Spreading coronavirus amid George Floyd protests | WNT – Car Mod Pros Portal

An Oklahoma State football player tested positive for COVID-19 after being at a protest in Tulsa, and Dr. Deborah Birx continues to work with mayors to expand coronavirus testing.




#WorldNewsTonight #Coronavirus #GeorgeFloydProtests


By carmodpros


34 thoughts on “Spreading coronavirus amid George Floyd protests | WNT”
  1. Lies, there is a God. Look up people who died and went to hell. It's real. I died and seen the light and spoke to God.. I give you my word…save YOURSELF.
    Police stop fighting because they will vaccinate you and your family also with this venomous vaccine. I'm a taxi driver, I believe I was exposed at least 5 times and one of my symptoms was I couldn't breathe so everytime that happened 1 take 5 to 8 Baby Asprin 81 mg and I could breath again. I take zinc, high vitamin C and D3.
    If we all get this vaccine, things after will never be the same due to what's in the vaccine.
    Less than 10,000 people have died from code of 19, why because they're not treating the patients with the proper medication period this is all the elite agenda so that they can mask vaccinate the world . It's a cash cow for the elite.

    Look everyone…please listen and take heed. Trump is the only one that is "trying" to fight the system of the covid, the Elite's agenda to vaccinate all Americans and Worldwide. The mask wearing, washing of hands is weakening our immune system. Watch George Carlin germs are our friends on YouTube-(excuse his swearing) but it's fact. Boots your immune system with all the vitamins and minerals including zinc, high vitamin C and D3. Trump's not the best but he is better than Biden in this Elite PROFIT-ing move. Please y'all, follow on your tube Peggy Hall on covid and stopping the lies. Follow The americanfrontlinedoctors.org or com. Follow Dr. Richard Bartlett MD from Texas, Dr. Buttar, Dr. Jensen, Dr. Nepute, last but not least, Dr. Shiva. Also Liliana Robinson (english video's) on covid, the election, what is covid etc. Also Agenda 21 & 2030, the FEMA camps in the US. The Utopia plan on Netflix. It's the elite plan for profit, it's cheap labor, free labor, communism at its finest. Incarcerate more people for control put us all against one another.. is their plan. Stop fighting against one another. It's not us against each other, it's us against the elite. TRUST ME. It's all an Eye opener. The waxy stuff on our fruits and vegetables is toxic bcuz they seal chemicals on it that are toxic, even the organic ones have about 20% verses 100%.=illness. Plz was it off on the organic or grow your own. They are passing laws now to stop us from growing our own on your properties. Write a PETITION on change.org to stop all these life time position in the White house because they all EVENTUALLY start taking money from the LOBBYIST. 4years is all they need and if they prove themselves worthy we vote them in again.
    This vaccine will be toxic to say the least. Covid is made up of SARS, MERS and a part of the AIDS Virus. What were people dying of in the 80s and 90s. Complications of PNEUMONIA! What are people dying of right now? Complications of pneumonia! You all better wake up y'all. This is more serious than ever before in history. All these viruses are created in a LAB by the ELITE. They profit by making us sick. Look, they are flagging my posts due to the content of facts. Screenshot and re-post wherever you can. I'm a taxi driver, I've had biologist, chemical engineers come in my cab telling me they can cure most cancers in 7 weeks without Chemotherapy and radiation with stem cell therapy or immune therapy and yet they still are using the barbaric chemotherapy and killing our loved ones including children/babies because there is so much money in chemotherapy. This is WRONG. I beat CANCER NATURALLY with Herb's-Pau d Arco after about 30 days or so you have to intermittently stop the Pau d Arco 3,5,7, or 10 days then keep taking as directed, Super Green powders- Nature's way at walmart.com $14.97. marijuana oil under the tongue- hold for 15-20 mins. Use half a vile 1,2 or 3 times a day depending on how bad the cancer is. I boil a cup of water 1,2 or 3 times a day put 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda-no aluminum. If you don't have Leukemia you can choose to use Cat claw, use as directed (instead of the Pau D Arco) I take Nature's way Chaga mushrooms and another blend of mushrooms with a mixture of chaga mushrooms and 4 other mushrooms becuz the Super greens powder doesn't have enough in it. I go to the Vitamin shoppe or whole foods they know other products ppl take for Cancer. Disclosure: this is not meant to treat or cure anyone from cancer or anything, you must check with your doctor before taking anything. 🤭🤬. I was diagnosed with cancer in 2005. I'm still hear. I'm upset with what I know about what they are doing to us for profit. What's in our food by products, water are air. Download the fooducate app, it'll Grade your food from A to F. Stay with food that's B+ and above. Stop eating sugar, pasta and bread, coffee, soda, fast food. Meat, eggs, milk with hormones and probiotics. Sugar, hormones bc and stress feeds cancer cells. Buy a foot (looks like an egg)and back massager at bed bath and beyond. Online buy a metal foot detox -it'll run between $120-$140.
    Remember before all this mess started with COVID Greta Thunberg shed light onto the Global warming? This is major, it's being done with geoengineered clouds, when you see most videos as to why they are doing this, it's all lies. How can you block the sun to cool the Earth with heavy metals and chemicals which in tern KILL OFF ALL OUR TREES AND VEGETATION which perpetuates global warming AND WE ARE LIGHTING UP LIKE A MATCH because it dries up everything and messes up our ecosystem and EVERYTHING is off balance.
    In 2017 fires in california Sonoma, redding, Santa Rosa etc. a Chief firefighter said that there was no way that these fires all started simultaneously and he deemed them arson. The news stated he was going to speak on the 6 o'clock news. I ran home to watch it…it never happened. He was gagged but the News did show the HUGE oblong shape of where the fires where. It was a perfect oblong circle. I was like 😲. Then you never heard anything again. I believe someone in that news station was trying to shed light by putting the Chief firefighter on but they pulled ranks on the information and shut him down. We are all sleeping y'all, plz see their money making agenda. These ELITE are so sick about their money, it's an illness. Watch all the money in the world and you can try and understand. Do you know how much money we spend on Mars and trying to living on another planet? Tons! These sick fool's Believer they are going to live on another planet and start a new. Or live on a grandiose space ship…have you seen the movies about it? They've been putting them out for YEARS. There's one with Mel Gibson where everything on earth is blown up, San Francisco and New York and the US is in shambles…blown to bits. We'll y'all that's where we are headed. We are LIGHTING up like a match and no one is saying anything.
    They are putting stuff in the air with these geoengineered clouds and A chemical engineer and a retired teacher said we were being sprayed with agent orange, the same thing they sprayed in the Vietnam war. Someone needs to test the soot in the are, it falls on our cars, into in our blood, hair follicle's, it's in the geoengineered clouds which are so TOXIC. We wake up in the am and the News calls them Marina layer. These clouds are being pushed out behind the mountains and in the summer and spring they look like SMOG and in the winter the are these billowing Massive cloud's…it's sickening because I see them all the time because I know what they look like. If you go high in the Fremont mount Diablo or Mount Hamilton in San Jose you can see these clouds being pushed out all day..it's sickening. Please wake up people. It's not that hard. I'm old, I lost all my wealth but I learned the hard way what they're doing to us. Stop fighting and fight back by Voting Trump. If they try and do force VACCINATIONS we fight back with the CONSTITUTION.
    Lastly they fires are arson. The lighten storm that started these first fires was man made. Look up the lighting storm, you can see it geoengineered. They are also doing heavy spraying of these toxic spraying along with these fire's so they can keep SPRAYING. Trump's our only chance to beat this Elite Agenda. Look up the CDC'S NEW NUMBERS. WHY AREN'T THE NEWS TALKING ABOUT IT?

