Specialized drones to fill skies over NYC for New Years Eve

Specialized drones to fill skies over NYC for New Years Eve

Authorities said there was no credible threat but thousands of police officers with heavy weapons will be on guard in and around Times Square.

#PoliceDrones #TimesSquare #NewYorkCity #NYC #NewYears #NewYears2020 #2020 #Security #ArielSurveillance #ABCNews #WorldNewsTonight




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45 thoughts on “Specialized drones to fill skies over NYC for New Years Eve

  1. How much money has gone into the cost of manpower time and equipment just for one day costing thousands of dollars 💵 just for keeping people in time square safe and I bet it could be half the amount of cost by cutting down on some of the police as seeing on the recording they showed quite a lot of cops standing about plus with the drones flying around they can see from the sky view of what will be going off ok.

  2. They fly those same drones in the Bronx to look into apartments. The Mayor even hired Alphabet to install Stingray devices on city streets to keep track of all the lower income population in NYC. Its just a matter of time before it’s in your neighborhood

  3. Makes one wonder what does President Trump know that we don't know as to what was the REAL reason Trump moved his family out of NYC. Hmmmm🤔

  4. Welcome to the new year. We would appreciate your unquestioned support for your local militarized police state lifestyle enforcement. Please pay no attention to the constant monitoring of actions, and strict no warning shots fired when stepping out of line, or increased detainment of those deemed to be people's of interest.

  5. these drones have already been up there. If use been targeted u already know they shgoot dew weapons at u 24-7. Now there letting there public know and the sheep are to stupid to realize. They too will soon be targeted like many of us are already and stalked by the community and law enforcement. Illegal phone taps, 24-7 surveillance, amerass and mics planted into ur home, ur security, wifi, computers all hacked, and ur door locks picked bt locksmiths. They will install smart meters and dews in ur house and torture u til u comply with their wishes. Welcomes to Satans kingdom yall. Soon the veil will drop and u all will see what we all tried to warn u about. Ur slaves and soon they are coming for ur guns. If u know the Most High at some point u will be killed. My water has already been tampered with and poisoned. Im slowly being killed for trying to help the world. Conform and comply or die by slow torture. Ur enemy is invisible and hides in plain site. Ur family friends and neighbors will sell u out over jealously fear ands self preservation. The demons have been here and none of y'all even noticed them. We warned u and u called us crazy. Welcome to the tribulation.

  6. Kiss your “freedoms” goodbye 👋 this is only the beginning.

  7. ”Heavy Weapons” eh?… Those AR15’s only shoot dinky little .223 (5.56) rounds; basically suped-up 22’s. But hey, good thing only the maligned NYPD has them! Can’t have pesky citizens protecting themselves!!!

  8. I hope there are an equal number of sousveillance cameras on the government as surveillance cameras on its citizens. This country gives up so much of its freedom for so little a protection guarantee. When was the last time the gov. spoiled a domestic terrorist plot?
    News doesn't say, but does anybody wonder if there is facial recognition capabilities in these drones?

  9. I love seeing these comments where people are basically taking words out of my mouth! Drones!?! Really? Oh we feel so safe now. Americans are waking up and I love it!!! This reminds me of when Obama said “predator drones” and the crowd laughed, then he said with a straight face “I’m not kidding” lol

  10. You can’t be killed if you don’t play the game. 💡

  11. Happy new year to all americans…love you guys mein despite never being there..hope anyone living in tha states reading this..get every thing you wish for this 2020 & hope you pray for me too..to get what i wish for😎 cuz you never know which prayers GOD bless this day lol..Happy new year to you all once again❤️

  12. Police: puts drones on sky that do nothing but fly
    Also police: “SaFeSt PlAcE oN eArTh”

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