Southlake: Texas Suburb Becomes Epicenter In America’s Racial Upheaval – Car Mod Pros Portal

On paper, Southlake was a picture-perfect suburb: beautiful homes and excellent schools. But in 2018, a viral video of students using racial slurs in the mostly white school district created a searing divide in the once close-knit Texas community. What played out in Southlake – and the ensuing fight over proposed diversity plans – foreshadowed others across the country as peaceful neighborhoods descended into bitter arguments over diversity, education and critical race theory.
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#Southlake #NBCNewsDocumentary #RaceInAmerica


By carmodpros


35 thoughts on “Southlake: Texas Suburb Becomes Epicenter In America’s Racial Upheaval”
  1. Black people need to stop trying to live up to a standard that has nothing to do with our consciousness. Before we were stolen and enslaved we had our own standards, let's get back to it. It starts with education of self. It starts with the location of mankind's orgin, it start with Africa.

  2. I go to southlake and can tell u 100% I don’t know one person that is truly racist and judges off race. Like if u keep talking ab racism then ppl still will be racist. A newborn wouldn’t know ab racism and it is a taught mindset to be racist. People make jokes about black ppl here and joke about white ppl and all races it’s not exclusively blacks and Hispanics it’s all races but it’s a JOKE and nobody actually thinks they’re superior. Maybe the athletic parents do but that’s bc athletics not money or race.

  3. America held hostage by the spiritual disease called racism. It’s impossible to embrace injustice and imbalance without becoming unjust and unbalanced.

  4. I used to like Southlake, and shopped there many times. NEVER AGAIN. I refuse to put my money into a racist, non Christian community. Where there is racism, there is no REAL Christianity.

  5. That’s why those auditors who are fighting for constitutional amendments are very important to our country bcoz with them they Check those who abuses their power and then they can report it publicly

  6. If any black kid could pick his school, in the hood or in the suburbs, he or she would pick the suburbs and thats because the education is better. No matter where you go in America for the rest of your life you will need to learn how to navigate something that is totally man made, and that something is racism. So you might as well get the very best education you possibly can because the alternative is bad news.

  7. I would never move to Southlake. You can feel the racism when you just go there. I worked at the hospital close by and those Southlake patients are something else!

  8. I think if they can teach about slavery then they need to teach the whole story .then teach the whole UGLY TRUTH , about slavery and the nesty truth that took place after slavery , and still goes on to this day,……THE TRUTH HURTS.

  9. I don’t understand why minorities insist on living in these majority white communities. We have wealthy black communities. These are your children and you put them in harms way unnecessarily.

  10. What I've noticed is that wealthy people have such "privileged" spoiled kids who believe they are above everyone. Notice the kids are always driving brand new BMWs, recklessly as well. I really think the parents have no idea how these kids behave away from them.

  11. When Black folks have the opportunity, the best option is to home school your children. Give them a firm loving foundation so when they face the world they’re ready mentally, emotionally, and academically.
    I know of folks who formed home school groups and their children are advanced, well rounded, and full of confidence.
    Schools don’t educate our children they indoctrinate and condition them to accept the status quo.

  12. How do people live their lives ignoring the truth of others? It isn't that truth isn't there. Residents have spoken and proven their truth, their experience of racism without clear acknowledgment and clear denial from what is obvious now, a racist community. As the saying goes, "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree." The children who involve themselves in this blatant racial slurs and acts of hatred towards another race, has learned this in their own household. Their parents are undercover racist. Why would they not want a clear plan outlining fair and equal treatment to all races. White privilege! Trust, the day will come when they will see the light, hopefully, it will not be in the same way they've treated others. I hope Kayli's mother reports and documents every hate crime committed against her. The racial slur written on her car window is unacceptable. Report the ongoing acts. If the local police does nothing, take it to the federal authorities. Shame on all of you involved! Your day of reckoning will come.

  13. This is one reason I'll never move to the United States 🇺🇸. I admire the fortitude and boldness of minorities and African Americans over there.

  14. Blacks are going say they’ve had racism in their lives forever because it’s the way they’re allowed to collect more free money, they get free college they get free everything through welfare it’s a fact!

  15. Look @ that racism mess that Trump left behind. What a mess. Black lives do matter. 😠😠😠😠. His lies. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

  16. I am a blood relative of the Bob Jones family that pretty much were the first black settlers in the city . Even that was under condition as Bob Jones was a slave at the time but was able to function normally in the city due to the fact he owned land there. It took until after the George Floyd protests before the city commemorated him with an honorary statue at the park built in his honor years ago…Knowing the history behind my family and seeing what Southlake is like today, I still would never choose to live there. You won’t be looked at as equal ever being of another race and raising children there is unfavorable. The powers that be have to be held fully accountable for overlooking all the racial injustices that happen in these schools and in the city itself before true change can ever happen.

  17. Wake up call for all those light skinned black people who thought they were accepyptable to whites. Truth prevailed bc they showed u. These whites so racist they can’t even admit it, at least DT did. Black people let’s build our own communities again with our own weapons and top schools. Wow, that Indian parent is soooo sadly whitewashed. He wants to b so accepted by whites.

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