‘Suicidal’ airline mechanic steals empty passenger plane, then crashes

‘Suicidal’ airline mechanic steals empty passenger plane, then crashes

The employee at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport was chased in the air by military jets before crashing on a small island in the Puget Sound.


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38 thoughts on “‘Suicidal’ airline mechanic steals empty passenger plane, then crashes

  1. Lack of flight skills? This guy pulled off some really difficult maneuvers, actually really impressive. He could have been an amazing pilot had he not been suicidal… So unfortunate. He really had some talent.

  2. “I wasn’t really planning on landing it.” 😕🥺

  3. A good man hurt by bad circumstances and hey he will definitely be remembered and of course people will be for and against it but hey you couldn’t stop it and he knew that he didn’t want to hurt anyone and just killed himself and no one else

  4. Lack of flying skills? Thats a joke right? He was doing loops and rolls, when he said he wasnt planning on landing it he meant he was planning to kill himself. If I were to guess, I would say that the airport is trying to cover up their lack of security, and mistreatment of workers.

  5. i wish this never happened but still a fucking awesome way to go out, rest in peace to him. i hope his family and friends are doing well. depression can be a horrible battle

  6. Nobody is aknowledging that he was suicidal, also he did a fucking barrel roll and a looping so people who say he didnt have the right flying skills are fucking stupd lol. He was suicidal, it was his plan to crash but not to harm any people but himself

  7. My friend found something like this on tik tok and a man was on a call with his girlfriend and trying to commit suicide on a plane. He ended up crashing into a building and his last words to his girlfriend were: “Goodbye babe, see you when you get there.” I was literally like 😭😭😭😔😔😔🥺🥺🥺 (the last one was for his girlfriend)

  8. The media asshats stated that he crashed because of his lack of skills and wreckless piloting, …pretty sure it’s well known that his plan was intended to go out with a bang

  9. He Was Suicidal, It Wasn’t His Lack Of Flight Skills, He Was Broke, Wanted To Feed His Family, But He Couldn’t Take It Anymore..


  10. and the thing is, most commercial planes don't have locks on the doors like you'd find in a car. all someone would have to do is get into the cockpit, start the engines, and takeoff all by following the checklist. do you guys remember that pilot who killed his girlfriend and then climbed the fence at the airport in Utah, climbed into a CRJ200 and crashed it

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