a 8-1 ruling in favor of BL.

  3. The Supreme court ruled in her favor today. Under the 1st amendment yes its freedom of speech. As it comes to her character that's questionable. This is the parents responsibly to raise a respectable being and obviously they failed at that. She's a spoiled brat that has no respect and a reflection of how she was raised. Just because she wasn't promoted to varsity doesn't mean she can be disrespectful. She's just a bad sport. Under the law she can be as disrespectful and spout any garbage out of her mouth. So yes its freedom of speech.

  4. Bruh wat i dont get is why y u would rant about the school just to end up wanting to join their cheer team🤦‍♂️

  5. If there is one video anywhere from any time w a student/s using the f word and/or using same and school/teacher in the same sentence….lets review equal treatment under the law.

  6. # THE INTERNET IS NOT PRIVATE ( perception = reality)
    if you post it, its no longer yours. it can be used for good / evil
    your intent is secondary, your audience can then read – misread / change / interpret / manipulate your story
    some one should explain it to the dad

  7. I don't get this. Isn't this just a mistake (very big one) by appellant judge saying Tinker does not apply to off campus speech. The first case ruled in student's favour citing no disruption under Tinker. I read that to say 'the fact the comments were made out of school is irrelevant in this case, this is about the harm to the school' This should just be common sense. Outside of school, if school isn't harmed, parenting is done by parents. If her parents had disciplined her for bad language or her attitude, she could not fight them in court under first amendment. How is this about free speech? Tinker already acknowledged student's don't necessarily have complete freedom of speech.

  8. If the school feels bullied and harassed by a 14 year child, it's not mature enough to be trusted with the care and education of children. Schools are more concerned with policing children than educating them.

  9. Such outcampus discipline is similar as fr an employee engage in d employment….ie Outside or inside the management staff must bear all d employment responsibility n accountability for d organization

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