Stephen Merchant on the origins of his new series ‘The Outlaws’

Stephen Merchant on the origins of his new series ‘The Outlaws’

ABC News’ Trevor Ault speaks with actor and show creator Stephen Merchant on how his family history helped inspire his new Amazon Prime Video series “The Outlaws.”

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13 thoughts on “Stephen Merchant on the origins of his new series ‘The Outlaws’

  1. ❗Pope, Wintrall, Lippencott, Mustra, Guttieri, Thornton, etc. are accused in development of biological weapon in Ukraine❗

    💥 The Russian Ministry of Defense called the names of people who, according to its information, took part in the creation of biological weapons components in Ukraine:

    â–ª Robert Pope – at that time an employee of the Pentagon's Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) and director of the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, the purpose of which was to involve the post-Soviet countries in military biological activities, the author of the idea of ​​​​creating the Central Depository of Especially Dangerous Microorganisms in Kyiv

    â–ª Joanna Wintrall, head of the DTRA office in Ukraine, led the coordination of military biological projects and the selection of performers, under her supervision, the American projects UP-4, UP-6, UP-8 were implemented to study deadly pathogens, including anthrax, Crimean fever and leptospirosis

    â–ª Lance Lippencott – head of the Ukrainian division of Black and Veatch, the main contact for the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, his company has been conducting projects for the Pentagon since 2008 to study potentially dangerous bioagents – among them UP-1 to study rickettsia and tick-borne encephalitis in arthropods in the northwest Ukraine and UP-2 on the introduction of remote monitoring of the incidence of tularemia and anthrax at Ukrainian biological objects

    â–ª David Mustra – closely associated with another Pentagon contractor Metabiota and oversaw biomonitoring and information transmission, previously led military biological projects in Ukraine and Eastern Europe under the Cooperative Threat Reduction Program

    â–ª Mary Guttieri is a representative of Metabiota in Ukraine and a confidant of Hunter Biden, her company is known for its developments in predicting outbreaks of infectious diseases and was involved by the Pentagon in modeling the epidemiological situation in the post-Soviet space

    â–ª Scott Thornton – oversaw lab upgrades, advised local staff on handling high-risk pathogens in Ukrainian DTRA projects

    💥 The Russian Ministry of Defense: the request of the Ukrainian Motor Sich to the Turkish manufacturer of Bayraktars about the possibility of spraying aerosols from them attracts attention.

    ❗ In fact, we are talking about the development by the Kiev regime of delivery vehicles for biological weapons with the possibility of use against Russia, the Russian agency said.

    📷 Slides for the briefing of the Russian Ministry of Defense on American biological laboratories in Ukraine are available via the official web-page of the Ministry.

    🗞 The Russian Ministry of Defense also published documents at the request of the Ukrainian "Motor Sich" to the manufacturer of "Bayraktar" on the possibility of spraying aerosols.

    Ref. mod_russia in Telegram

    ❗Data on US military-biological activity in Ukraine suggests that Washington is considering the possibility of using bioweapons, said the permanent representative of the Russian Federation in Geneva.

    ❗The Russian Federation will seek an investigation into the work of US biological laboratories in Ukraine, said Alexander Shulgin, Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the OPCW.

  2. Who is God in Islam ?
    Muslims believe that God has no partners or associates who share in His divinity or authority and that God is transcendent, unlike His creations, and thus has no physical form. Nor is God believed to exist in (or be represented by) any material object. A number of divine attributes or “names,” which serve to describe God, are found in the Qur’an. Some commonly known attributes include the Most Merciful, the Most Forgiving, the Most High, the Unique, and the Everlasting, among others…………………………………………………………………………

  3. Islam honors all the prophets who were sent to mankind. Muslims respect all prophets in general, but Jesus in particular, because he was one of the prophets who foretold the coming of Muhammad. Muslims, too, await the second coming of Jesus. They consider him one of the greatest of Allah's prophets to mankind. A Muslim does not refer to him simply as "Jesus," but normally adds the phrase "peace be upon him" as a sign of respect.No other religion in the world respects and dignifies Jesus as Islam does. The Qur'an confirms his virgin birth (a chapter of the Qur'an is entitled "Mary"), and Mary is considered to have been one of the purest women in all creation……………………………………………………………………..

  4. The Angel Gabriel was sent to Mary in the form of a man, with glad tidings of a child who was to be born miraculously without a father.
    “Then We sent to her Our spirit (angel Gabriel), and he appeared before her in the form of a man in all respects. She said: ‘Surely I seek refuge from you with the Most Beneficent (God) if you do fear God.’ He said: ‘I am only a messenger of your Lord: to announce to you the gift of a righteous son.’ She said: ‘How shall I have a son, seeing that no man has touched me, and I am not unchaste?’ He said, ‘Thus [it will be]’. Your Lord says, ‘It is easy for Me, and We will make him a sign to the people and a mercy from Us. And it is a matter [already] decreed.’” Qur’an 19:17-21
    Some claim that his miraculous birth is evidence of Jesus’ divinity. However, Jesus was not the first to come into existence without a father, as Prophet Adam (peace be upon him) before him had neither a father nor mother. God says:
    “The likeness of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam; He created him from dust, then said to him: ‘Be’, and he was. This is the truth from your Lord, so be not of the disputes.” Qur’an 3:59-60
    Surely, if Jesus is worshipped due to having no father, Adam is more deserving of worship since he was created without either parent…………………………………………………………………………….

    good luck with your midterm elections Democrats 💥

  6. Mercant bring back An Idiot Abroad 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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