A recent study revealed many so-called HENRYs, or high earners not rich yet feel like theyre living paycheck to paycheck.
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I wanna be a Henry. Im just fucking poor
The average Henry lmao
I think planning ahead is the best. I will be starting my college degree soon and paying back my loan or at least not find it hard to pay back wouldn’t be a problem when the time is right. I earn around 2k dollars weekly trading crypto and I intend saving my profits for that future purpose
The HENRYs seem like a bunch of assholes. Let them starve if they want to pay their debts.
This really irks me because they make it seem like millennials all have six-figure jobs and are just to financially stupid to know how to budget. Really the majority of people struggling to pay off student loan debt are people who make $30,000/yr trying to pay off $100,000 in student loans while they struggle between deciding to pay for rent or food this week those are the people living paycheck-to-paycheck.
Millennial here…I'm fixing to make my last student loan payment from my first attempt at attending a real college but didnt get to finish because life happens. I still only make minimum wage (20k annually) …. You can whine all you want but if I can make the sacrifices to pay down debt then so should the HENRYs.
lmao!!! Henrys!!! Haha, more like working class idiots. Get disciplined, you little shits, and learn to delay pleasure and pay back your debts!
Who is this boomer?
@ 2:34 she got a guy's voice
Why is college so expensive? Because people continue to pay for it. With demand comes higher costs. So simple.
It is super easy to spend $500/mo in just coffee at Starbucks. I made that mistake.
Why should an electrician or a plumber pay for a cnott nozed college student's debt? Just wondering.
CHOICES. Do not feel one bit sorry for them. DUH! 🙄 Live beneath your means. So damn stupid.
Tax the filthy rich like Musk and Bezos. The working class doesn’t have to bare all the eight of taxes. Student loan forgiveness now!
Ngl I would love to have these problems lol. 0 kids, 3 monies. The older generation is the one that told Millennials to get a degree…
And this is why I don’t agree for student loan forgiveness. We wouldn’t just be giving forgiveness to large amounts of debt but also to wealthy people who can pay it off they’re just deciding not to.
Keep things the same as when you made 30k and you’ll be ok. Trust me. ðŸ‘ÂÂÂÂðŸÂ½
These henris used in this story are either actors, exaggerating about their income, or are super dumb.
You incurred it, you owe it…..no one else.
What a ridiculous fuckin story!!! Poor them