States step up to curb violence against police l GMA

States step up to curb violence against police l GMA

Local officials are joining forces to stem the flow of illegal firearms between states following a sharp rise in gun violence.

#ABCNews #NYPD #DCPolice


31 thoughts on “States step up to curb violence against police l GMA

  1. I see police saying people that attack police should get enhanced charges, I’ve never seen a cop suggest that If police break the law ,after taking and Oath to uphold the law ,Police should get Enhanced charges if they Break the law‼️ let’s deal with that first No police officers should be crooks or racist or thieves and if they are caught in the act of a crime they should automatically get life Because police are given authority to kill people and citizens have no defense against bad cops so when they are caught it should be assumed that this was that persons reason to become a cop to actually be a criminal in disguise automatic life

  2. Ha ha. 💀 🐖

    Dangerous time for police? Being a hairdresser is more dangerous than a cop. Police officers don’t even make it into the top 25 dangerous jobs. Maybe states/government should curb police violence against people and animals. After all, police have killed more innocent people than terrorist in America. That should sum up why police are treated like they are. Law enforcement has become a pathetic disgrace.

  4. Police need stop police brutality… they will get held accountable!

  5. Instead of trampling law abiding gun owners rights, why don’t you go after big pharma who is literally killing thousands of Americans every day? Oh right, it’s not actually about saving lives, is it?

  6. The B community wants “defund the police” so they can rob and attack the W community with impunity.

  7. Guns don’t kill people people are the issue. I find myself wondering if this is all political power. Criminals are being embraced bye political power. Then blame it on guns. Let target the ones who follow the laws. But then they don’t target the illegal people who uses the gun to kill? Interesting how this logic works. Governors protect their own house but don’t protect their states?

  8. if you want us to stop shooting cops then some things need to happen- end qualified immunity, hold police to a high standard by punishing with prison those cops who break the law, make a national data base just like the system used to keep track of bad truck drivers so gypsy cops cant get jobs, and development a national standard for police training that includes de-escalation and a solid course on the us constitution.

  9. How’d that defund the police go for y’all??? Lmao the Democrats lied to you they will never defund the police because they use the police to keep you in order. You were played lmao Just like with your student loans they will not pay off for you! Suckers lol

  10. Why don’t they hunt down the suspects

  11. They will never stop it it’ll be a civil war if they try to take guns away and there not that stupid

  12. how’s defunding the police working out for everyone?

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