Star student athlete asked repeatedly for protection before she was murdered – Car Mod Pros Portal

In an exclusive interview, Lauren McCluskey’s parents say their daughter asked police for help numerous times regarding her ex-boyfriend before he killed her and then took his own life.


By carmodpros


43 thoughts on “Star student athlete asked repeatedly for protection before she was murdered”
  1. I really don’t understand one particular thing about women who are blackmailed and pictures of some intimate or private moments are what scare them?
    The parents should not blame anybody here cos they are pushing the blame onto the university. The university too is pathetic but the parents, knowing their daughters weeping, gloom and fear of being attached/killed; chose to stay where they were. I don’t have a sister but if my brother called my parents and expressed some fears over some fight or brawl or even if he felt scared for his life, MY ONE and only action is go there myself along with 10 of my close buddies ready to protect by ANY and ALL means if things go that bad, ensuring everybody is informed and getting home safely. Any problem can be dealt with as long as there is life. Of ALL the time in our lifetime, nothing compares to the calls of my family for help cos there is none without them.
    How the hell are these parents able to not think of themselves and what they could have done?! Pathetic! When the own family doesn’t care enough to call the press and make a huge ruckus out of this so ppl pay attention to their daughter’s plight. Family man! You ppl were here family

  2. Although it’s saddening to know the story, it’s just mind boggling that women fall for such useless pieces of crap. Leaving the murder out, so many women are totally pumped with bodily fluids, impregnated and left for the streets.

    It’s almost the same old story in one form or another

  3. The 911 dispatcher was not taking her seriously. Then the police did not take her seriously. What's it going to take for these people to start taking these calls more seriously?

  4. Legal Dictionary Definition of Gross Negligence: "n. carelessness which is in reckless disregard for the safety or lives of others, and is so great it appears to be a conscious violation of other people's rights to safety. It is more than simple inadvertence, but it is just shy of being intentionally evil. If one has borrowed or contracted to take care of another's property, then gross negligence is the failure to actively take the care one would of his/her own property. If gross negligence is found by the trier of fact (judge or jury), it can result in the award of punitive damages on top of general and special damages."

    They should take legal action against the University of Utah Police Services and/or the Salt Lake City Police; assuming they have not already.

  5. That’s ridiculous! I’d sue the crap out of that college 🤨

  6. What is the point of the justice system if there’s no justice ? They’re supposed to PROTECT and serve PROTECTTTTT AND SERVE. Atleast for once there is a nice dispatch

  7. That’s is why it is important to support the police who actually arrest criminals. We need to pressure them to do their job to chase criminal no matter the color instead of persuade them to not arrest them or to not do their job because of some political ideology. It appears the police failed at this. Very sad.

  8. why a person in danger need to beg to be helped or heard? that is just wrong, all these people failed her, the people who supposed to protect her when she needet them.

  9. Police are at fault,
    but Why didn't parents go next flight as soon as they heard their daughter was in distress first time she called them.
    I would have been there the next morning with an assault rifle, couldn't care less if I will be charged for carrying gun but my daughter is important.

  10. I feel bad for the parents…you would think that the police are the ones who know what they’re supposed to do next. But clearly they had no sense of urgency to do even basic background checking on this guy.

  11. “Why don’t women speak up?” Well we are either called liars or ignored that’s why

  12. In saying they want do anything until the perp does something , well Campus Police is different, they should have Protected her since she was on campus !!!

  13. This severely annoys me. As her PARENTS why wouldn’t they take control and call once they found out he’s a convicted sex offender???? It’s a worldwide number you can call for them. Everybody failed her so terribly bad it’s extremely sad.

  14. Don't blame the Police, Security etc. They wouldn't be able to do anything because they would of been accused of stereotyping and racism. She shouldn't have dated a Black.

  15. She could’ve done WAAAY better. Hate to say it but if she dated in her own race she might still be alive. Oh well she got what she was asking for I guess.

  16. I’m sorry but that happens to my child. I pack my back, I come there and we stay with her…her never having to be alone…

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