Students square off against police in Hong Kong l ABC News

Students square off against police in Hong Kong l ABC News

Schools across the territory are closed as police and pro-democracy protesters clash.

#ABCNews #HongKong #HongKongProtest #HongKongPolyU #CarrieLam #HK


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43 thoughts on “Students square off against police in Hong Kong l ABC News

  1. 没有暴徒?手无寸铁?你瞎吗?

  2. Your tearful students set people on fire, beat people to death, that is the real free world, hope your kids like that, “freedom fighters “

  3. Calling them "protesters and pro-democracy" is so absurd that it becomes hilarious. Hong Kong is China and the majority of people living in Hong Kong are suffering from the actions of this so called "protestors".

  4. Imagine being such a useless piece of shit that you actually watch the Hong Kong protests and root for the Communists. 🤔

  5. Keep the fight people of "Hong-Kong"!! The government are all crooks lies theives!!😈..just like any pigs with alot of money and power and control to SOCIETY!!🔥🔥🔥🔥

  6. I think the violence is going a bit overboard. Violence isn’t going to help either side in my opinion.

  7. 《Revelation》18:2 – "Fallen! Fallen is Babylon the Great! She has become a home for demons and a haunt for every evil spirit, a haunt for every unclean and detestable bird.” BABYLON = Beijing

  8. keep up the good fight guys. this will decide if HK remains autonomous or falls to communism as well.

    without outside support it seems like a foregone conclusion, but they have to fight.

    support hong kong.

  9. Selective reporting has two effects: 1. The "Hong Kong violent virus" developed by CIA will infect more places. 2. Mainland China is immune to this virus and will be stronger.
    I hope Hong Kong will recover soon!

  10. Why don’t show the way police catched all the nurses, doctors like they’re criminals so they can’t help the protesters who get shotted by police

  11. Playing right into China's hands.. Hong Kong'ers good luck at the re-education camps the ethnic Muslims will keep you company, you know the MILLIONS of them that are interned in camps. Wait, whats that…I hear tanks starting up in the distance…China will only change over time from the inside out…Last bit, NO ONE IS Coming to help you, you are on your own…1989 Tiananmen Square protests.

  12. Go go Hong Kong 💪
    Freedom is NOT Free 🔥
    May God be with you ❤️

  13. You’ll never see American citizens standup for themselves like this. Just give us a new iPhone, Chicken sandwich we’ll shut the fuck up.

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