Spring break partiers refusing to isolate amid coronavirus crisis draw concerns | Nightline

Spring break partiers refusing to isolate amid coronavirus crisis draw concerns | Nightline

“I’m not going to let it stop me from partying,” one man in Florida said of the novel coronavirus. Meanwhile, other parts of the U.S., like San Francisco, have issued strict shelter-in-place orders.


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48 thoughts on “Spring break partiers refusing to isolate amid coronavirus crisis draw concerns | Nightline

  1. Look at all the COVID-19 coming across the border with COVID and joe is doing nothing saying nothing. Impeach joe biden for dereliction of Duty to the Constitution and American 🇺🇸

  2. Idgaf I’m finna turn up

  3. Gross, uneducated, irresponsible, egotistical, privileged. Just some of the words that come to mind to describe these spring breakers. These kids are bringing covid to their communities and are directly responsible for thousands of deaths. There's a uniquely toxic brand of stupidity, ignorance and arrogance brewing in the United States that is truly frightening.

  4. THANK YOU FOR FUCKING AMERICA AND NOW WE HAVE 1.4 million total cases!!!!!! 😡

  5. Isn’t there a rule in America that you can kill in selfdefense?

  6. The fact that my generation is being stupid makes me feel like no one who is older than us will no longer respect us only because these other teens and young adults are being stupid and not taking this virus seriously. 😔

  7. January 2020: Corona who?
    February 2020: This virus ain't that serious
    April 2020: IT KEEPS GETTING WORSE!!!😭😭
    May 2020:

    Please remember to stay safe, stay healthy, and most importantly STAYING POSITIVE!! Staying home should not be a choice anymore, rather than mandatory. We will return to our normal lives very very soon, if we just follow the social distancing guidelines. The sooner we do this, the sooner everything will return to normal life. Love you all!! Take care!!❤

  8. This world is unfair, those who don't follow the rules still live. Imo those kids in florida during spring break should die x 10 times over and their parents fined for raising stupid kids.

  9. Should I wait for the moment when pandemic is over in all Asian countries, while America is the only country with remaining cases? Anyway, Vanessa Hudgens' comment is completely uneducated. I suddenly remember that she did too much dancing and singing but less studying in 'high school'

  10. Now the death rate in us is 55k🤷

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