Multiple people dead and several others injured at a Madden 19 football video game tournament in Jacksonville, Florida.
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As a “girl gamer†and someone who was touched by the effects of the Newtown school shooting, this tragedy fucking hurts my heart. But what really grinds my gears are the political trolls and conspiracy theorists that try to use shit like this to their advantage, and that’s why logical folk like myself clown on these idiots. The suspect was clearly a SORE LOSER and he got what he deserved. May the souls he took from this world rest in peace, and God bless the survivors and the families of all those involved!
That’s crazy
Thank god I live in such a boring city, we are in the right middle of the US so nothing ever happens here, but still it's scary how now a days people arent safe anywhere.
poor looser….
Fuck you guys. You guys are insensitive as fuck reporting this in the middle of the 2018 little league world series.
THIS IS FUNNY…😀😀😀ðŸâ€Â«ðŸâ€Â«ðŸâ€Â«😀ðŸâ€Â«😀ðŸâ€Â«😀ðŸâ€Â«💉💉
If you really think he started shooting because he lost the game, you're sadly mistaken. If he won the game, his intention was to shoot someone, why bring a gun?? Reports of him being, for lack of a better word "off" the entire time and the white guy that I saw, who was the "alleged" gunman, he looked angry and someone commented on his standoffish demeanor before the shooting happened. This is truly sad but the worst part is the victim's will get no justice. This will be talked about and then nothing will be done, absolutely nothing. It took me 3 yrs trying to get my son some help and during this time, one doctor told me he was a brat and to just put him out my house. Yeah, so he could harm someone or himself, WTF!!!
Get rid of the guns. The only people who should carry them are soldiers and law enforcement officers and registered hunters. How many more senseless homicidal outbursts will it take before something is done about it.
There's something drastically wrong here. Isn't there a lesson to be learned? So many wake up calls. Seems like those who can change things are not listening.
Can't even play fucking video games in peace …. Fucking cock suckers
Shooting over any little thing damn you can't hardly do anything in the world now..You can't stay locked up in your home you have to go out and about in this world everyday your life is in danger people get angry over any little thing.. That is why I don't bother people..I go where I need to go and go home…
Is this enough proof for Pro-gun people to admit there’s a problem with laid back gun control regulation, not only with states, but with company’s like Walmart and bass pro. Even background checks are “ oppressive†even though it would make it harder for mentally ill people from getting their hands on guns. Most mass shooters were on anti-depressants.
Nope, because they’re paranoid selfish a holes (including law makers in the south) who’ll let thousands of Americans die in the name of the second amendment. What do I know, I’m just dumb liberal.
Rip gaymers
American Government needs to have a long look at everything now. I have watched America all my childhood in movies and documentaries and have always loved America but with the last few years things don't seem right over there.. I send my love from Ireland to all that needs it now peace and love forever ðŸÂÂÂÂۉ¤ðŸÂÂÂÂۉ¤ðŸÂÂÂÂۉ¤
Such incidents boost the sale of guns. How Ironic. Weren't there cops with guns or metal detectors on location?
America is fucked all you do is shoot each other you silly cunts same story different day
Can you close fire?
I don’t want to live in a world like this anymore, I can’t even go to the movies without feeling like I’m in danger and worst of all, school.
I can’t stand this fucking comment section.
Rage quit on a whole new level
It's Not fucking E-GAMER It's E-SPORTS
My Husband left me heartbroken, this made me sick and my problem became very very difficult and it made me almost gave up but after the love spell from Dr. Osita, my relationship was restored instantly. My Husband reconcile with me and he has started acting completely different, I feel happy once again, and like never before. It felt so good to have my Husband back again, my daughter will be happy now Thanks to Dr. Osita for your wonderful love spell done. Please email him if you need any help in your relationship. (drositamiraclespell@gmail. com). Thank you.
This is so sad, Alexa play Despacito
Blame Muslims😆😆😆ðŸ˜â€ÂÂÂ
New reports show it was the winner from last year's competition that was the shooter. 2 dead plus suspect. Others either shot or injured trying to flee (11 total) but none critical and I think they have all been released from treatment.
This is America This is America Don't catch you slippin' up Don't catch you slippin' up Look what I'm whippin' up This is America (woo) Don't catch you slippin' up Don't catch you slippin' up Look what I'm whippin' up This is America (skrrt, skrrt, woo) Don't catch you slippin' up (ayy) Look at how I'm livin' now Police be trippin' now (woo)
My goodness. What is this world coming to!?!
I'm speechless….Everyday someone somewhere is dying…especially because of open firings & mass shootings….And there's nothing anyone can do.
Its a sports game not shooter remember that folks
EA is dangerous ban EA
Its sad too say but these shootings will never end first there is millions and millions of unregistered guns in the world and they are easy to get and if they do get them under control there is a over seas market and they are easer to get then the ones that are already here so its like the saying goes DAMED IF YOU AND DAMED IF YOU DON,T its in GODS HANDS .
But guns are not a problem
Real GTA
Worst place to live: Florida
Oh look another shooting has occurred in the worst country in the world, glad I live away from America and all the shit that comes along with it
Maybe we should take peoples gun rights….its not criminals who do these types of shootings its someone who legally bout a gun an more often than not there white
So is this how we solve problems in America now? What a pathetic POS
Something have to done
So sadness accident.
Seriously at a madden tournament… smh it’s out of control. Prayers go out to any one affected by this.
The question is why would this person take a gun to a video tournament?
It's a shame to fear everyday life because you do not know if a massive shooting is going to core or someone just taking your life for no reason.
Here we go again! Another mass shooting and murder in the state of gun-loving Florida…smh 😡
No longer safe in the womb.. Or outside the womb. Might as well just run to the hills…