Steven Spielberg reimages iconic musical ‘West Side Story,’ spotlights authenticity – Car Mod Pros Portal

EGOT winner Rita Moreno, who was an original cast member of the 1961 film, joins Spielberg’s film as a consultant and opens up about years of battling colorism in Hollywood.


By carmodpros


20 thoughts on “Steven Spielberg reimages iconic musical ‘West Side Story,’ spotlights authenticity”
  1. New West Side Story:
    1. Good idea to have Rita Marino inserted into the Steven Spielberg script of West Side Story
    2. Best Actress role for Oscar nomination for Spielberg's version will be Maria (Rachel Zegler) and then Anita (Ariana DeBose) for supporting Oscar nomination. I think Rachel Zegler's acting for Maria, was better than Natalie Wood in Robert's Wise production.
    3. Second choice for best supporting actress: Rita Marino. (yes again)
    4. I did not like any of the character actors choice for either the Jets or Sharks in this Spielberg version.
    5. I did not like the first act of the Spielberg version as much as the Robert Wise version, but the second act of Spielberg's version made up for the 1st act's shortcomings. Spielberg's first act of his movie was too, too, dark.
    6. My choice for which movie was better would be the flawless 1st West Side Story. Robert Wise was the better Director in this for the 1st Movie version of the play. However the second act of Spielberg's version made tears come from my eyes, but don't tell anybody as I don't want my manhood questioned.
    7. In the first movie the Jet gang gave respect for the little girl playing on the ground and walked around her play area. In the Spielberg version the Jets ripped up the little girls artwork on the ground. I could not get behind the Jets after that.
    8. The dance scenes in both versions were equally good.
    9. Spielberg claimed he did not want to copy the first, Robert Wise version, however he did in the opening. In the first, Wise version, we have an aerial shot flying over Manhattan, in Spielberg's version we have an aerial shot flying over the demolished section of the gang area with same intro music.
    10. Spielberg's version of West Side Story, should be nominated for Best Picture Oscar this year, however from the WOKE Hollywood, they might choose another low budget foreign movie made with no whites in it, that nobody will see, for diversity's sake. Then that will remind me of Marxist Korean movie (looked like a college student made film) winning Best Picture over "1917" a real professional movie. And like Spielberg's movie, "Saving Private Ryan" that didn't win Best Picture, which it should have, over that terrible love movie, again, that nobody saw.
    11. Why couldn't Spielberg use any other race besides Puerto Rican? That was a racist decision on WOKE Spielberg. High class acting is art, that a great actor could pull it off. Spielberg now denies race to play any role unless they are the same race of the character portrayed? This is a slam in the face of all actors. Example, he could have used actors from any South American country as long as they looked Puerto Rican. Come on man! Spielberg trying to be WOKE is a racist to all other promising actors.
    13. What was this freak dark character tranny character that used to be a tom boy girl in the Robert Wise motive? We could see in the Robert Wise movie that this was a tom boy girl. However in this movie, we don't know who this scary creature from hell was in Spielberg's version. Spielberg was again trying to be WOKE by picking a tranny freak character from this years 2021 to by making the LGBTQ people happy. That demonic freak character was a bust.

  2. The creators of WSS understood NYC very well, since they were born and raised there. It's literally the Anthem of NYC. Jerome Robbin's choreography is superb, first the Jets are walking, then segueing into dance, same for the Sharks, on the gritty streets of NYC, with tenements in the background. To turn a classic like Romeo and Juliet into a modern day love story, is nothing short of originality and insight. This film was, and still is, intense, compelling and thought-provoking.

  3. Wow a remake of the same movie same 2 gangs and that's exciting?? NOT!!!! Now if you had a modern version say crips against the proud boys maybe you got something, but the old version remake into the same old version I don't think so….

  4. I haven’t seen it yet, but one look at the sets, costumes, cinematography, and dancing tells me it’s going to be incredible.

  5. I loved ❤️❤️that musical, and shed a flow of tears at the end of the original movie. I was SOOOOOexcited when I got the soundtrack for my 12th birthday. I learned every word and note. I’m excited to see the new remake.!

  6. I love 'West Side Story', but regarding his remark about DIVISION in America…the only division today is what Leftists manufactured, created and led by BHO, the AC, continually fed by the MSM!

  7. Every high school student should see this play…movie… art changes people’s hearts…we can always wish for that !

  8. I am sure that this will be good, but I still don't see how you can "re-imagine" something that has been epic since its inception. The lighting quality and such looks amazing. I just hope this is not some modernized version that feels the need to represent every label in society, like a gay, transvestite, one-legged Eskimo wishing to go to space. It does not need woke re-imagination.

  9. Okay, new film. Spielberg, great. Fine. Suddenly Sondheim has nothing good to say about the original movie. Well, his lyrics. If that’s how he feels, he’s entitled.
    Will I go see it? Probably. I know there are things I won’t like. More violence, more swearing. I’d bet money on OBVIOUS sex. It’s 2021, not 1961.
    Things are allowed.
    But I was in a movie theater in 1968, WSS was rereleased. I was overtaken with the magic of the songs, the dancing, the acting, THE movie.
    And THAT’S the perfect WEST SIDE STORY to me. I’ve seen it more times than I can count. I can do most of the dialogue as I watch the scenes.
    I’ll love it passionately every day I have left. It will never be “not as good” to me.

  10. It would've been cool to see lin manuel miranda do some of the music for this, since he's Latino, and the film is obviously heavily Latino certainly more than even the original was. That would've been a great choice, maybe spielberg and lin can find another project to work on.

  11. How a great director like Spielberg, chose not to or just didn't think of basing the remake on the Palestine and Israeli conflict is a shame. He's obviously Jewish so I'm thinking he doesn't want to shed light on the horrible things that the Zionist Israel regime constantly commits in Gaza and the West Bank. It would be almost too perfect, he could called it "West Bank Story". One side has family in Hamas, the other has a family that took Palestine land and homes. Could've had a lot of potential and who knows, maybe this movie could bring peace between Palestinian and Israelis…. 😆🤣🤣😁 forget the last part.

  12. To remake West Side Story is just plain cheeky. Nothing can compete with – or replace – the original. And originality is something Spielberg apparently lacks.

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