Southwest Airlines apologizes for canceling over 300 flights Monday morning | ABC News – Car Mod Pros Portal

Southwest Airlines canceled over 300 flights Monday morning and is apologizing to stranded passengers after a weekend of chaos.

Plus, what the nation’s top doctor is saying about Halloween and COVID-19.

#ABCNews #OnLocation #BreakingNews


By carmodpros


46 thoughts on “Southwest Airlines apologizes for canceling over 300 flights Monday morning | ABC News”
  1. heard employees are protesting, they have every right to, it's their bodies their choice, they shouldn't be forced to get something inside their bodies if they don't want to

  2. Covid|9 is accumulative and permanently stay~ at human body's T-Cell then cause it malfunction to replicate, destroy and spread even you have fully recovered from infection or fully vaccinated.
    Covid|9 has the structure of HIV whereby vaccine try to deceive your immunity system to create T-Cell perish together with the virus just like overclocking immunity system temporarily but unable to deceive the variant.

  3. So this fuccin airline has all these people stranded due to them trying to force its workers to vaccinate. Wow! Not only would I sue these fucks I’d never fly with them again. This is an issue they should have resolved before they sold thousands of tickets. I’m more than sure people would have chosen another airline. How disrespectful to the customers.

  4. So this fuccin airline has all these people stranded due to them trying to force its workers to vaccinate. Wow! Not only would I sue these fucks I’d never fly with them again. This is an issue they should have resolved before they sold thousands of tickets. I’m more than sure people would have chosen another airline. How disrespectful to the customers.

  5. Covid-vaccine is an obstruction of covid virus to create new variant, it only able to hide the symptoms after get infected, at the same time to enhance your immunity system to against the virus temporarily like Morphine-Sulfate.
    Covid|9 is accumulative and permanently stay at human body's T-Cell then cause it malfunction to replicate, destroy and spread even you have fully recovered from covid infection or fully vaccinated. Peoples will die in covid one day when the immunity system become weak.

  6. Lets go Brandon. Oh, your liberal arts degree in pansexual child studies doesn't teach you to fly a airplane. Now you'll find out who makes the world go around. Trucker's, nurses, carpenters, domestic energy workers, the important people. Gonna be late to your D.C. wine party to discuss the latest social experiment.


  8. Folks this is the new corporate way of spreading misinformation to prevent a crisis. They are lying to you and using social media to reinforce their lies. Vaccine mandates are gonna cripple this airline. Hi niden

  9. Can’t wait for this to somehow soon be blamed on “the unvaccinated”

  10. As an airline employee I hope this spreads like wildfire through the entire industry. Serves these tyrants right for forcing the jab on us who don’t want it or need it

  11. Mandates are what caused your cancelations. Whoever came up with that weather related story should be fired for lack of intelligence LOL

  12. If you voted for Biden and are stuck at an airport or are unable to travel, you need to keep your trap SHUT because this is YOUR fault. You should be absolutely embarrassed and ashamed of yourself!!!

  13. The pilots clotted out. Dont worry Joe has some of those Haitians ready to fly those jets. The new program is called affirmative aviation 😉 the plane crashes will be equitable. Everyone will be equally consumed in flames

  14. ⭐️🇺🇸🦅TRUMP2020🦅🇺🇸⭐️

  15. Southwest has been having labor and mechanical issues for years. Not surprised it has comes to this. Blaming the Government for Southwest's ineptness is what you expect from a Texas based company.

  16. The Southwest personal who caused this disaster, have painted a bullseye on their backs. When it’s comes to promotions, pay increase, bonuses and flight assignments, mngt will remember who caused thousands of customers to be stranded for days. The added cost to passengers are significant. People cheering on this ignorance wouldn’t feel that way if they were one abruptly stranded.

  17. Who would VOTE for these people in our Govt. ??? Schumer 48 yrs, McConnell 47 yrs, Pelosi 46 yrs???
    N O B O D Y would …. This is almost FIVE DECADES without a loss??? This is complete CRAP!!!

  18. Amazing the leaders can be so incompetent at Southwest Airlines.. The vaccine had it months earlier, yeah it didn’t work..piece of junk.

  19. " … repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand "(Matthew 3: 2)

    "…10 And he said unto me, Seal not the words of the prophecy of this book; for the time is at hand.

    11 Let the unrighteous still do unrighteousness; let the unclean still be defiled; let the righteous still do righteousness, and let the holy one still be sanctified.

    12 Behold, I am coming soon, and my reward is with me, that I may reward every man according to his works.

    13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the First and the Last.

    14 Blessed are those who keep his commandments, that they may have a right to the tree of life, and enter the city by the gate.

    15 But outside are dogs, and sorcerers, and fornicators, and murderers, and idolaters, and everyone who loves and does unrighteousness.

    16 I, Jesus, have sent my angel to bear witness to you in the churches. I am the root and descendant of David, the bright and morning star.

    17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come! And let him who hears say: Come! Let him who is thirsty come, and let him who is desirous take the water of life freely.

    18 And I also bear witness to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will put on him the plagues that are written in this book;

    19 And if anyone takes away anything from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away from him his part in the book of life, and in t7he holy city, and in what is written in this book.

    20 He who bears witness to these things says, " I am coming soon." Amen to that. Hey, come on, Lord Jesus!

    21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ is with you all. Amen to that."

    Revelation of John the Evangelist, 22:10-21

    "But as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be in the coming of the Son of Man: for as in the days before the flood they ate, and drank, and married, and were married, until the day Noah entered the ark, and did not think until the flood came and destroyed them all, so will be the coming of the Son of Man; then there will be two in the field: one is taken, and the other is left; two grinding in the millstones: one is taken, and the other is left. Watch therefore, for you do not know at what hour your Lord will come"(Matthew 24: 32)

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