Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Schiff on decision not to vote to authorize Trump impeachment inquiry – Car Mod Pros Portal

#Trump #ImpeachmentInquiry #Pelosi

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By carmodpros


32 thoughts on “Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Schiff on decision not to vote to authorize Trump impeachment inquiry”
  1. 🌐Wow! Now senile Nancy Pelosi is talking crazy again. Blaming President Trump for the Spread of coronavirus, yet her city of San Francisco has turned into a homeless drug infested crap hole and she’s done nothing to fix the problem. Time for her to retire.

  2. 🌐So Sorry angry democrat sore loser Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff but your Coup Resolution and Impeachment move against President Trump Undermines the US Constitution. It will blow up in the Democrat Party faces come the 2020 elections. President Trump will get re-elected in 2020, because the Democrats have nobody that can beat President Trump, so that’s why you’re trying to impeach him. It won’t work. Period. But it will divide the country further like the fake news people do nightly with all their bias President Trump hating and bashing daily on TV. Shame on all of you. God Bless America 🇺🇸and President Trump.

  3. 🚨So sore loser democrats Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff you want to impeach a duly elected president since the day you two sore losers didn’t like the election outcome. Let’s review!

    President Trump received 62,985,106 votes and won.

    Nancy Pelosi you received 275,292 votes and won your last election.

    Adam Schiff you received 196,662 votes and won your last election.

    So Now you see from the numbers above what’s going to happen if you go ahead with this impeachment nonsense you have been trying to do for three years. Let me help you out. You will piss off almost 63 Million American voters and put a target on both of your backs for the rest of your life along with any Democrats that vote for this nonsense. Yes elections have consequences and you lost. Try running a better candidate in 2020 but from the looks of it you have nobody that could beat President Trump. This could be why you’re trying to impeach him. Very bad idea so give it up. It won’t happen. I suggest you go do your job and pass the North American trade bill sitting on your desk Nancy Pelosi. Democrats need to get a infrastructure bill put together we have over 4,000 Deficient bridges in the United States and roads full of pot holes everywhere. Now go do your dam jobs. Stop dividing our great country. God Bless America and President Trump.

  4. ABC has zero credibility and Schiff is a proven liar

    Reality check. For the young and uninformed

    The Terrible T, captain yellowhair, is not going to be removed from office because the senate will not do that even IF the House votes. And for now even the House does not have enough votes

    Bill Clinton did get impeached actual crimes. But senate did not remove him and he got re-elected

    So all the hyperventilating and thrill of “impeach him” chanting are useless

    He’s not leaving. And he’s becoming more popular because the public now sees just how corrupt the democrats are and they are fighting to protect themselves

    I suggest people come to grips with reality

    Even if the senate has a trial all kinds of evidence will come out that destroys Pelosi. Schiff. And the rest of them. That’s why Pelosi does not want anything public. Because they are hiding stuff. It’s obvious. Otherwise they would be transparent. Open

  5. I would love you to research what the hell Obama was talking about about a civilian security Force. I think should find out who these people who developed what these objectives were . It might be relevant today. It could have been the objectives was the turn us over into a communist government.


    Who created Obama's national security objectives?

    Months before Election Day Obama made the following frightening proclamation: "We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've gotta have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."

    Seeing how our government is focusing on home-schoolers, people with gardens, gun owners and Christians, I demand to know who "We've" is and what were those goals? Do you think Congress, if they are not already in lock step in creating a police state, might demand to know who shaped these objectives and what they are, under oath?

    We are running out of time folks regarding what the Hell Obama was really talking about. Hell he sold us a bill of goods on ObamaCare. I want to know why the government is running drills on conditioning our military and police to fire on civilians while we fund Al Qaeda in Middle East!
    Could this explain the purge of our most experienced high ranking military officers? Hello! Ask your senators and congressman for answers to these questions! But then again, maybe they already sold us out!


    Joseph DuPont

  6. 😂😂😴😴😂😂

  7. As soon as that "whistleblower" bs started Clinton and Obama came along. This demorat scam has government take over all over it. Just what Putin wanted his commie buddies to do for him. Obama and Clinton are STILL conspiring with the Russians.

  8. Can't believe the first words out of her mouth wasn't talking about Trump and actually told us what the health plans are for the American people.
    All I have to say IT'S ABOUT TIME!!~!! First time I'm hearing about any of this, as vague as it is.
    05:00 …back to the old shh~tuff…….

  9. Your such a liar…or confusing Trump with Biden..Bidenis the self admitted qpq guy.. where's your litigation, investigation, mitigation on that???

  10. the democrat party, the way they are now (the Communists,) must be forbidden
    in US territory as a terrorist organisation supported by Soros has became his puppets in
    US Congress. Too dangerous to let them sit in Congress.

  11. Aren’t you dumb gutter fuck right wingers supposed to be constitutionalist? More time has passed and now Mickey Mouse Clubhouse has confessed to the quid pro quo. There is direct evidence of violations of the constitution but y’all still getting face fucked by by the mushroom dick. But don’t worry. The Long Dick of the Law is on its way. Can’t wait till the younger generation grows up despising the Republican Party.

  12. This woman is destroying her own party…
    TRUMP 2020 🇺🇸🇺🇸🗽🗽

  13. What is she on? Is it even legal? Also, just as everyone predicted there was no impeachment. I believe the left is throwing this out there because most people do not know what impeachment is. All these tlaib and Maxine waters nuts screaming impeach 45 have no idea what it is, nor do their followers. To them, impeach means remove from office. If you can put the word impeachment out there enough and get enough people or sheep to believe it, it is just trying to damage to Trump's reputation. They are counting on people going to the polls next year and saying to themselves that Trump was impeached so he must be bad, so I will vote against him. People need to educate themselves more since we all know the public schools aren't doing it any more.

  14. Dems are going to get spanked down by the public before this is all over. And the dont even see it coming. Of course, they'll blame the Republicans and Independents. It's never their fault, they're just the victims here as always.

  15. The idiots Democrats let's dig up some crap on hillary and nobama. Nancy the reason they been trying this for 2 yrs because they know that Democrats wont win in 2020 get rid of the pill poping drunk Nancy Pelosi

  16. they buying cheap drugs from china don't work. look it up. people well get sick. you don't save in 15 years hearing aids are 15 dollar hearing aides get from store pills have bad chemicals in them they buy that and save them money .look it up. and more they have good protection we won't. I'm keeping what I got =trump 2020.

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