A look at the top photos from around the globe.
#WorldInPhotos #ABCNews #Statues #Storms #Protests #Photos #InternationalNews #Photography
A look at the top photos from around the globe.
#WorldInPhotos #ABCNews #Statues #Storms #Protests #Photos #InternationalNews #Photography
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Tirulah perbuatan orang yg baik , insya Alloh kita akan jadi orang yg baik pula .
Baimwong paula
It is stupid
The ghost of Stonewall Jackson will be angry
It feels like the french revolution all over again I just hope we dont go into a reign of terror History is there to not repeat it stay safe everyone
Who got the lakers winning the championship this year?? I got bron bron hoisting up the trophy this year next to mickey mouse
Ive been telling my dad for years isnt it better to talk about Lebron James than all this nonsense you all are going to hate each other for nothing
I see alot of smart and creative comments people are super smart dont let it be for nothing yeah im not supporting no party ill support smart people
Shall we remove the God of War video games since Kratos is based off a neo Nazi?
Liberal mob pigs are at it again.
B bacteria L lives M matter spreading infection in a pandemic.
America needs a national security law in place.
Funny that columbus didnt discover america. There were "Canadians and Mexicans" inhabiting the west long before the Europeans came to the east n gulf coast.
Have they pulled down that statue of Robert Byrd or FDR yet?
William Wallace made english people dance naked before executing them. I want Braveheart removed.
Americans VS Americans, Forget the united part. it's an all out war.
Are you protesting them fake Jesus statues then fake Mary statues to come down…NO YOU ARE NOT .. in the Bible Jesus Christ said no graven images of nothing so who is that you people have in them fake churches or your homes on your walls since Jesus Christ did not take pictures nor them they have anyone posting..
“If they want to be the party of the poor, they have to keep you poor.†That’s it. They are not concerned about the plight of black Americans living in poverty, crime, and subpar education. In fact, it is the reason why they promote policies at the local level that are designed to keep far too many black folks in dire straits. It is why they support rioting and looting in predominantly black areas. “Racism is ginned up by people who want power and who benefit by keeping Black Americans ignorant, marginalized and dependent.†The last thing BLM, Jackson, Sharpton, Barak and the Democrat Party want are self reliant, independent, black Americans.
Nescire autem quid ante quam natus sis acciderit, id est semper esse puerum. Quid enim est aetas hominis, nisi ea memoria rerum veterum cum superiorum aetate contexitur? To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child. For what is the worth of human life, unless it is woven into the life of our ancestors by the records of history? The Statues should always remain.
F*** ABC, Fake as the rest
I don't understand why the media says nothing about the rise of covid 19 in the United States compared to all of the protests where thousands of people in big cities are right next to each other for days on end what happened to the media in the United States when did it become so fake? And that's not a Democrat or Republican thing all news is absolutely fake now I feel sorry for people that wanted to be true journalist and now they can't be because nobody believes them.
Because taking all the statues down really change everything… But yet we allow abortions😡 just a bunch of bull😤
I think Donald Trump's or was it putting who wanted to buy all those statues for there manssion
ABC gots Covid
Malcolm X on liberals….
To sum up:
Pull down statues of founding fathers.
Put up murals of meth-head armed robbers.
You have no right . The tax payers paid for the with THEIR BLOOD
Protesters Near Sodom And Gomorrah Tear Down Lot's Wife:
Cities Protecting Statues By Disguising Them As Karl Marx:
I hate those ugly statues.
At 1:10 those are vandals, breaking and entering is by no means a "protest".
That statue would look very nice, in my history book or on display in a museum….
Pretty deceptive reporting on the woman protecting herself and her home from leftist rioters / looters.
This world is falling apart … The media is causing everyone to hate everyone else. 90% of what the media does / says is purposely throwing gas on the fire.
I am gay for Xi â¤ï¸ÂÂÂÂâ¤ï¸ÂÂÂÂâ¤ï¸ÂÂÂÂ