States bracing for coronavirus outbreaks as first deaths reported in US – Car Mod Pros Portal

The first reported U.S. deaths from COVID-19 were two men, ages 50 and 70, in Washington State, but there have been more since then. Meanwhile, some people who were quarantined are returning home.



#Nightline #China #Japan #Coronavirus #COVID-19 #CDC #VIRUS
#Health #Quarantine


By carmodpros


38 thoughts on “States bracing for coronavirus outbreaks as first deaths reported in US”
  1. You should be a shame of yourselves for spreading hysteria. There are more deaths with the flu than with the Coronavirus. And why don't you report the people that have survived this virus?
    The Chinese doctor who first report this virus didn't die from the virus he died in the hands of his government. Look back at ABC's 20/20 Coronavirus special footage and look deep into his eyes….his eyes are not that of a sick man, but of a frightened man. I say he was pinned to a bed with a surgical mask and tortured then killed for reporting about this virus.
    Again look back at ABC's 20/20 special report about this virus….there were two couples they followed on a cruise ship and both of the husbands end getting the virus. However, they both survived it and we're again reunited with their family. So, there are people who do survive. Getting the Coronavirus is NOT a death sentence.
    Shame on you for NOT being totally honest in your reporting.
    FAKE NEWS!!!

  2. Funny how they used the color red to highlight the states; but those are Blue States looking at 8.2 Billion. Democratic states only? 🤔 Very suspicious.

  3. There 👋 will 👋 be 👋 more 👋 who 👋 test 👋 positive…. 😕

    Okay guy… Great 😕😢 How soothing

  4. You guys want to see some really startling statistics…. Look at how many people have contracted and died from the "Seasonal flu" compared to COVID. AND WE ACTUALLY HAVE A VACCINE FOR THAT!

  5. idiots, just idiots… the common flu is more dangerous than corona. Media doing what they do best, Lie and deceive the public.

  6. MSM is worried about 2 people dying from Coronavirus but not a care for all the people killed by illegals coming in through unsecured borders. They don't care about the opioids killing people. Only worry about coronavirus.

  7. Trump administration doesn't know what its doing… just appointing people to calm people down to avoid panic. Everyone for themselves people, dont believe a word your current government is saying.

  8. We can slow this down but it takes all of us. Let’s just practice some common sense and courtesy.

  9. I understand the virus is in the US but let’s try to slow it down. There should be certain medical procedures which should be in place. If you’re feeling sick and feverish and you show certain types of symptoms call the hospital or your doctor first. Don’t take a cab or public transportation or a family member drive you.

  10. We are creatures of habit and don’t learn from our mistakes or past history. I believe in having and perhaps not needing than needing and not having. Basically this virus appeared in China the minute it did we should’ve been preparing for it to surface in the US and we did not. Maybe the government did not want to create panic but they should have educated the public. I believe in addressing the situation and being prepared before the situation presents itself and we are forced to react. I just call it common sense.

  11. Now in stock MASKS ships from the USA. March 2020. Adult and pediatric. At
    Remember hand washing hot soapy water after touching any thing public places don’t touch your face. The corona is airborne but can stay active for a small amount of time on objects, door knobs etc.

  12. I was wondering if you had the virus and only had mild symptoms and now are better or if it already went through a community undetected will that show up on any of the tests?
    Would you have some antibodies that would show up.

  13. So the virus kills the already sick and disabled! Yes but I want to see if it kills a healthy person! I hope and think not so much. I was healthy last winter and got a bacterial infection that tried to kill me but good Dutch medicine brought me through after three days in the ICU and a week in the hospital!

  14. There not taking this coronavirus serious at all 🤦 they allow visitors into a nursing home where 30 people are infected. Come on.

  15. Biological warfare. People dying and in panic. Why is Trump not worried? Could there be an agenda? Economic shutdown ….travel down….tourism sites shutdown….theatres shutdown. What is the richochet outcome? I know I know another flaky conspiracy theorist biting the dust😐

  16. Wake up anti- Jesus leaders. you who call evil good. Who mock people of Faith. Who put darkness for light and light for darkness. God is taking to you to a place where you will have no leftist answers for the spiritual issues at hand. God is taking you to a place like Pharaoh where he couldn't excuse away God's judgment anymore. Your only hope is to turn from your evil ways and cry out to Jesus Christ.

    learn from the errors of feral. God warned him God judged him and the people who refuse to repent. Eventually pharaohs anti-god Independence let him to a place where he couldn't withstand the judgments of God anymore.

    the Lord use Moses to declare let my people go. God told Moses I am.

    Jesus Christ said I am the way the truth and the life. It would be wise to look to Jesus Christ and take him seriously before the devil takes you to a place you will have no more place to run hide know you will stand in judgment.

  17. Right. They're not taking this serious enough. Its almost like they want it to spread! They f up here.. they f up there. 'We want to fly our citizens back from the ground zero of the outbreak… but lets wait a few weeks before we do it.' Oops we accidentally released infected ppl & exposed non-infected ppl. It'll be fine. We don't need to test people.. even if they are being contained and filed a request and petition or meet all the criteria of being infected. Meanwhile, even evacuees complain of operations being hazardous and potentially insufficient. Oops the CDC f'd up the test kits. We only have a few hundred to go around + only a fraction of masks we'll need. So don't buy those. They won't help you.. unless you're a healthcare worker because they're different than everybody else. Just wash your hands & don't worry, Trump says this will all just dissapear. While he cuts funding for the CDC and hands the whole thing over to Pence, the Department of Defense (Military) and now FEMA. Who is just who we want. They have such a great track record for being the Hero in such events. Everytime there is a disaster they come in and make everything inhumanely worse. Toxic housing, taking guns, detainment, etc etc. But if it does backfire at least we'll have a use for all those rows of plastic coffins we've been stockpiling.. you know.. that were designed for incinerators. So we can cremate infected ppl safely. Perfect! Wow, Its almost like they knew. (Reminds me of the Denver Airport murals.🤔) It's funny now the gov & WHO are taking a response that is completely opposite of that to 2009's so-called "H1N1 PANDEMIC". Why doesn't anyone remember what they were trying to pull then? The plan was door to door vaccinations by armed military and policemen.. coined as being "voluntary", bc as an adult, you would have had a choice. Get it or get on the (FEMA) bus. To be detained for an "indefinite" amount of time. For children & healthcare workers it was to be mandatory & if you resisted they'd rightfully use lethal force. I still have a copy of the gov pamphlets they were going to distribute to the public addressing that scenario somewhere on an old harddrive I was using at the time. Oh and let's not forget, the big Pharma corps that we are hearing are working on coronavirus vaccines.. are the same ones the gov contracted & manufactured the H1N1 vaccines too.

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