Spotlight on Trumps administration record on immigration

Spotlight on Trumps administration record on immigration

A Wisconsin farmer and a DACA recipient discuss how immigration policy affects their daily lives.


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36 thoughts on “Spotlight on Trumps administration record on immigration

  1. If parents don’t want to be separated from their children then they can stay in their country !! They were told they would be separated but they don’t care about their children they use them to come into the country like a passport or an easy entrance. If they cared many of the children would not have died drowned!

  2. [The Worship God Accepts] Have you ever thought that your worship, sermons and all your time in church might not be accepted by God? If He doesnt' accept your worship then you are worshipping idols!You must hear the Truth as the Truth to understand God's will! Don't be deceived but hear what the Spirit says to to the churches.

  3. There are many, many illegals working in the US. There are vastly fewer employers. The employers have US addresses and pay or avoid US taxes. Apply immigration policy to the employers or shut up about it! Politicians are just posers.

  4. paranoid trumpet man white supremacy policy…
    fear the influx of South Americans migrants 🤘

  5. He says:
    Seniors will be first on the list for vaccine.
    Now: he says: immigrants and daca and protected first on the list?


  6. WHY CAGE THE KIDS? THE KIDS DID NOT WILLFULLY BREAK THE LAWS THEY ARE INNOCENT. For this reason, they along with their mothers should have been caught and released.

  7. Trump is a fucken stupid bitch to even leave kids without there mother is so ughhhh just nasty I can’t explain how much anger this gets me

  8. ABC is so full of it!! ABC KNOWS that those "cages" were built and used by the Obama Administration … but then?? Nothing but the media fawning all over Traitor Obama because he fit the global elitist agenda and of course the media is completely controlled by a monopoly of a few global elitists themselves. ABC – a propaganda arm of the liberal progressives and elitists -pathetic!!!

  9. Illegals don't belong here. End of, and I'm hispanic too. No other country would tolerate people flooding into their borders illegally, and a lot of the kids at the border are being trafficked

  10. Let's see immigration if you come to America illegally then you get what you get when you get caught a lot of you people forget when you break laws there are consequences and a lot of you are going to have to find out the hard way after this election is over just remember everybody's a badass until they get punched in the face

  11. Respected President Sir,
    I have been praying for your good health from the first day. Thanks be to God You are good now.Congratulations and welcome back.Still continue praying for your victory in election battle.Wishing you all the success Thank You Sir.
    Mr President Donald j Trump is the one and only legendary.The best administrator and excellent ruler, experienced…May God give President Trump a great Success and Keep on praying for Mr President Trump and his family, White House,And For all USA.

    Gorli Albert Prakash Kumar..,Door no:67-2-9/1,Datta Sai Residency, Flat No:GB,
    Sai Baba Temple Street, Near Karanam gari centre, KAKINADA-533003,East Godavari Dist.Andhra Pradesh, INDIA.


  13. But it is a line when Americans go to other countries we're immigration is a lot harder than it is here in the United States. Every country around the world including United States have immigration laws and must be complied with.

  14. I like the fact that the thumbnail is photo from the Obama administration😂😂

  15. This story hit pretty close to home as I grew up on a family farm It was actually the Republican farmers that voted in favor of corporate farming. They did this to themselves but are now complaining that they cant’t compete and blaming it on immigrant workers. And yet this farmer,, will still vote for a Republican president that has bailed out corporations and given them tax breaks. Not to mention, Trump has been in office for 4 years and it hasn’t changed, maybe it’s time to consider a different strategy.

  16. Una cosa es evitar la inmigracion ilegal y otraes probocar una abancha de ellos para que te den El direro que pediste,para haser un muro.mandaste tus lacayos a Los paises promentiendo hacilo por que El congreso no te dava dinero pusistes sus Vidas en riesgo solo para salirte con tu protector y Los tienes enserrados en jaulas Nino's que an perdido su libertad e infancia por mandar tus agitadores con falsas promesas ya ninguno esta viniendo so tu Los buscastes para ensanarte con ellos.maldito asesino muchos Nino's muertos Nina's violadas mujeres mutiladas que no podran set madres otra ves .quien apoye a esta cosa es tan repurnante comp quieres inmigracion ilegar cuando tu Los tenias trabajado dandole documentation falsas y no es cierto que Los que pagamos taxes Los mantenemos ellos hacen Los trabajos mas malos y Mal pagados para mantenerse

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