  2. The truth is George Floyd had Covid -19 the day he was recklessly killed by police. He also had methamphetamine, fentanyl and morphine in his blood on the day he died. He also had a very long criminal history including armed robbery, home invasion and possession and intent to sell drugs. There is a lot the media refuses to mention. He also dropped a small plastic bag of white crystals on the sidewalk as he was being arrested that is on video.

  3. A man in Portland reported he got the virus after marching in the streets. Ethan Snyder says he had been out with protesters for seven days at the beginning of June.The 19-year-old started feeling tired and had a fever and was later tested positive for Covid 19. I could post several other similar post with the name of the people exposed after protesting yet we are to believe science is miraculously suspended for protesters.

  4. Of coarse the large groups are spreading the Virus.
    It is stupid to say the protesters are not spreading the Virus because they have a worthy cause.
    Get Real people the virus unlike BLM is not racist it will spread to anyone regardless of what you are doing.
    How many public bathrooms being used by the protesters are properly cleaned after each use. ZERO

  5. Where's the outrage with how selfish protesters are for defying social distancing? We see RIGHT through the hypocrisy.

  6. If all these people don't start dying real fast, then I know it's all just a bunch of propaganda lies…….ho wait yes, the experts say rioting in the streets doesn't spread it. Yes right, expert propaganda that is……

  7. I take issue with the idea that these protestors are fighting systemic racism and therefore it's worth the risk, but the economy wasn't?
    Seeing as how covid effects black people disproportionately are you really helping by making the pandemic worse?

    If anything it'll get black people first before any racist does(theortically) it it gets out of hand.
    They aren't even doing anything productive. Most protests are just an IRL version of a change.org petition.

  8. Its an experiment. The "I can't breathe" mantra is have a double meaning–This is a plan to kill the black population with the coronavirus…this is why the government isn't doing anything. They are walking into a trap. A month from now, the hospitals will be filled and that will be the second wave.

  9. I do believe in the protest . You think maybe you can stop protesting And When the Corona virus dies down you can start up again let's not be idiots about this

  10. This is hilarious seeing Hegel's cunning of reason at work, real justice playing out in history. Look who joined the revolution, lol

  11. More media hype and lies…Now that the protests have stop they're back at spreading lies of new covid cases just to get ratings…

  12. Maybe I am wrong but did people sudently forget that we are in the midle of a health crisis and that they may be responsible for many lives if they attend some of these protests, even while attempting to take all the mesures to prevent the spread of Sarscov2. It seems like we are letting our minds be driven by emotion and not reason, and that may cost many lives.

  13. I don’t understand why we as citizens were laid off our jobs,told to obey shelter in place, which I and most citizens obeyed, were told to only go out to buy essentials and even then to practice social distancing and now suddenly thousands of protesters walking tightly together shouting, chanting, looting,smashing windows and throwing objects is no problem with spreading Covid-19. Also I notice when protest are discussed in the context of perhaps spreading Covid-19 instead of discussing the dangers of thousands tightly grouped together shouting they instead blame the police throwing tear gas as the real danger of spreading Covid-19. I’m beginning to feel I have been duped.

  14. Wow just look at all those moron jerks spreading covid-19 all over the place. I hope they all get the virus but I also hope they don't spread it which is not how it works. These people have done so much damage it's so horrible what they have done and are doing. I don't know what they are protesting and I don't care anymore because these protests are the real problem.

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