Kimberly Gardner is accusing the police union of a racist conspiracy aimed at stopping her from doing her job.
#WorldNewsTonight #DavidMuir #KimberlyGardner
There is a lot more going on, then what is being told.
This woman is nothing but a racist, lying, corrupt piece of garbage that needs to go away. The city of St. Louis deserves better!!
The Powers that be are trying to stop her and we the blacks are gonna get what we want
Never met a white person that wasn’t racist
These could be Fox News comments. A liberal black female politician? -Has to be Diane Wilkerson's famous cash in the bra video…$$$. Soros is getting his money's worth from this sicko.
She’s been horrible at her job. Nothing to do with skin color
Just not good at her job. She is emotionally involved and has dismissed almost all charges on protesters that broke the law recently.
Just got caught tampering with evidence in the case of the white couple defending their property against BLM "protestors".
they should send her ti china see what happens
Kimberly M. Gardner is a fxcking b1tch that is sold her soul to soros she needs to be in jail .
She’s another Marxist
FIRE HER NOW!!!! stupid racist!!!!
This Racist Female and her BLACK ATTORNEY Female Supporters are not interested in upholding the LAW !
She's a fucking idiot.
That psychotic racist bitch needs to be put in prison
This moron is prosecuting a couple for defending their home.
She is a weapon deployed by Soros. Soros' and his billions: undue influence. He has been buying these people into power. Not for justice that is just the ruse, but to destroy American sovereignty. All those crazy tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists WERE RIGHT. Welcome to their world order. Global governance. To think, the fact of slavery is now being exploited to destroy America and enslave the world under that order. Twisted.
She's a JOKE.
She is a disgrace to the law, herself and the people of Missouri.
How sad she’s a disgrace. What ever color, she’s and idiot and the RACIST I’m seeing is GARDNER
Read Kim Gardener's Wikipedia page
In it you will find she and her newly installed staff are sketchy at best but you must read the "CAREER" section to see it. She was fined $63,000 for campaign violations but only ended up paying $6300 but that's not all… it to believe, it gets much worse. How she's in office is beyond me.
This lady is a monster and needs to be placed in jail. She charges people for doing what they pay here to do. Defending themselves and there property . She is a huge penis .( i cleaned it up for the kids). WAKE UP PEOPLE THE DEMS ( not all but most) ARE TRYING TO DESTROY AMERICA . WE CANT LET THIS HAPPEN
🆘 Josh Hawley Calls For Civil Rights Investigation Into Prosecutor Who Confiscated Weapons From St. Louis Couple. St. Louis district attorney Kim Gardener is a Liberal George Soros sponsored elected official. Need I say more.
Hiring a DA because she's black? Now i see why she falsely charged the St Louis couple for defending their property that was infringed by BLM protestors, and stole their guns from them.
This DA is just a democrat lackey and a little bitch.
What other color she could possibly be? Must be deposed, prosecuted and pay for her crimes
Ugly, dimwitted, race-obsessed, fucking useless Marxist bint shouldn't be anywhere near any elected position, especially one of any authority whatsoever.
You hired a black woman. What did you expect? ðŸ˜â€ÂÂÂ
Defund liberal cities
Get rid of all women prosecutors. They just can't handle the job.
Corrupted nasty hypocrite clown kimberly gardner.
She touting the globalist narritive "Peaceful Protesters" we know who she works for and its not the citizens of StLouis …at least the white ones!
She must go. This is one out of control privileged nut.
Black Supremacist
One of the most racist and under education person with no experience for this job.This has exposed her.Smart people wake up, Is the person you want represent you? Everyone go to her house and protest. She will not be on your side! See how many guns are pull on you.
This is warning to Kimberly Gardner and all Democrates. If you failed to protected law biding american citizens. You should get the death penalty.
If anything happens to the McClursky family, Kimberly Gardner should be given the Death Penalty!!!!!!!!!! Along with George Soro! Traitors !
She got her Law Degree from the Univasity of Nigeria!
she doesnt care more for criminals than cops, she just doesn't care at all. all she cares about is herself. she has barely done anything.
She is the same person who barely prosecuted any cases and had around 65 people who worked at the office leave the job and the same person who used campaign money to pay for a private apartment?
What a liar
Of course when things don’t go her way, throw the race card.