Spanish festivals, floods in Brazil, Harbin snow sculptures: World in Photos, Dec. 29

Spanish festivals, floods in Brazil, Harbin snow sculptures: World in Photos, Dec. 29

A look at the top photos from around the world.


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20 thoughts on “Spanish festivals, floods in Brazil, Harbin snow sculptures: World in Photos, Dec. 29

  1. I think we should come to understand one another as something like these photos can provide meaning the events we go through throughout life in different parts of the world and trying to understand what all walks of life goes through.

  2. I think we should come to understand one another as something like these photos can provide meaning the events we go through throughout life in different parts of the world and trying to understand what all walks of life goes through.

  3. I think we should come to understand one another as something like these photos can provide meaning the events we go through throughout life in different parts of the world and trying to understand what all walks of life goes through.

  4. I think we should come to understand one another as something like these photos can provide meaning the events we go through throughout life in different parts of the world and trying to understand what all walks of life goes through.

  5. I think we should come to understand one another as something like these photos can provide meaning the events we go through throughout life in different parts of the world and trying to understand what all walks of life goes through.

  6. "Call on the Lord in the day of trouble,
    and He will deliver you"
         -Psalm 50 : 15

    Jake Tapper's Producer Resigns?
    IDENTIFY these idiot's! Who is Jake Tapper's Producer??? 🇺🇸🇬🇧

  8. 大6無解體原因就因為大6有香港人撐腰,同時🈶香港金融中心,當香港失去金融功能,美帝全面脱勾,香港失去美元💵掛勾功,美帝祇需打跨香港全面脱勾大6共産黨末日不遠,大6共产党生命死穴就系香港,外商外美国外資養老基金管理人全面徹離香港,香港就系中共維1生命線,祇要香港不好,中共不會好,真系全民食草,大6就憑着香港光環食4方

  9. I think we should come to understand one another as something like these photos can provide meaning the events we go through throughout life in different parts of the world and trying to understand what all walks of life goes through.

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