States complain about federal government response to people not social distancing

States complain about federal government response to people not social distancing

Beaches are crowded in California and boat parties continue in Florida despite warnings to residents to stay at home.




#WorldNewsTonight #StayHome #SocialDistancing


42 thoughts on “States complain about federal government response to people not social distancing

  1. They’re making it sound like if you go outside you die people just overreact the governors and government are brainwashing you with everything they say

  2. They could be more death toll. There should be a think neck wear with a measurement of 6 feat, such that one could wear around their neck . Once it’s around the neck u bare shake or touch each other cos it’s around ur neck.. when it’s around the lower region people still touch each other

  3. And. What freaking states complained? It's all bullshit. The federal government has a limited role and authority, on purpose. Whatever states don't know that are dumb as hell and need new leadership.

  4. The problem is that in america we have constitutional rights, while the state can recommend social distancing it is unconstitutional at it's core and cannot legally be enforced. Americans don't really like communism even if it is to "prevent the spread of virus".

  5. These are the idiots that are going to keep COVID running strong for months. Stay at home morons, it’s not about you 24/7.

  6. To hell with social distancing. God gave us the right to walk freely on earth without government interference and we should exact that right as we please.

    Coronavirus is nothing but a trial set up by the lord and if ye faith is strong enough, ye shall be spared.

  7. Everyone is always complaining about needing to to rest and relax, now they're given time and they go out and potentially spread this virus or put themselves in harm's way to get. Smfh Meanwhile I'm considered essential so I have to go to work and risk myself getting and giving to my family. I wish I could stay home, I have plenty to do staying in.

  8. Just another way to keep us separated…divide and conquer is what the government wants. We should stand United not separated in fear of other families. It's the common cold and flu that they hyped up to control the masses!!!

  9. They need to put the real fear into these fuckin idiots. Yes you may survive this if you catch it but it can seriously damage your lungs for the remainder if your life. Irreparable damage. Imagine the feeling of breathing through a straw for the rest of your life. No more long jogs in the morning. No more training for the Olympics. Hell, no more fucking your ol lady like you used to. Then later down the road, you die from a common cold cause your shitty ass lungs cant handle it. SMH morons

  10. Tbh I kinda wish they would do something to keep people home. All of the nurses, doctors, and other people risking their own lives to try to save others and the covidiots are like, man what a great time to have a picnic since I have to not work, or paint my house. There was so many people at home depot. It makes me so disappointed

  11. Do these people think this is a holiday? This is a matter of life and death! Stay home, only go out for essential things not for socializing. My gosh are some people pigheaded or what. This is just a celebration of ignorance at its finest

  12. Tell people to go out and get some fresh air and exercise they stay home and sit on their rear ends… Tell people to stay home and isolate they go out and start running a marathon…. ???

  13. Im happy the American people are upsetting the government. We do what we want!!! Especially if people still have to work. How will you make anyone stay home.

  14. How effing hard is it to stay home? Little timmy and your million other demon spawn will be okay not hiking or strolling around the park ffs

  15. Y’all surprised that people are stupid? A large portion of the American population voted for a man who called this virus a democratic hoax!

  16. Martial law is needed. Shoot anyone who doesn’t obey the law.

  17. People are so damn stupid 😡

  18. Adult idiots with tyrant scared BEHAVIORS…. Scared of pain and being sick..what a bunch of coward MALES… Grow up…punks… Even in a world with out this new virus ..people would still be dieing ..yet thru out history..yah nevered cared…but now in 2020 tech and some how.. We need to be lock down like ANIMALS because the world goverments some how now CARE ❤ when thrru out human HISTORY death was a constant.

  19. I’m worried guys!

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