State health authorities say they don’t have enough tests l ABC News

State health authorities say they don’t have enough tests l ABC News

Roughly 9,000 tests have been administered in the U.S. since coronavirus first appeared stateside, while the South Korea government has given more than 200,000. READ MORE:



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50 thoughts on “State health authorities say they don’t have enough tests l ABC News

  1. From Puerto Rico island we have a situation where we have a couple of people with suspicious cases Of coronavirus From Puerto Rico we sent some test the governor of Puerto Rico have not received any response I’ve been a couple of days now It been up for a week now still no response how we going to know if these people have the coronavirus we need those tests ASAP what are they waiting for We have time to control the situation in the islands 🌴 we don’t want for this situation to get out of control like China hello people we need The test was sent to the CDC. We need to protect the island and the people from our islands 🌴 🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠🦠 🆘 SOS

  2. I dont have 224 dollars to throw away in an urgent care bill visit to get tested. Oh well.🤷‍♂️ should be just a cold.

  3. They are pushing they're police state and say That vaccines will be FREE Don't do it. Seek out the Lord Jesus Christ and grow in a deep relationship with him. I'm covered by his Blood. Come Lord Jesus🙏🏼✨✨✨

  4. Thank you New York. Why in the world United States are soooo far behind in its testing and who decides who gets tested since there is not enough. China and S. Korea are upping the anny to take care of business how is it that for one of the most powerful countries. America running a low number like
    9,000?? This purposedly being done? Like really??? Is it rich vs poor? The underserve vs privelege?? I mean this is absolutely unacceptable. So how is Russia doing?

  5. Ultimately, the truth will shortly come out about why the U.S. seemingly isn't able to produce the tests that are so desperately needed, much less the ability to process them and it is not going to be good. Forget Obama, this situation would never play out this way under ANY other Administration in history. This is America for God's sake. Even after China tried to downplay and hide this virus as long as they could, they came through and were able to build entire hospitals in a week's time. In America, we can't get these tests made and processed? It is seldom mentioned that Trump fired the head people in charge of the Department that handled pandemic illnesses… As well as an endless amount of other people in government all while never replacing them. Usually because they have disagreed with him in the slightest, one way or another. He's also made it very clear that he knows more than the Generals, the Scientists (1600 that he disposed of, at least) and everyone and anyone that specializes in each department needed in order to run this country, that you can possibly imagine. These are his words. Look at how many seats of our Ambassadors that continue to go unfilled while no one is "at the table" representing us with so many extreme and serious situations being discussed and negotiated. the list of these things are endless and the comment section of YouTube is not the place to list it all or have this conversation. What is equally disturbing to me is how many people and make some reply labeling me is being far away or a liberal or some other kind of nonsense. I am none of those things. We're living in a time where just stating the truth with the intent of resolving these issues with integrity and honesty, somehow defines us as the opposition, a member of some particular party that others are disgusted with… but this is only true relative to those of us most ignorant. Those that continue to buy the snake oil from a snake, even though we have all been given every test from hell to show us what the truth is, but they continue to believe the insanity. The one thing that I beg everyone in this country to do, is educate yourself before you stand so firmly behind your opinion. And I don't mean watching One News Network. We're all busy, but we need to make the time and we have endless places to fact check whatever we hear in the news. Integrity has left the building and it's long past the time that "We The People" need to get back to truly being American and all that we have ALWAYS proclaimed ourselves to be.

  6. I already got enough personal and financial issues now this.. with all honesty this might be my last post been contemplating suicide the past few hours been laying here in bed minds racing

  7. But it’s not free! Why don’t you address that ABC? Oh you won’t because that would solidify the need for Medicare for all

  8. Why am I not surprised that dumb-ass trump lied about this He is full of krapp and needs to be removed from office Especially during a situation like this

  9. Trump 2020 – if you are sick you don’t need a test.

  10. See they said they had enough they r lying thru their got to keep us calm they have lied about everything. Ok t agent orang our own men came in contact and the government knew it would I lost to green beret brothers due to agent orange their deaths were horrible

  11. This is NOT on Trump, of lying to people of America… But there is someone we CAN BLAME!!! We can BLAME CHINA for this happening to us… Everyone is saying China is to blame for this, and for keeping it a secret…. They did this to get Trump out of Office…. And get the stupid democratic’s back in … I might be wrong about this, it sounds like Treason to me….

