Supreme Court allows Texas abortion law to remain in place l WNT – Car Mod Pros Portal

The U.S. Supreme Court said that a narrowly tailored challenge to Texas’ near-total ban on abortions, SB8, could proceed in federal courts, but declined to put the law on hold for a second time.




#abortionban #texas #supremecourt #scotus #sb8


By carmodpros


38 thoughts on “Supreme Court allows Texas abortion law to remain in place l WNT”
  1. Women recognize your power, TX is a gun loving state so get one and learn how to use it, now comes the hard part which is self control because your men need to know that you're not willing to chance on getting pregnant and if you want it you've got to take it but be warned I will defend myself.

  2. We pray for Moral clarity for Life! For each Judge! As. Each person, will answer to God for every idle word that is spoken! It will be our own words that we will be justified or condemned, On judgement day! Matthew 12:36,37; 🙏So be it, Amen!🙏Amen!🙏

  3. And now the petty libtards are trying to ban guns in California based on this. Have fun watching your state suck even more. Laws never stop criminals.

  4. 'Bösartigkeitsfrüchte' nicht
    getöteter gutartiger (Ex-)
    Schwangerer* . Dies gehörend zu den kom-
    plizierteren Aspekten
    bevorstehender "Sol-3"-
    'Sanierung' .

    * (nach Levitierung & Ent-
    fernung Früchte) sehr
    prudent zu deponieren
    auf Erdboden (vertrauter
    Umgebung) .

  5. This Let's Go Brandon's DOJ can suck on pawn scum all day long and they can't do a damn thing about Texas's abortion law! Good for Texas! 👍🏻

  6. So all you good Christians out there who are so pro-lifers let me ask you this, are you ready to adopt? Are you ready to pay taxes for childcare for all children? Are you ready to feed and supply clothing to all of the children that you are now forcing to be born? You keep saying it's God's will, I also remember from Sunday school about Christians taking care of their brother as their own. Since Christians have given women no outlet, they don't like contraceptives, they don't like plan b, and they don't like abortions. I assume since they want to force a child to be born against the woman's will they are willing to pay for and raise it. My advice to all women who are forced to carry a child (they can't have whatever the circumstances), once you have the baby walk right over to the nearest Christian's house ring the door bell, once someone answers, place baby in arms say "here's the baby you did not want me to abort, Congratulations on being a new parent!" and walk away. You can also walk into a church and hand off a child. Now I know there are safe shelter places to leave your baby like fire departments and hospitals, you can do that too, but churches tend to run every Sunday and there are loads of people who fought for this, so cut out the middle man. If your bold, walk right up to the pastor, or if there is an alter right up to it and place the baby in the pastor's arms or on alter and say "Congratulations, here's the baby you forced me to carry, just like those other countries where women have no rights and are forced to carry unwanted babies, I give you this one to raise." and walk out. Say nothing, just walk out. So walk your talk Christians, take care of the babies you insisted should be born. You wanted this now you deal with it.

  7. ⬅️😪=➡️🍺

  8. Use birth control and learn how to respect yourself and life and you won't have to worry about it!!!!!!!! Humans are not getting any smarter that's for sure!!!!!

  9. Just let women choose to have a safe abortion. Its their body its not like they care about the life after it comes out. And what if the baby was forced on her now she has to spend thousands of dollars of her money to care for a child she did not ask for. This was never about protecting the unborn its about control

  10. There ought to be a law that we can sue TraitorTrump and his cronies for liable and slander over his fraudulent election lies,and the cost of his insurrection

  11. I find it curious how you folks are so overly concerned about the safety of an unborn fetus, but don’t give a rat’s ass about the health and safety of a child after it is born.

  12. Father, thank You for Your mercy. Thank You for remembering mercy in what has had to be, at times, great wrath (Habakkuk 3:2). We have asked many times for Your forgiveness and cleansing regarding abortion, and for empowering Baal to rule America. We believe You have done so.
    Now, we ask that You break the back of this stronghold. Tear down the temple of Baal, the ruling structure of this principality which has operated through our Supreme Court. Dismantle it. Destroy it. Give us a righteous Court, a Court that knows and honors its legal limits, and a Constitutionalist Court, which would also be a Court that honors You.
    And give us victory in this case. Do not allow any judge who voted for the overturn of Roe v Wade to be swayed. Move them even farther toward life! If Justice Roberts is, indeed, against overturning it, show him his error. Change his mind. Give him a dream, a word he can’t ignore from another Justice, anything You see fit to do to turn him toward life. End this heinous scourge in America, we pray, bind The spirit of Baal, and the spirit of Moleck, and the spirit of Jezeebel, the spirit of Isathar, destroy these spirits stronghold’s cancel and reverse Roe versus’ Wade to be destroyed, never to rise again. We loose the spirit of LIFE! In Christ’s name, I humbly pray Father, God also has highly exalted the Anointed Savior’s, name, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Yeshua Mashiach (Jesus Christ) every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; praying God’s will be done! With thanksgiving to our Lord our Righteousness Father God! So be it!
    🙏Amen!🙏 Amen!🙏Amen!🙏
    Our decree:
    We, the Ekklesia of Jesus Christ in America, decree that Roe will be overturned, and that Baal’s all evil spirits strongholds on America is bound, ending, destroyed. I humbly pray Father, God also has highly exalted the Anointed Savior’s, name, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Yeshua Mashiach (Jesus Christ) every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; praying God’s will be done! With thanksgiving to our Lord our Righteousness Father God! So be it! 🙏Amen!🙏

  13. The CCP banknote printing officials printed two copies of each banknote number. Do you think it was only then discovered? Wrong, it has been around for years. Then come to steal and print fake U.S. dollar bills and smuggle them to the United States endlessly. So, Americans, can you tell if the U.S. dollar bills you have in your hand are genuine? Bribery of politicians from various countries, are you sure that you are getting real dollar bills? How many imitation products are fake, from the clothes you wear, the shoes you wear, the things you eat, how many fakes are there, do you know? The CCP is here to destroy the world, mess up the world, and rule the world. If the whole world is not awakened, it will be a catastrophe for the destruction of mankind. There are still a bunch of people in the world who are secretly blending with the CCP. They don't know that they will betrayed to the CCP one day, ruining their reputations.kill ccp.

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