State Department warns Americans to avoid all international travel

State Department warns Americans to avoid all international travel

Chad Wolf, acting secretary for the Department of Homeland Security, discussed the current restrictions in place to combat the novel coronavirus outbreak, for which FEMA was only recently mobilized.

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44 thoughts on “State Department warns Americans to avoid all international travel

  1. Appreciate this you A-hole, Rand Paul has no symptoms and is positive. Every person in America deserves a test. They deserve to be detested often so the virus can be contained and we isolate only those with the test.

  2. About 15,000 Chinese deaths possibly — if Communist China Party reported their CoronaVirus deaths correctly.

  3. So other day they said this would last 18 months. So all the ge restrictions they are forcing people to comply with will last 18 months?

    Let's be real. Not doable, would bankrupt the country.

  4. I believe Rome and U.S. Army bio-weapon group gas used thisbto isolate each country, also use it as the *excuse for their( "global dollar system never could self sustain, bankruptcy") And ruin all small.businesses and bring in global counterfeit kingdom police state. Gee even Satan knows he has a "short time" – Revelation 12. So what about these phoney World leaders???

  5. Trump needs to be blamed for everything…Or he may get re-elected. Biden may have been advocating for open borders and he may not always know where he's at, but he's nice and therefore we must get Trump out of office.

  6. Nobody's wearing a mask!!!! There's definitely one or more in those clusters at the airport that definitely has it 😣

    This is never gonna end!

    Edit: interstate travel needs to stop as well

  7. America just keep repeating everything in letting people run around…we are fuked 💀😲

  8. Knowing about the crisis unfolding they still choose to travel. Now they’re being asked to come back….what’s the point of stoping airplanes from other countries coming in if all those idiots made a bad decision any way and could bring more infection to the country?….I mean, leave them where they are….what the heck?

  9. Well….. now its the time for the ‘rich’ ones to be contributing something now. Krik krik🤭🤭🤭

  10. Considering the fact that the government knew that this was coming here and yet did not prepare makes me think that they were in on us all getting sick. Closing down restaurants and businesses to customer foot traffic and yet keeping any airports open where people congregate in groups much larger than 10 is ridiculous. Knowing damn well all the people on the airplanes are not practicing 6' social distancing and are in lines being checked when they get off the airplane, mixing all their germs and viruses with each other and then bringing them home to different States is criminal. Keep them out of the United States, we don't want them back here. If any of them infect their communities they're going to need armed guards.

  11. This is the biggest bull crap they have ever tried to shove down our throats. Stay inside self isolate…don't look while they set up FEMA camps, and get the national guard and homeland security in place to round us up. The old and prior immune deficient people have always been at the highest risk to catch anything. This flu will run its course regardless. So what's really going on? Martial law, new world order? Don't go to work…our kids won't go to school until next year! Close all businesses. All movement prohibited? How long are we going to put up with this crap? Don't worry about paying your mortgage…you won't have a house when they start rounding us up! Let's cut them checks…pay them off to comply willingly. 50 or more people….well that's a riot. Which is exactly what we need to do. Not act like sheep going to slaughter! We don't stand a chance alone…self isolate? DIVIDE N CONQUER!! WAKE UP AMERICA

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