  12. At last he's saying what he acknowledges isn't a hoax or a Democrat fake news ! Or is it still too little to late ! And once again WHAT WAS WRONG WITH HIS BREATHING & CONSTANT SNIFFING ??

  13. 👍Great address by a great president looking out for Americans unlike Democrats looking out for more power at tax payer expense.

  14. Find the f** vaccine u dump a******💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💊💊💊💊💊

  15. Trump "we have tests available for anyone who wants one" Hey Trumplicans, call your doctor and ask for a test. They will inform you that they do NOT have them yet. And still, YOU BELIEVE WHATEVER HE SAYS" The day will come when the light bulb in your head comes on and you realize that you were played. You will be like the Nixon people, "I didn't vote for him, I knew he was a crook all along" YEAH, RIGHT

  16. 😵

  17. Learn from China 🇨🇳

  18. Daivd Muir fighting to keep his hands down from flapping like a Bernie Sanders 🦅🦅🦅🦅

  19. Democrats want Open Borders Are you kidding me👀

  20. Wait… I thought we had millions of tests??? I thought they were "beautiful"…… but, but, but trump said….😢😢😢😢🤦‍♂️

  21. South Korea is testing an average of 10,000 people per day, and can test up to 15,000 people per day, and has completed testing over 200,000 people so far. South Korea ranks the first place in the number of tests per million people. China ranks the second place, and Italy ranks the third place. South Korea tests even more than China did in the peak of the virus spread. They even have a driving through testing stations, where it takes only a few minutes to get samples from a potential patient. The virus test and the following treatment is free to all citizens. Also South Korean companies called 'Sol Gent' ' Seegene' 'Ssegentech' developed testing kits that take only 10 minutes to diagnose coronavirus with 99% accuracy and they are being widely used nationwide. The mortality rate in South Korea is currently 0.7% right now. I wonder why the mortality rate is so high in Italy (currently 6.6%) and Iran but the mortality rate in China is close to 4% according to the data the Chinese government provides, but i highly doubt whatever number China provides is accurate. The country that provides the most accurate and transparent data& information is South Korea. The Chinese communist government is lying about everything. You should never trust whatever numbers the Chinese communist government provides. The communist government base their powers on lies and propagandas. China is now working on a propaganda claiming that coronavirus may not have been originated from Wuhan, China, basically pointing fingers at America. Now, i wonder how ready America is in dealing with coronavirus.

    Japan, on the other hand, is trying hard not to test in fear of having to cancel their upcoming Tokyo olympics. They know the more they test, the more the number of infected people will increase, which will affect the Tokyo olympic so the Japanese governmemt decides not to test. They test about 900 people per day, which is not enough. It's basically like no test, no virus lol. South Korea and Italy are testing aggressively and i'm pretty sure other countries simply dont test enough.

    The coronavirus started in Wuhan China in November last year and the Chinese government shut down Wuhan& Hubei area on January 23. And many Chinese travelled to all over the world for about a couple of months, spreading virus everywhere. We just didnt know about this until mid January, which was too late. The Chinese communist government is responsible for all this mess bcz they knew about the coronavirus being widely spread in Wuhan, China in November last year but tried to hide the rumors abour the virus from their citizens as well as the rest of the world. Due to the Chinese governmen't constant lies and irresponsibility, coronavirus became a pandemic, jeopardizing the world's economy& the lives of so many people across the world. China must apologize to the world for what they've done to humanity.

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