Supreme Court Chief Justice responds to leak of draft opinion

Supreme Court Chief Justice responds to leak of draft opinion

Chief Justice John Roberts said that if the leaker thought it would affect the court’s work they are “foolish.” Overnight, security was tightened around the perimeter of the Supreme Court.


#WorldNewsTonight #SupremeCourt #Abortion #roeVSwade


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38 thoughts on “Supreme Court Chief Justice responds to leak of draft opinion

  1. You know we fought a civil war based on State's rights each individual State wanting the right to retain the practice of slavery the federal government saying no go we're not going to allow it the federal government had to fight the states physically sending military to ensure that the states comply with the fact that the federal law is going to be the Mandate so when it comes to state rights those state rights do not give the state the authority to commit crimes against humanity abortion is a crime against humanity and no State should be allowed to practice the Holocaust of 65 million babies
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  2. Making abortion illegal is not possible. Even if the supreme court genuinely tried to overturn Roe vs Wade, the majority if not the vast majority of state and municipal governments would ignore the ruling, and there is also no way to enforce it. Abortion has literally been a cultural right for 50 solid years. The other courts would rip this ruling to shreds and allow abortions to continue with no penalty at all. The supreme court knows this, which makes all of this a complete fallacy. More than likely, Roberts is the one who "leaked" the ruling or knew about it and let it happen. The Supreme court knows overturning Roe vs Wade would never work, however there are other motives to do this. The neocon Republicans on the supreme court are largely enemies of the Trump kind of Republicans, who now seem to be the strongest force in the Republican party, and if not, they are at least strong enough to sabotage the other side. Any "Trump" kind of Republican is a major threat to the Neocon interests, especially financial interests. By "leaking" an extremely controversial topic that will absolutely rile up severe division and violence, it creates a big incentive for Democrats to get out and vote.

    The Democrats are fare more aligned with neocons than the Trump style Republicans. What has happened does a number of significant things, it possibly sabotages what were advantages from the Trump style Republicans coming into the next election cycle, and it is also a distraction from serious geo political, energy and macro economic problems that are resulting from the Russian invasion of the Ukraine. There is an attempt to divert people's attention from a real global crisis that is unfolding. When people understand just had bad the situation is, and how it will effect them, they may and probably will turn on the D.C government. When you lose the value of your stocks and the grocery stores are half full or less, pacifism goes out the window. Do not believe a word of what is being said about this "leak" and the reasons for it. The real reasons are most likely closer to what I have just said. Use your few brain cells, (I know Americans don't have many) and look at the timing of this. Yes, looks more than a little bit suspicious doesn't it? If you aren't a half wit, it is too obvious. All insults intended, no apologies.

  3. Chopping up babies is a right? How about the pill or a condom or abstain from intercourse. The idea that women think killing babies is their right is a sick thought. Irresponsible $hithead kids… AWFUL!

  4. As usual Collins pretends she supports something publicly and then votes against it. Why do her constituents think that she is anything but useless in standing up for them with her constant fence sitting approach to legislating. Jellyfish!

  5. Srry but u lay down and have a baby u have a responsibility to take care of it or that someone else does. The fact that these idiots wanna kill babies is deeply disturbing. Most of these radical morons probably don't even have kids.

  6. I feel the leak was planned by the conservative judges as a distraction from another over turned law that will also take place. The Supreme court is now useless and just another political tool to destroy America. That has been the tea parties agenda from the start. Small Government is a fancy way of saying dictatorship.

  7. Sen Susan sounds older then time while speaking. It’s insane our country is run by old ass crazy great grandparents. Not very current thinkers.

  8. The Supreme Court has overruled it's own precedents in 232 cases since 1810.  Why are you Libs acting like this is a once in a lifetime abuse of power?

  9. Roe was reaffirmed. Now it's time for it to be removed.
    I don't know where these delusional people get there conclusion from. 2 wrong decisions in a row doesn't make it impossible to get a third correct decision.

  10. That's not foolish. Whoever leaked it good for them. That person knows you as a supreme court justice are in the wrong here. The only thing that is foolish is that this may be undone soon & it's sad.

  11. Evangelical Christians are no difference that the Taliban. Christian law. Sharia law. There is no difference. Created by fat, white men to subject women's rights. Americans have no idea, nor do I believe they care, what the rest of the world thinks of there racial bigotry and educational dearth. They are laughed at, hard, by other countries. Ask a Canadian, Australian, Brit, French, German. You name the people. They are laughing HARD at the obtuse Christian players. Morally bankrupt.

  12. Republicans do everything possible to kill Americans and make their lives miserable.
    They blocked public health initiatives during a pandemic.
    They block gun control.
    They block universal healthcare.
    They just want Americans dead.

  13. Radical left always will go to be one criminals group like BLM, ANTIFA, and others that use the force to get all things. These group are considered domestic terrorist and are funding by evil groups that using the name by injustice, racism and homophobia threat and the terror to aterrorrized good people, families and others. The big problem is that the mob media like, CNN, MCSNB, ABC news, NBC and others big tech that are funded by Socialist and communist countries are making of all to destroy the capitalism and the peace. This is global evil mind that is growning quickly between us. For example we have the Venezuela with the current president dicator Maduro where all citizens are starved and the population became eact time more poor. Cuba other example, your citizens are in the poverty complete and others communists countries around the world. The world have to have care and try avoid this evil ideologies. Pay attention fellows and obeserve how the evil groups work.💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥

  14. Anti abortion, no maternity leave … America in 2022 lead the world in backward laws. Backward people?


  15. If you didn’t go out in 2016 and support roe v wade then I ain’t tryna hear any complaints from y’all. Your the main reason why trump got and and nominated these justices. As the saying goes, eff around and find out

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